The sound from the bottom of the lake was extremely loud, piercing through the ice layer several meters thick, and it was still deafening.

Everyone felt their eardrums go numb and their brains buzzed.

Fatty's face changed abruptly, and he said tremblingly.

"What a loud sound, louder than the engine of a large airliner!"

"What the hell is this!"

The engine of a large airliner can reach 140 decibels. If there is no sound insulation equipment, people standing in front of the engine will be shattered eardrums.

The passenger plane flew through the clouds thousands of meters high, and the people on the ground could still hear the huge roar.

But the sound under the lake is louder than the sound of an airplane engine!
And the sound doesn't sound like some kind of machine, but something alive!

As a biologist, Jack said with an unbelievable expression.

"Judging by the sound, this thing is much bigger than the blue whale!"

"But are there such creatures in this world?"

Although Ji Changsheng's expression was solemn, his tone was as calm as ever.

"There are too many things bigger than blue whales."

The Snake Mother of Xiwangmu Kingdom, Huo's Undead Worm of Chonggu, Taisui Corpse Cave, and Miluotuo Patriarch of Banai.

Pick one out at random, and it's much bigger than a blue whale.

Jack was speechless immediately. Ever since he met Ji Changsheng in Changbai Mountain, his world view has been completely subverted, and he can no longer use his previous common sense to judge.

While speaking, I only heard a crackling sound from the ice in the distance.

Everyone looked up, only to see that the ice layer several meters thick had cracked.

Countless cracks spread rapidly in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, the entire lake was covered with cracks!
Hu Bayi's expression changed.

"Everyone, get out of the way, the things under the lake are about to come out!"

Everyone quickly retreated more than 100 meters away, climbed up a small hill, and looked towards the lake.

When people are condescending and can overlook the entire lake, a terrifying picture appears in front of them.

There is no pollution in this frozen lake, the lake water is extremely clear, and the ice layer several meters thick is almost transparent.

Through the ice, people saw a huge black shadow writhing under the lake.

Judging from its writhing posture, it should be a living thing.

But the problem is, the length of this thing exceeds 1000 meters!

Such a huge living creature reminded Fatty of Banai's giant Miluotuo ancestor.

"Damn, there is also a thousand-year-old tree spirit under this lake!"

After Wu Xie saw this scene, she quickly shook her head and said.

"The ice layer will distort the line of sight and cause visual illusions. In fact, this thing is not that big, but... it is big enough!"

Even if the line of sight is distorted, this thing is hundreds of meters long!

Even Ji Changsheng was very curious about underwater things.

So huge and alive, what could it be?

At this moment, there was a loud bang.

The ice layer in the center of the lake suddenly exploded, and thousands of tons of ice cubes flew in all directions, flying into the air at a height of several hundred meters, and falling in all directions.

A circular ice cave with a diameter of more than 300 meters appeared in the center of the explosion.

A gigantic thing emerged from the ice hole.

The sky-shattering roar resounded through the sky.

Everyone was stunned by the roar, and some people with weaker physiques even foamed at the mouth and went into shock!

This roar is at least 200 decibels or more!

Only the most powerful people were not affected, but the scene in front of them was enough to shock them.

What emerged from under the lake turned out to be a legendary giant sea monster.

On the huge round head, there is a frightening mouth, with eyes on both sides of the head.

There is no body under the head, but a dozen thick tentacles.

Each tentacle is more than 200 meters long, and the snake mother in Xiwangmu country is not as big as one of its tentacles!

The troll waved its tentacles, showing off its might and mighty power.

Its astonishing size made everyone startled.

Those who had never seen Ji Changsheng's methods all thought of running away.

Zhang Haixing turned pale with fright, and said tremblingly.

"Patriarch, we don't bring heavy weapons, I'm afraid we can't deal with this thing, let's avoid the edge for now."

The little brother looked at the giant monster, shook his head and said.

"Lanzha Temple is close at hand, how can I give up."

Zhang Haixing said again.

"We are not giving up, we are avoiding this thing, bypassing this frozen lake, and entering Lanza Temple from another direction."

The little brother still shook his head.

"The terrain of Lanzha Temple is special. If you take a detour, it will take at least three months."

If it is delayed for three months, the day lily will be cold.

Zhang Haixing and the Zhang family all looked at each other in blank dismay. If they insisted on passing through here, what about this giant monster?
Lie couldn't help laughing and said.

"What a big octopus, but this thing is too big, the fiber is too thick, the meat is definitely not tasty."

"I'm not interested at all anyway."

The fat man said with a displeased face.

"It won't hurt your back when you stand and talk, so stop making sarcastic remarks there."

"If you were to fight with it, you wouldn't be able to laugh!"

Lie laughed and said.

"It seems that you are really scared by this thing. I didn't pay attention to this big octopus."

As he spoke, he looked at Ji Changsheng.

"Hey, you can't even solve this little problem, can you?"

Only then did Ji Changsheng smile lightly, and said four words.

"Easy as pie."

When the others heard it, they were all stunned.

Such a terrifying giant monster, the two of them actually dismissed it, is this the confidence of an extremely strong man!
At the same time, Doctor Luo on the other side of the lake was looking at Ah Sheng's stunned expression with a proud face.

Ah Sheng was really taken aback by this thing, his beautiful eyes showed infinite curiosity and surprise.

Dr. Luo saw what she was thinking, and quickly introduced it in detail.

"This is the result of my whole life's research, the pinnacle of biological gene technology!"

It turned out that for more than 100 years, the secret project he was in charge of was the genetic modification project.

This giant monster is not a mutated octopus, or even a mollusc, but a combination of genes from more than 80 kinds of animals. It is an artificial creature that does not exist in nature!
And he made not just this one, but hundreds of them!
Decades ago, he put hundreds of experimental subjects in containers and sank them to the bottom of the lake.

After those experimental subjects matured in the box, they broke out of the box and took this lake as their home.

Hundreds of artificial creatures in the same lake, there will only be one result.


Decades later, all other man-made creatures are dead except for the most powerful one.

This big octopus has killed hundreds of its kind, and it was bred by raising Gu.

It is a biological weapon born for killing!
Doctor Luo smiled proudly.

"It is a perfect creature, extremely powerful and has no weaknesses."

"Bai Xiuluo's zombie toys are not worth mentioning in front of it."

"Ji Changsheng, you will experience the horror of hell soon!"

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