Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 378 The True Face of the Dryad

While the others were still at a loss, Ji Changsheng had already seen through the true face of this thing.

"It's time for the farce to end!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was no longer polite.

Skill: Nine Illusory Realms activate!

Skill: Unlimited Fear Launched!

This is a mental attack skill, and it is only useful to humans. How can it work on a tree?
The answer is simple, because the tree was actually manipulated by people!
Ji Changsheng's real purpose is to force the manipulator behind the scenes to show up!
With his current skill strength, unless it is a strong player with his strength, it will not be affected, even a top expert like Er Yuehong will be tricked!
Moments later.

Only a heart-piercing scream came from the tree hole.

"Ah! Help!"

This call was clearly a man's voice, and everyone was dumbfounded.

There is someone in this tree hole!

Ji Changsheng said in a cold voice.

"Stop your tricks, I can spare your life!"

Immediately there was a cry of begging for mercy in the tree hole.

"Hero, spare your life, I surrender!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dryad began to change its form, and the roots returned to the ground one after another, taking root again.

The blood red color of the tree body gradually faded and returned to its normal appearance.

Only then did Ji Changsheng put away his skills, and turned his head and said to everyone.

"It's okay, everyone, let's take a look, this thing is rare."

Everyone didn't know why, so they leaned over one after another.

The fat man was the first to ask.

"Mr. Ji, is there a person hiding in this tree hole? Is he playing tricks?"

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"Yes, this man is manipulating the tree."

The fat man's eyes widened involuntarily, his head full of question marks.

"But it's a tree, how can he control a tree?"

Ji Changsheng smiled calmly, and said something that could be called shocking.

"Actually, this is no longer a tree. To be precise, it is a living thing!"

Everyone was shocked, the fat man blurted out and asked.

"You mean this tree has become a spirit?!"

Ji Changsheng shook his head, did not speak, just walked to the tree hole, and patted the trunk.

The big tree reacted immediately, and the hole in the tree slowly opened, revealing something hidden inside.

Everyone took a closer look, but it was a coffin!
But this coffin is not made of wood, but carved from jade, a jade coffin!
When the fat man saw it, his eyes went straight.

"Hey, with such a big jade coffin, someone must be buried in it, and the funeral objects...!"

Shirley Yang immediately raised questions.

"If it was a dignitary, why didn't they build a tomb, but buried it in a tree? Tree burial is not like the treatment of nobles."

Ji Changsheng said with a smile.

"Because this coffin has other special purposes, and the people inside are not ordinary nobles, but great wizards under King Xian!"

With that said, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the coffin lid.

Everyone took a look inside with their flashlights, and couldn't help being shocked.

The coffin was blood red, filled with a red liquid that smelled bloody, but it didn't seem to be blood. If it was blood, it should have solidified long ago.

The fat man said with a disappointed face.

"I thought there would be funeral objects, but it turns out that there is not even a single hair. This great wizard is actually a poor ghost."

Hu Bayi asked suspiciously.

"Where was the person who spoke just now?"

Ji Changsheng didn't answer, but asked everyone to get out of the way.

Then he kicked the jade coffin open a big hole, all the red liquid inside flowed out, dyeing the ground blood red.

After the red liquid dries up, look inside again.

But he saw a man lying in the coffin. He was soaked in red liquid just now, and only then did he reveal his real body.

Since the whole body of this person was dyed red, it could only be seen that it was a man, and nothing else could be seen.

Moreover, this person's eyes were closed tightly, his hands were crossed on his chest, he was motionless, and his chest did not rise or fall.

It is clearly a dead body, how can this dead body speak?
Ji Changsheng said.

"It's him who is playing tricks, he is not dead."

When the fat man heard this, he immediately poked the man with the handle of the knife and shouted.

"Hey, you've been seen through, why are you still lying there pretending to be a dead body? Get up!"

The man remained motionless, but suddenly made a sound.

"Everyone, it's not that I don't want to get up, it's that I can't get up. If I get up, I'll die!"

Everyone was taken aback, this man obviously didn't speak up, how could he still talk?

Er Yuehong could tell at a glance.

"It's ventriloquism!"

"It's not surprising that there are quite a few masters in the world who know ventriloquism."

"The strange thing is, he lay motionless in the liquid, why didn't he drown?"

Ji Changsheng made another sensational remark.

"Although he is not a dead person, he is not a living person either. He is a living dead person."

"The things that support his vital systems, just underneath him, have become one with him."

As he spoke, he patted the coffin and tree trunk.

"And this coffin, and this tree, are all integrated with him!"

Everyone turned pale with shock, this was the first time they had heard such a bizarre statement.

The fat man was about to ask, when the man suddenly moved, and something came out from under his body.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a very strange-looking boa constrictor!

The whole body of this boa constrictor is blood red, it is obvious that its skin has been peeled off!

"What monster!"

The fat man was startled, and raised his knife to chop it off.

I only heard the man hurriedly yelling in ventriloquism.

"The hero is merciful, if you kill it, I will die!"

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Ji Changsheng in disbelief.

"Mr. Ji, what you are talking about supporting his life system is this strange python!"

Ji Changsheng nodded and frowned slightly.

"Yes, this is the slaying technique of King Xian!"

This slaying technique is extremely weird and cruel. First, the cultivated boa constrictor is skinned, and the person to be buried must also peel off the skin on the back when he is alive, and then stick it together with the boa constrictor and put it into the jade coffin.

The red liquid is something similar to a nutrient solution, which can provide nutrients for pythons and humans. Over time, humans and pythons grow together and become a symbiotic life system!

This kind of thinning technique is called a python!
Apart from the boa constrictor, the red liquid seeped out from the bottom of the coffin and entered the husband and wife tree. After more than two thousand years, it gradually became a part of the boa constrictor!

This is the terrible sorcery that manipulates the dryad!
After hearing this, everyone gasped and felt a chill down their backs.

This thin technique is too evil and terrifying!
After the fat man thought for a while, he pointed at the person in the jade coffin and asked puzzledly.

"If this is the great wizard who presented the king, it should have been more than 2000 years ago. Why can he speak modern languages?"

Ji Changsheng looked at the person in the coffin and sneered.

"He is just occupying the magpie's nest. The great wizard buried here has been killed by him."

"Second Lord said that there was once a wandering Taoist who came here to subdue the tree demon, but he never returned."

"If I'm not mistaken, the person lying inside is that Taoist!"

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