Everyone boarded the boat and continued to move forward.

The two fat men were still impassioned, and had an in-depth discussion on how to liquidate King Xian.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang had black lines all over their heads, expressing they were speechless.

Xiao Wu, on the other hand, listened carefully to the lecture with half understanding, but was taken aback by them.

The black-backed sixth son was very excited when he heard it, and joined the discussion group. He is originally from the old nine sect, and he is familiar with the way of fighting for money.

After the three of them chatted, they felt a sense of regret when they met each other.

As soon as the black-backed Lao Liu was happy, he took two fat men as apprentices and taught them sword skills.

Both fat guys have upgraded physiques. If they can inherit what the black-backed sixth child has learned, their strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Sitting on the bow of the boat, Er Yuehong watched the three of them make a fuss, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

It was the existence of people like Fatty, Wang Kaixuan, and the black-backed sixth child that made him feel the reality of this world.

Ji Changsheng didn't care about these, just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

After a while, the river became narrower and shallower, and the speedboat could no longer move forward.

So Ji Changsheng activated his skills, copied several sets of waterproof suits, let everyone wear them, disembarked and waded through the water.

Seeing this, Er Yuehong hurriedly said.

"Everyone, although the water in front has become shallower, the water is still very dangerous. You must be careful and get out of this water as soon as possible."

The fat man tested the depth of the water, and said indifferently.

"It's not as deep as my thigh, so what's the danger?"

"Could there be a boa constrictor?"

Er Yuehong shook her head, pulled out a dagger, and signaled everyone to watch.

When everyone looked at it, they saw that there were two rows of dense tooth marks on the body of the knife. Although they were small, they were shocking.

The fat man was startled and asked.

"What bites this? The teeth are so good!"

Er Yuehong replied.

"It's a piranha that lives in the tropics. I checked the information and it should be a saber-toothed viper."

"These things come and go in groups, and when they see blood, they will go crazy. In less than a quarter of an hour, they can gnaw a cow down to the bones!"

Everyone couldn't help but change their expressions, there are so many of these things, they are extremely ferocious, they can be called a pack of wolves in the water!

The fat man couldn't help but say.

"Could it be that King Xian caught this thing and put it in the cave? Why did the tropical fish come here?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head and said.

"Yunnan is close to the tropics. Perhaps this kind of fish existed here in ancient times, but later geological movements sealed them in this underground river."

Said, lightly smiled.

"However, piranhas are not as scary as in the legend. They actually have natural enemies, and there are quite a few of them."

Piranhas are just rumours, and they are said to be terrifying monsters. In fact, in nature, there are more than one kind of predators that prey on them.

Electric eels, barbed catfish, alligators, otters, herons, and many fishing birds.

When everyone heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief.

After thinking for a while, the fat man said again.

"But the problem is, we are not their natural enemies. For humans, this thing is still very dangerous."

"Mr. Ji, don't you have that kind of ability? Why don't you change it and be a pioneer for us."

Ji Changsheng laughed.

"Don't be so troublesome."

As he spoke, he walked to the bow and stretched out a hand.

A small cut was made on the finger with a nail, and a drop of blood dripped into the water.

His dragon blood is more attractive than that of ordinary people.

After a while, I only heard the splashing sound in the water.

I saw countless small golden fishes the size of palms gathered. These fish were very active and seemed to have endless energy, and many of them jumped out of the water.

After waiting for a while, the school of fish had almost gathered, and the number was astonishingly large. At a glance, there was a large black patch, at least tens of thousands of them!
"It's almost here."

Skill: The King of Poisons activates!

After a few seconds.

All the piranhas turned up their white bellies and floated on the water. The river was full of dead piranhas!
When Er Yuehong saw it, she couldn't help being shocked.

I thought to myself, it turns out that this master is a great expert in using poison, and I actually poisoned him, it seems that I am playing tricks.

After all the piranhas were poisoned to death, everyone went into the water.

As a guide, Er Yuehong walked in the front, talking while walking.

"Going forward for a cup of tea, we will be able to walk out of the cave, and we will enter the hinterland of Zhelong Mountain."

"Before it gets dark today, I think we can reach the Insect Valley."

Ji Changsheng asked involuntarily.

"Have you ever been into the Worm Valley?"

Er Yuehong shook her head and replied.

"The miasma in the Insect Valley is very powerful, and only the stormy weather can blow away the miasma, but in that kind of weather, the ground is muddy and difficult to walk, and it has turned into a swamp, making it difficult to enter the Insect Valley."

"People in the mountains always take detours, and the Insect Valley has been a forbidden zone since ancient times!"

Ji Changsheng nodded and did not speak again.

After walking forward for another half an hour, the water became shallower and shallower, and it seemed that it had all flowed into the ground.

After there was no water on the ground, I finally saw the exit of the cave.

When people approached the exit, they only heard the sound of gurgling water coming from outside.

When I got closer, I saw a small waterfall flowing down the top of the cave, like a curtain hanging outside the cave.

The fat man stretched out his hand and couldn't help laughing.

"I know what this place is, it's the Water Curtain Cave!"

Er Yuehong smiled lightly and said.

"If it comes during the rainy season, the waterfall will be many times larger, like the roar of thousands of troops, deafening."

"It's a magnificent view."

As they spoke, everyone walked through the water curtain to the outside of the cave, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

But I saw that the entrance of the cave was not at the foot of the mountain, but on a cliff halfway up the mountain.

There is a huge boulder of more than ten square meters protruding, forming a platform.

Everyone stood on the platform, looked down, and had an unobstructed view of the scenery below Zhelong Mountain.

However, there are many mountains and mountains, vast and green, and there are large tracts of virgin forests in sight, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, just like another world.

Er Yuehong stretched out her hand and pointed towards the distance.

"Look, everyone, that's where we're going."

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, it was a valley in the distance, filled with mist, like a fairyland.

The fog was very strange. Originally, this thing was invisible, but it looked like something tangible. It condensed in the valley, showing a strange static state.

Er Yuehong's expression gradually became serious.

"That's the miasma in the worm valley. As long as this thing touches a little, it can penetrate through the skin and flow into the heart along the blood. There is no cure, and the toxicity is extremely strong!"

Shirley Yang frowned and said.

"Although miasma can be produced in a natural environment, the toxicity will never be so severe. This must be a trap arranged by King Xian to hide the location of the tomb!"

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