According to Tibetan legends, the nine-story demon building is the mausoleum of the ghost mother of the demon kingdom.

The Western Regions and the Central Plains had cultural exchanges thousands of years ago, and the two sides influenced and blended with each other. Therefore, some funeral customs in Tibet have the style of the Central Plains.

As a ghost mother with a high status in the Demon Kingdom, the design of her tomb refers to the tombs of the princes of the Central Plains.

The luxurious glazed roof comes from the Central Plains.

Ji Changsheng knew at a glance that this was the nine-story demon building they were looking for.

After thinking for a while, he took the pangolins back to the Dimension of God and returned to the ground.

"I found it, the nine-story demon building is right below."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was overjoyed, and praised Commander Hu's Tianxing Fengshui as expected.

Uncle Ming was gearing up and wanted to go down to find the crystal corpse himself.

The Glacier Crystal Corpse is the corpse of the ghost mother of the demon country, and it is buried in this nine-story demon building.

Ji Changsheng waved his hand and said.

"There are many traps in this demon building, and it is extremely dangerous. If you follow, it will only become a burden."

As he said that, he ordered a few skilled people to follow, and the others were waiting on it.

Those who followed Ji Changsheng to the grave were Xiaoge, Lie, Black Glasses, Hu Bayi, Shirley Yang, and Tiebang Lama.

Since the hole dug was too small, with a diameter of only one meter, it could not accommodate too many people, so Ji Changsheng took the lead, piercing through the top of the nine-story demon building, and then entering the interior of the demon building in turn.

After Ji Changsheng made arrangements, he returned to the bottom of the pit again.

This kind of glazed roof looks gorgeous, but it actually hides a mystery. If it is violently removed, it will trigger the mechanism.

There is a flame-throwing device hidden in the treasure roof of the nine-story demon building. Once it is opened, kerosene will spray out, and it will burn violently when it sees the air. It is estimated that the kerosene is mixed with flammable materials such as white phosphorus.

In the original book, Han Shuna was burned to death by this kerosene mechanism.

It's a pity that the person who designed the treasure building could never have imagined that the person who opened this ancient tomb thousands of years later was a master at playing with fire.

In Ji Changsheng's eyes, this kerosene mechanism is just like a lighter.

He raised his head and shouted above the hole.

"Get out of the way, something is coming out!"

After everyone backed away, he did it.

Skill: Dragon Scale Armor activates!

A layer of dragon scales quickly covered the whole body, emitting a faint luster.

Protected by a dragon scale armor, even the tens of thousands of degrees of heat couldn't hurt him at all.

Then, he stomped hard with his right foot.

Under his divine power, the hard top was trampled out of a big hole like tofu.

A burst of blue flames immediately erupted from the hole, reaching a height of more than ten meters!

If it wasn't for Ji Changsheng's reminder, the crowd watching above would have been burned by the soaring fire.

Perhaps due to the age, part of the fire oil evaporated, and the flame lasted for a short time, extinguishing in less than half a minute.

After the lamp flame was extinguished, Ji Changsheng stomped on it a few more times, expanding the hole to a diameter of one meter, and below it was the ninth floor of the nine-story demon building.

"Come down."

He yelled and jumped down.

I saw that the area of ​​the ninth floor was not large, only about tens of square meters, and it was empty, with nothing in it.

Judging from the architectural style of this floor, the nine-story demon building should be a traditional structure with a narrow top and a wide bottom, with the area getting larger as it goes down.

Soon, little brother and the others also came to the ninth floor.

Hu Bayi looked at it and couldn't help being taken aback.

"The nine-story demon building is the mausoleum of the ghost mother of the demon country. According to the level, it is equivalent to the prince's tomb in the Central Plains."

"Every floor should have a wealth of funerary objects, but there is nothing here!"

"Could it be that...someone got there first and emptied all the treasures?"

Ji Changsheng laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Old Hu, why have you become like a fat man, only thinking about the baby."

Hu Bayi smiled embarrassedly.

"I used to be afraid of being poor. I was with Commander Wang every day and was influenced by him."

"But... Mr. Ji, I'm afraid someone has been here before."

Ji Changsheng said without thinking.

"If anyone has been here, just go down and have a look."

When Lie heard this, he hurriedly searched for the passage down, but he searched around but found nothing.

"Hey, it's really strange. This floor seems to be closed, and there is no entrance to go down."

"Is this the only floor in the nine-story demon building?"

Lama Tiebang shook his head immediately.

"In the eyes of the people of the Demon Kingdom, the nine-story demon building represents the nine levels of the universe, and each level is isolated and unconnected."

"You can only go down if you break through the compartment."

Lie couldn't help smiling.

"How difficult is this."

As soon as the voice fell, he raised his hand and punched the floor.

The little brother hurriedly stood aside, fearing that some powerful mechanism would appear.

In the end, no mechanism was triggered, except for a big hole in the floor, and the surroundings were dead silent.

Lie didn't think much, and immediately jumped down from the big hole.

Soon, his voice came from below.

"Strange, there is nothing on this floor!"

Everyone hurriedly followed to the eighth floor, only to see that this floor was empty except for the larger area, without even a hair.

Hu Bayi became even more suspicious.

"Mr. Ji, it is said that the treasures in the nine-story demon building are piled up like a mountain. Since ancient times, many people have coveted them. I guess some colleagues have come here."

"That crystal corpse must have been stolen long ago."

Ji Changsheng thought for a while, then shook his head.

"No, this treasure building was built after the Demon Kingdom was wiped out. At that time, the Demon Kingdom did not have enough financial resources to support it, so there were no funeral objects, but the crystal corpse must be here. Those things are not something that can be taken away by the idle people. .”

Lama Iron Rod took out the iron rod and said.

"No matter what, the most important thing is to find and destroy the ghost mother's body."

So Lie did it again, smashing a big hole in the floor.

Everyone came to the seventh floor one by one, and there was a new discovery on this floor.

The area of ​​the seventh floor has expanded to more than 100 square meters. There are a lot of living utensils on the ground, all of which are pots and pans. There are bone wares, jade wares, wooden wares, and several gold and silver wares.

But the overall value is not high, not worthy of the respected status of the ghost mother.

Perhaps, as Ji Changsheng said, the Demon Kingdom had already fallen at that time, and they spent all their money to get this little thing to be buried with them, and there was no extra financial resources left.

The purpose of their trip is not wealth, and no one cares about it.

"Lie, continue."

"Don't stop until you find the crystal corpse."

Under Ji Changsheng's order, Lie Da stretched his fists and smashed open the floor of the seventh floor.

If the Moguo people were still alive, they would probably vomit blood due to his methods. This is not a tomb robber, it is simply a violent demolition team.

When everyone came to the sixth floor, they finally had something new.

However, in the entire sixth floor, there are colorful ghost banners hanging everywhere.

The wind was blowing, and the chill was pressing.

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