Er Yuehong is a low-key warrior and also a martial idiot.

When he was young, he liked to visit ancient tombs, looking for lost martial arts cheats and magical weapons.

Later, after the girl passed away, he had nothing to worry about and became the purest martial idiot.

Taijiquan practiced for 50 years, dare not stand shoulder to shoulder with the real Zhang Sanfeng, at least in this world, it is rare to meet an opponent!
Even so, he didn't dare to underestimate him in the slightest.

Because that man named Ji Changsheng is really too strong!

"How strong is he?"

With such awe in mind, Er Yuehong made a move.

I saw him wave his hands, and there was an invisible energy between his palms, one yin and one yang.

Yin and Yang are born together, rigidity and softness are combined.

The two qi energies are entangled with each other, forming an invisible vortex.

It looks calm on the surface, but in fact it is like a raging sea!

No matter how the opponent moves, he will be drawn into this vortex and cannot escape.

Ji Changsheng glanced at it and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

This authentic Tai Chi is indeed a little tricky!
Then, he suddenly took a step and walked away against the strong wind.

Er Yuehong couldn't help being taken aback.

What kind of trick is this?
Face Tai Chi!
There is no room for distraction in the fight between masters, and the outcome is only a hair's breadth away.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Changsheng had already arrived.

Er Yuehong's palms directly patted his chest.

The gentle Tai Chi energy penetrated into Ji Changsheng's body, and instantly transformed into violent power, flowing through all the limbs and bones.

If it were someone else, after accepting this trick, even if he didn't die, he would be half disabled!

But Ji Changsheng acted as if nothing had happened, and even closed his eyes!

Er Yuehong couldn't help being angry, such an arrogant gesture was completely contemptuous of him!

There are such arrogant people in the world!
But a second later, he changed his mind again.

"No, what kind of kung fu is he!"

Tai Chi energy, as majestic as rivers and seas, disappeared without a trace after entering Ji Changsheng's body.

There is no news like a mud cow entering the sea!

Er Yuehong's expression changed drastically. He had imagined a hundred possibilities, but the other party's response method still exceeded his expectations.

Could it be the legendary method of attracting stars!
Thinking of this, he flicked his wrist violently and increased his strength.

At this time, a smile appeared on Ji Changsheng's face.


As soon as the words fell, he straightened his chest, and a surging force burst out from his body.

Caught off guard, Er Yuehong was lifted into the air by this force, flying more than 20 meters away!
When he turned over and landed on the ground, there was a look of horror on his face.

"This is impossible!"

Ji Changsheng's strength in knocking him into the air turned out to be exactly the same Tai Chi strength as his!
"This Taijiquan book is the only one in the whole world, there is absolutely no possibility that another person will..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Changsheng interrupted him.

"You're right, I really don't know Tai Chi, it's your own strength."

Er Yuehong couldn't help being stunned, with an expression of disbelief all over her face.

"My own strength?!"

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly.

"I didn't learn your skills secretly, and I couldn't learn it in such a short time."

"I just absorbed your strength and bounced back. It's a trick."

Er Yuehong was completely shocked.

Although Ji Changsheng said it lightly, he knew it was far from that simple!
Completely absorb Tai Chi energy and bounce back without any damage.

To do this, his martial arts cultivation must be at least ten times that of his!
Even real Zhang Sanfeng is alive, I'm afraid he can't do it!
"Mr. Ji, who are you...?"

Er Yuehong knew that he had lost completely, and he could not see any hope in front of such a powerful enemy.

Ji Changsheng smiled faintly and said.

"I am whoever the second master thinks I am."

"Second Master, if you are not convinced, you can fight again, and I will accompany you to the end."

Er Yuehong knew the gap between herself and the opponent, even if she fought another [-] times, she would still lose.

In addition, he saw that the little brother didn't take advantage of others' danger, and Ji Changsheng healed the injury of the black-backed sixth child, and he was deeply impressed by their demeanor.

After thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but sighed and said.

"Don't fight, I lost!"

If you win, you can afford to lose, you are a real man.

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"Then the second master shouldn't break his promise?"

Er Yuehong hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"If you insist on going to the King's Tomb, then go into the room and talk about it."

His thatched hut has been cut in half by the black-backed Lao Liu, but the structure of the house is strong, and it is not so easy to collapse. It will be fine if it is repaired.

After everyone entered the room, they sat down again.

Only then did Er Yuehong speak eloquently. He first recounted what he saw in the parallel world, and then mentioned the ultimate.

"I have seen the ultimate power in another world. That thing must not appear in this world, otherwise the whole world will face a catastrophe!"

"That's why Lao Liu and I went to stop the Wang family, but we were so weak that we almost came back with our lives."

After escaping from Banai, they hid here to recuperate while inquiring for news.

But the top blocked all news about Banai, and no one knew what happened there.

Er Yuehong had been worried all the time, thinking about going again after her injury healed up, but Ji Changsheng and the others came before they set off.

When Ji Changsheng heard this, he couldn't help but feel his heart move.

"Second Master, you mentioned the ultimate just now, what exactly is that thing?"

Er Yuehong shook her head and said.

"I haven't seen the ultimate appearance, but I have seen the world destroyed by the ultimate, that is unacceptable to me!"

Ji Changsheng was stunned for a moment, did he really have the power to destroy the world in the end?

If this is the case, no wonder the Zhang family guarded it for thousands of years.

But his thoughts have not been changed, no matter what the ultimate is, he must find it!
If the ultimate can really destroy the world, then let alone let it fall into the hands of other people, this can be regarded as saving the world.

At this time, the little brother who had been silent all this time suddenly asked.

"But what does Muchen Bead have to do with Ultimate?"

Er Yuehong's expression immediately became serious, and she replied word by word.

"Because Muchen Bead, like Ultimate, comes from another world!"

As soon as these words came out, the little brother couldn't help being taken aback.

"The ultimate should be an extraterrestrial meteorite, so the Muchen Bead is also a meteorite?"

Er Yuehong shook her head, and replied with a complicated expression.

"That thing is not a meteorite, nor does it come from the sky, but the origin is even weirder than the ultimate."

"According to my research results over the years, Muchen Bead is most likely the key to open another world!"

When the little brother heard it, he was completely in a daze, not knowing what Er Yuehong was talking about.

Only Ji Changsheng felt a wave of turmoil in his heart, he knew that Er Yuehong was not talking nonsense.

In the world of Ghost Blowing Lamps, Muchen Bead does possess this magical power, and it is the key to another world!

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