Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 380 is near here

The big tree fell down, splashing a cloud of dust.

Everyone vaguely saw a huge thing in the dust, this thing shouldn't appear in such a place at all!

The fat man blurted out and shouted.

"I'm going, it's a plane!"

That thing was the wreckage of an airplane!

After the dust dissipated, everyone took a closer look. Only the front half of the nose of the plane remained. It looked very old and covered with moss. It had obviously been crashed here for many years.

The fat man blinked and remembered something.

"Mr. Ji, the sound of the transmitter we heard before, could it be from this thing?"

At first they thought that the sound of the transmitter was caused by the tree demon, and there could be no transmitter in this primeval forest.

But the appearance of the wreckage made people realize that there is a wireless communication device in the cockpit!
Hu Bayi stepped forward to look at it, and pointed to the serial number of the nose.

"The transport planes of the U.S. Air Force all have numbers beginning with the letter C. This is an old model from World War II. I guess it was shot down by the Japanese army. It has been more than 70 years. It is impossible for anyone to be alive."

After finishing speaking, I added another sentence.

"Even if someone is alive, he was killed by this tree demon."

The fat man asked puzzledly.

"Then what's the matter with the transmitter sound we heard?"

Ji Changsheng smiled and went straight into the wreckage.

"Go in and see if you don't know."

Everyone got in immediately. Although only the front half of the plane was left, the wreckage was still more than ten meters long. Apart from the cockpit, part of the cargo compartment was preserved.

The cargo hold was littered with wooden boxes, some of which had been smashed to reveal their contents.

Wang Kaixuan took a closer look, his eyes couldn't help but shine.

"It's a Chicago typewriter! It's a rare thing."

He wasn't talking about a real typewriter, but a Thompson submachine gun, the kind of gun that was once popular all over the United States. It was the standard equipment of old-school gangsters and often appeared in gangster movies.

Both Wang Kaixuan and Hu Bayi grew up in the army compound, and they have been fans of the army since childhood.

When military fans saw guns, they immediately clung to them like bees seeing flowers.

Everyone opened the wooden box and saw hundreds of well-preserved submachine guns, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition, several boxes of grenades, and some military cans and other supplies.

Hu Bayi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It seems that the U.S. Air Force passed the Hump route back then to deliver arms and supplies to the front line. This route is an important supply line for China and the Allied forces. There are many Japanese air defense positions along the way. They must have been shot down by the Japanese army."

Wang Kaixuan raised the Thompson submachine gun in his hand and said.

"However, these things are not considered a waste, and continue to shine in our hands."

"This Old Xian Wang is vicious. There must be a lot of weird things in his tomb. These ammunition will come in handy."

Everyone got into the cockpit to check again, but saw two bones on the driver's seat, wearing the uniform of the US Air Force.

Hu Bayi looked at it and couldn't help being suspicious.

"Could it be that the souls of these two pilots are still there, sending out a distress signal in the middle of the night?"

Shirley Yang's expression changed slightly, and she said.

"Don't tell me, I almost forgot. The Morse code we heard just now is SOS!"

International distress signal!
Fatty and Wang Kaixuan were taken aback, and hurriedly bowed to the two bones, muttering something.

"Two international friends, you sacrificed to support the great war of resistance. We will never let your corpses be exposed in the wilderness. You two can reincarnate with peace of mind."

After looking carefully, Ji Changsheng pointed to the instruments on the bridge and said.

"There are two possibilities, either some wild animals have activated the communicator, or the souls of the two pilots are really calling for help."

"Anyway, they both died for the War of Resistance, so let's bury them properly."

So, everyone moved the two bones out and prepared to dig a pit for burial.

The fat man couldn't help asking.

"Commander Hu, these two can be regarded as battle heroes, we can't just bury them, show me a geomantic treasure."

Hu Bayi looked around and pointed to his feet.

"The place where the great wizard is buried is a treasure, so here it is."

Fatty, Hu Bayi, and Wang Kaixuan dug a hole on the spot with their engineering shovels.

After digging for a short time, the fat man couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"There's something down here!"

Everyone stepped forward to see that a strange-looking stone was dug out of the pit.

Ji Changsheng's eyes lit up and said.

"This is a stone tablet, you guys come up."

After the three of them came up, he released a few pangolins from the Dimension of God.

These little guys made meritorious service in the Snake Marsh Ghost City last time. Ji Changsheng knew that he would use them in the future, so he kept them in the God's Dimension. Time in the God's Dimension is static. Die, the food will never expire and spoil if you put it in.

Several pangolins are expert burrowers, much more efficiently than humans.

The dust was flying, and the entire stele was dug out in less than an hour.

Compared with ordinary tombstones, this stone tablet is several times larger, about five meters high and two meters wide, and the base is a huge stone bastard.

Hu Bayi couldn't help exclaiming.

"Such a large stele is rarely seen in the tombs of princes and princes. Usually, only the tombs of emperors have them."

"The only thing buried here is a great wizard, and there is such a big handwriting!"

It can be seen from this that the status of this great wizard is very respected, and it is no small matter.

The fat man didn't take it seriously, and immediately expressed it.

"What's the use of making the stele so big? It's better to get more funerary objects."

"The goods in his coffin are far worse than those in the prince's tomb."

Wang Kaixuan also said immediately.

"What the fat man said is that spending money on it is pure waste, and who can see it buried in the ground."

"Besides, this stele is so big, no matter how valuable it is, we can't move it away. It would be more practical to get more gold, silver and jewelry."

Everyone was speechless when they heard this. No matter what these two fat guys see, they can remind you of gold and silver treasures.

Ji Changsheng chuckled and said.

"Otherwise, this stele is of great use."

The two fat men were taken aback for a moment, and asked quickly.

"What's the use?"

Ji Changsheng pointed to the stele and replied.

"This monument is actually not dedicated to the great wizard, but dedicated to the king!"

"Only nobles at the monarch level have such treatment."

The fat man blinked, expressing his confusion.

"Why is the tombstone dedicated to the king buried here?"

Then, his whole body couldn't help shaking, and he said with joy on his face.

"Could it be that... the King Xian's Tomb is here!"

Everyone hurriedly looked around. Could it be that the King Xian's tomb they were looking for was near this couple tree!
Ji Changsheng laughed.

"You can also put it this way, when we saw this stele, we had already entered the range of the King's Tomb!"

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