Everyone looked at the dilapidated mountain temple, not daring to underestimate it.

Just by triggering the two organs, Professor Yang's life was taken away, and Er Yuehong was forced to flee. This mountain temple is like a Shura hell!

This can't help but make Hu Bayi realize one thing.

"Mr. Ji, there are such powerful organs in this mountain temple. I think this must be the most important part of the nine-turn loop, and it may be the entrance to the tomb of King Xian!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone agreed.

Only places that are very important and confidential will spend a lot of time arranging so many organs to ambush. This mountain temple must be extraordinary!
Ji Changsheng couldn't help secretly applauding, Hu Bayi is worthy of being the protagonist of Ghost Blowing Lantern, he looks rough, but in fact he has a meticulous mind and extraordinary insight.

Hu Bayi's judgment is correct, this mountain temple is the entrance to Xianwang's tomb!

Fatty and Wang Kaixuan couldn't bear it any longer when they heard this, and stepped forward to ask.

"Mr. Ji, if it's really the entrance to King Xian's Tomb, the mechanism inside must be very powerful. How do we get in?"

Ji Changsheng looked at the location of the mountain temple and waved his big hand.

"You all stay away."

If he came alone, no matter how dangerous the organs in the mountain temple were, they would not be able to do anything to him.

But other people don't have such a strong strength, if they rush in rashly, there is no guarantee that something will go wrong.

"How can a small mountain temple stop me?"

After thinking about it, Ji Changsheng decided to take this opportunity to try out new skills.

Skill: Natural Seed Activated!

A pea-sized seed appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"Inject 2 vitality points!"

A surge of vitality poured into the seeds, and the seeds were changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It grew from the size of a pea to the size of a palm in the blink of an eye!

Ji Changsheng threw the seeds into the distance, and everyone witnessed this incredible scene.

After the seed fell to the ground, it frantically absorbed the nutrients of the earth, grew limbs and a head in just a second, and became about the size of a human being.

The fledgling Miluotuo warrior curled up on the ground like a newborn baby.

When it stretched its limbs, its body size rapidly expanded every second.

In just ten seconds, the size has increased dozens of times!
Accompanied by a deep roar, a giant with a height of more than ten meters and a weight of tens of tons climbed up from the ground.

After seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"Damn it, is this the legendary "Scattering Beans and Soldiers!"

"Isn't this the kind of thing under the Zhang family's ancient building, Miluotuo!"

"Mr. Ji is really... amazing!"

The reason why Ji Changsheng spent his precious vitality to cultivate this Miluotuo warrior was mainly for two purposes.

One is to test whether this thing works well, and the other is to break the mechanism in the mountain temple.

"Go, demolish this temple!"

He didn't know if the thing could understand commands, and if it couldn't, it was a piece of crap.

After receiving the order, the Miluotuo warrior went straight to the mountain temple and knocked off the broken roof with one palm!
Ji Changsheng couldn't help but feel happy, it seems that the IQ of this thing is higher than he imagined.

At this moment, a puff of poisonous smoke rose from the wreckage of the roof, and hundreds of arrows were shot.

It's a pity that these mechanisms are just tickling for the Miluotuo fighters, and they can't hurt it at all.

Just heard a loud bang.

The miluotuo warriors flexed their muscles and tore down the porch walls and roof of the mountain temple, completely exposing the interior.

Various traps are constantly triggered, poisonous smoke, arrows, yellow sand, kerosene, there are so many types, all of which are extremely vicious.

It's a pity that these organs were designed to deal with human beings. The builders back then never dreamed that after more than 2000 years, the construction workers responsible for demolishing this dilapidated building were not human beings!
These organs are all ineffective against Miluotuo fighters, which is exactly what Ji Changsheng intended.

Er Yuehong and the black-backed sixth son on the side were stunned and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Can it still be like this..."

Inside the mountain temple, there is a tall statue enshrined. This statue has a hideous and terrifying appearance, which is completely different from the image of the mountain gods in the Central Plains. It is more like a demon king than a mountain god.

There are nine toads around the statue, which are carved from stone and arranged according to the directions of the nine palaces and eight trigrams.

These toads are important signs pointing to Xianwang's tomb!


Ji Changsheng stopped the Miluotuo soldiers who were under construction, stepped forward to take a closer look, and found a white bone in a corner.

A backpack and a gas mask were also scattered beside the bones.

According to his order, the Miluotuo warrior carefully carried these things out and placed them in front of Xue Liyang.

Xue Liyang held back the grief in her heart, carefully checked the contents of the backpack, and confirmed that this bone was her father.

Tears could no longer hold back and dripped down. In front of everyone, she lay down on her father's remains and wept bitterly.

Seeing this, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan hurried forward to comfort them.

In fact, this result was already foreseen.

Ji Changsheng walked into the mountain temple and checked it carefully. It was exactly the same as described in the original book.

These nine toads are indeed the mechanism to open the secret path!

In the original book, in order to open the secret channel mechanism, Hu Bayi tried three times, and finally succeeded in the last time.

Ji Changsheng has integrated the sixteen-character feng shui yin and yang secret technique, and his attainments in Tianxing feng shui far surpass Hu Bayi.

It didn't take much effort to see the password to open the mechanism.

He stepped forward and gently twisted three of the toads in order.

There was a muffled bang, and the exposed mountain wall slowly cracked open, and a secret door appeared in front of everyone.

But Ji Changsheng didn't rush in, but waved his hand.

"Tear this damn place down for me!"

There are still many vicious organs left in this mountain temple, which must be completely dismantled, otherwise future generations will be tricked when they come here.

After the Miluotuo warrior got the order, he let go of his hands and feet and destroyed them as much as he wanted.

Under its strange power, within a quarter of an hour, the entire mountain temple was razed to the ground, and all hidden organs were destroyed.

Shirley Yang put away her grief, Wang Kaixuan put her father's remains in her backpack, and everyone came to the secret door together.

Ji Changsheng ordered Mi Luotuo soldiers to guard the door, and then led the people into the secret door.

Behind this secret door is a deep passage, and after entering, I only feel the wind blowing.

Everyone turned on the flashlights to take a photo, and couldn't help but be startled by the surrounding scene.

I saw that this was a deep underground cave, and there were countless white bones piled up in the cave.

If you look around, you can't see the end!
On closer inspection, these white bones are all animal bones, and there are no human beings.

Fatty's eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted excitedly.

"Commander Wang, look, that's ivory!"

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