Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 540 The mental hospital is on holiday

Kunlun Mountain, known as the ancestor of all mountains since ancient times, is the birthplace of the Chinese ancestor dragon.

The so-called ancestral dragon refers to the head of the world's dragon veins.

Dragon veins are mountains in Feng Shui. The Kunlun Mountains stretch thousands of miles and are majestic and majestic. The nine largest dragon veins in the world all originate here.

At this time, it is the twelfth lunar month of winter and the season of biting cold wind.

In the depths of the thousands of feet of snow-capped mountains, the weather is bad and there are few pedestrians.

A thick layer of ice formed on the ground, and as far as the eye could see, it was covered with snow for thousands of miles.

At the southern foot of Kunlun, a small village with a hundred families at the foot of the mountain.

The gates of every household in the village were closed, and the villagers were sheltering from the wind and snow at home, sitting on the pit head drinking and bragging.

I was drinking to the fullest, in a family's house at the head of the village.

The host inadvertently looked out of the window, and saw a figure looming in the wind and snow.

"Hey, how come there are still people outside in such a big snowstorm?"

Now is the coldest time of the year, the outdoor temperature is close to minus [-] degrees, coupled with the howling wind.

In this ghostly weather, if you stay outside, you will be frozen to death within half an hour.

The hostess leaned over to the window, wiped the mist from the window, and saw clearly.

"It looks like a foreigner, no, a foreigner?"

But on the road in the distance, there is a tall and straight figure, walking alone in the wind and snow, with calm and firm steps.

The man was tall and tall, wearing only a windbreaker, with unkempt curly hair and dark skin, he looked like a South Asian.

The male owner immediately jumped down from the pit, put the dog fur coat on his body, and went out.

"It looks like a lost foreign tourist. It's so cold, we can't let him stay outside, he will freeze to death."

The hostess quickly grabbed a coat and threw it to him.

"Make him wear it too."

The male host took the coat, pushed the door out, and walked towards the man against the wind and snow.

When he came to the front and back, he took a closer look, and he was indeed a foreigner, who looked like a Tianzhu.

This person looks to be in his 30s, and he is considered handsome among Tianzhu people, with a tall and straight figure and a firm face.

"Hello, you are so oily, are you lost?"

The host didn't know how to speak Tianzhu, but he knew that Tianzhu was once a colony of the British Empire, and most Tianzhu people could speak English, so he greeted them in kindergarten-level English.

The Tianzhu man did not stop, his eyes were straight ahead, as if nothing could disturb him.

"I'm not lost, I know exactly where I'm going."

When the host heard this, he was relieved immediately, feeling that this guy's Chinese is so good, so he doesn't need to speak English.

"Then where are you going? Within a hundred miles, there is only our village. Going further is the road up the mountain. There are no people on the mountain."

Only then did the Tianzhu man stop in his tracks, and looked down at the enthusiastic host who was a head shorter than him.

He smiled slightly and said.

"I just want to go up the mountain."

The male host couldn't help being dumbfounded, and thought to himself, everyone said that foreigners like to die, no, they like to take risks, it seems that they are right.

Going up the mountain in such cold weather, wouldn't it be lighting lanterns in the latrine - looking for death.

He quickly handed over the coat in his hand.

"You want to go up the mountain. Now is not the time. When the winter is over and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, there will be a guide in the village to take you up the mountain to play."

"Put on your coat first, so you don't get frozen."

The Tianzhu man waved his hand lightly.

"No need, I'm not cold."

The male host was dumbfounded. I'm afraid this buddy has something wrong with his head. He is an international friend who escaped from a mental hospital.

No, he cannot be allowed to die on the mountain.

Coax him into the house first, then call the mental hospital and ask them to pick him up.

Made up his mind, the host said quickly.

"Even if you want to go up the mountain, you should be hungry."

"Our family just stewed a big pig's trotter, which is delicious, and there is also old wine."

"Come in and have a drink to warm yourself up."

The Tianzhu man thought for a while, nodded, and followed the host into the courtyard.

But I was thinking in my heart, it seems that I am still a little away from God, and I cannot completely give up the desires of the flesh.

As soon as he stepped into the yard, the big black dog at the gate started barking like crazy.

The host hurried over and kicked him, cursing.

"This is an international friend. It's not like you haven't seen it before. Why are you coaxing?"

The big black dog ignored the owner's scolding, and continued to bark, and even wanted to break free from the chain, and rushed to bite.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Tianzhu people, and a faint breath was released.

The big black dog suddenly foamed at the mouth, rolled over and fell to the ground, violently convulsing.

When the host saw it, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Dogs can also go epileptic? I've lived for decades, and this is the first time I've seen it."

He hurried forward to check, only to find that the black dog was dead!
Seeing this, the hostess immediately ran out. The dog who had been raised for ten years died inexplicably, and she couldn't help crying on the spot.

"The head of the house, it seems that he ate the meat bait with rat poison."

"When the weather clears up, find a place to bury it."

The male host sighed helplessly and had no choice but to give up.

The couple invited the guests into the house. The room was steaming with 27 octaves, and it was completely two worlds from the outside.

After the Tianzhu people saw the rich dishes on the table, they were not polite, and sat down bravely.

As soon as the hostess brought the bowls and chopsticks from the kitchen, she saw him reaching out to fish out a piece of meat from the hot pot and stuffing it directly into his mouth.

"How do you use your hands, it will burn you..."

The host hurriedly pulled her aside and said in a low voice.

"This man may have sneaked out of the mental hospital. Let's stabilize him first. You go and call the hospital in the city. Go quickly."

Only then did the hostess enter the back room, and the host accompanied him to drink with a smile.

"I heard that people in Tianzhu eat with their hands. You can use whatever you like, as long as your hands don't feel hot."

While speaking, the Tianzhu man had already stuffed several pieces of meat into his stomach, and sucked his fingers in satisfaction.

"taste good."

As he spoke, he scanned the room again, and said again.

"It seems that the conditions in your family are not good, and you don't even have servants."

The male host couldn't help laughing and said.

"What age is it, still a servant."

"Now is a new society, where everyone is equal, and the feudal society is no longer practiced."

As soon as these words came out, the Tianzhu man smiled slightly and nodded.

"I forgot."

He was born in a high-caste aristocratic family of Kshatriya, with more than 100 servants in his family, which is normal in Tianzhu.

Then, he said again.

"Both of you are kind-hearted people, very good."

"After the new world is established in the future, people like you are eligible to survive."

Hearing this, the hostess couldn't help being taken aback.

"What's the matter?"

However, he was relieved immediately.

What is the truth between me and a mental patient, what he says is what he says.

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