Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 557 Wang Zanghai's Grand Vision

According to local legends, in ancient times, there was a huge conch that became a spirit and brought disaster to one side.

Later, the Buddha subdued him with the power of the sky, and the conch came to his senses, put down the butcher knife, became a Buddha immediately, and was canonized as the guardian god of Buddhism.

After becoming a Buddha, the conch shed its shell and ascended to the Paradise of Paradise in the Western Paradise. Its shell remained in the mortal world. Over time, it turned into a glacier thousands of miles away, known as the Shenluogou Glacier.

After finishing this legend on the first day of the junior high school, he said again.

"The topography of Shenluogou is like a huge conch shell. People weave this legend based on the shape of the conch."

The fat man couldn't help laughing.

"If the terrain here looks like a pig, then it's Shenzhugou. These myths and legends are nothing more than lively sounds, and they can't be taken as true."

After Ji Changsheng thought for a while, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the place where the demonic aura rose just now.

"On the first day of junior high school, is that place the exact center of the conch shell?"

Chuyi looked in the direction he pointed for a while, then nodded.


Ji Changsheng said immediately.

"The shrine should be there, let's go straight to Huanglong tomorrow morning!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being excited. They didn't expect to find the location of the Jingu just after entering Shenluogou. This trip to Kunlun was much smoother than expected.

It was getting late, people found a shelter from the wind and set up camp.

Spending the night on a glacier at minus [-] degrees is really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, most of the team were not ordinary people, and they brought enough warm supplies, so there was no big problem.

Only Uncle Ming and his weaker ones were shivering from the cold even though they sat around the campfire.

After a hasty dinner, Uncle Ming and Han Shuna couldn't bear the severe cold, so they immediately got into the windproof tent and wrapped themselves like rice dumplings with thickened sleeping and quilts.

The fat man couldn't help asking when he saw Ah Xiang whose face was blue with cold.

"Girl, you are as afraid of the cold as they are, why don't you go into the tent to shelter from the wind?"

Ah Xiang looked a little panicked, she turned her head to look at Uncle Ming's tent, and said in a low voice when she heard thunderous snoring coming from inside.

"I saw terrible things in godfather and godmother!"

The fat man couldn't help being startled.

"What did you see? It's evil spirits and ghosts entangled them? There are eminent monks here, who can just exorcise them."

Ah Xiang shook her head, and replied with a complicated expression.

"I see a change taking place in them, and they are becoming terrible ghosts!"

Upon hearing this, Lama Tiebang nodded quickly.

"This girl is quite spiritual. In fact, the poor monk has also noticed that there is an evil spirit in them, which is gradually getting stronger, but the poor monk is not sure what the reason is, so he didn't say anything."

Chen Wenjin, who had been silent since entering Kunlun, finally spoke.

"Master, they are undergoing a corpse change."

Lama Tiebang couldn't help being taken aback.

"How can a living person undergo a corpse change? It's unlikely...unless it's the legendary zombie god!"

There was an ancient cult in Tibet more than 1000 years ago. They made living people into living corpse gods, enshrined them as evil gods, and drove them with evil methods to bring disaster to one party.

Later, it was exterminated by the two living Buddhas together, and the living corpse god disappeared.

When the fat man heard this, he said hastily.

"We saw the living corpse god thing in Medog, and it was killed by Mr. Ji."

In this regard, Lama Tiebang was not surprised. As a bodhisattva who came into the world, killing a living corpse god is just a matter of effort.

Chen Wenjin shook his head.

"It's not the zombie gods. Like me, they are all people who have undergone longevity experiments."

"If the experiment is successful, you will gain immortality, and if it fails, you will undergo a corpse change."

Dr. Luo once said this before several of their hostages were tested in Lanzha Temple.

"After this operation, I will be my own person from now on."

It turns out that all the people under Wang Zanghai have undergone this kind of experiment, the purpose is to let them gain longevity!

It's just that the success rate of this kind of experiment is extremely low, more than 90% of the people have failed, and only a very small number of successful people.

Although the risks are great, the benefits are also great. Once you succeed, you will live forever!
Wang Zanghai used this method to recruit capable people and bring them under his command.

Immortality, how many people can resist this temptation?
Lie and Asheng couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard this.

"Ms. Wen Jin, what do you mean, we have also undergone this kind of experiment?"

Chen Wenjin nodded, and replied calmly.

"Yes, it's just that you succeeded, Uncle Ming and the others failed."

Lie couldn't help but slapped his thigh and cursed.

"Ma De, I thought he was kind enough to check me up, so he did all these crooked tricks on me!"

Ah Sheng also patted his chest with lingering fear. Fortunately, it succeeded, otherwise they would have turned into monsters too!

Ji Changsheng said with some doubts.

"Isn't Wang Zanghai afraid of experiment failure?"

As the saying goes, a thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find.

Lie, Master Hei, Ah Zhong, Ah Sheng, they are all geniuses who are rare in a century, if the experiment fails, wouldn't it be a loss of a few generals in vain?

After thinking for a while, Chen Wenjin replied.

"I used to think that this was just a simple longevity experiment. Later, I gradually realized that this experiment seems to have another purpose."

"In order to screen out the right people!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at her in bewilderment.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Wenjin replied slowly.

"The new world that Wang Zanghai wants to create is a world free from disease and death. Only those who are successful in the experiment and obtain immortality are eligible to survive in the new world!"

"I guess that's his real purpose."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

Wang Zanghai said that he wants to build a brand new world, an unprecedented world.

In the new world, everyone is equal and there is no injustice.

But this ideal world only exists in fantasy, and it is unlikely to be realized in reality.

Now when Chen Wenjin said it, people understand it.

For human beings, there is only one thing that is fair, and that is death.

Whether emperors, generals, or poor commoners, they will inevitably die in the end.

And Wang Zanghai's grand vision is to keep death away from human beings!

Regardless of high or low status, everyone in the new world is immortal!

Once immortality is achieved, the social system that human beings have maintained for thousands of years will collapse, completely overthrow and start over, and build a brand new world on the ruins!

Everyone was silent for a long time, all lowered their heads in thought.

If this is the case, then Wang Zanghai's Millennium Plan does not seem to be that evil.

Once successful, it will benefit all mankind.

And Wang Zanghai will become the god who created a new world!

At this time, Ji Changsheng sneered.

"What about those who failed?"

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