Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 363 Please leave immediately

When Ji Changsheng saw the old man, a word immediately came to his mind, "Fengshen".

Although this person is old, his eyes are piercing and his spirit is high, he doesn't look like an old man who wants to die at all.

This old man must have been a magnificent figure when he was young!
The little brother was stunned for a moment, the old man seemed to have seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it.

The old man looked around before asking.

"I don't know where the two guests are from? Why are you looking for this old man?"

Ji Changsheng replied softly.

"Qi Lu, Ji Changsheng."

The little brother also responded accordingly.

"Zhang Qi Ling."

The old man couldn't help but twitched his eyebrows, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

Then, he said to the boss beside him.

"I have something to talk to the guests alone, you go back first."

The boss has an upright personality. Seeing that it was the elder who spoke, he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he turned around and left immediately.

After the boss left and there were only three people left in the room, the old man said this.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Ji, who is famous all over the world, and the patriarch of the Zhang family are here. I didn't expect it."

"You two, please sit down."

With that said, he got up and made a pot of tea for the guests himself.

Only then did Ji Changsheng ask.

"Elder, since you know our origin, can you tell us our identity?"

The old man chuckled, looked at the little brother, and said.

"Actually, I met the patriarch of the Zhang family once, but that happened many years ago, and you may not remember."

The little brother was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but blurt out.

"I remembered, you are the second master, Er Yuehong!"

The old man nodded slightly and smiled.

"It's down."

What people never expected was that Elder Tu Gu, who was not in the original novel, was actually Er Yuehong!

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but be a little speechless, it's okay to change the story line, this series of scenes is a bit too outrageous.

"Second Master, I heard from the Buddha, don't you live in seclusion in Hubei? Why did you come here?"

Er Yuehong smiled lightly and replied.

"If people know where I am, can that still be called living in seclusion?"

"Sixty-two years ago, I moved here after the girl passed away. You are the first to know the secret."

Ji Changsheng nodded. He knew Er Yuehong was a very affectionate person, and the girl's death had hit him hard. He was so disheartened that he had broken the mortal world, so he lived in seclusion here.

But he still has a question.

"Why Zhelong Mountain?"

Er Yuehong must have chosen this place for other purposes, most likely related to offering the king's tomb!
Er Yuehong was very frank and directly stated her purpose.

"The purpose of coming here is the same as that of the two, to dedicate the king's tomb."

His frankness immediately won the trust and admiration of Ji Changsheng and his younger brother, and it took no effort to talk to straightforward people.

But Ji Changsheng was still a little surprised.

"Second Master, haven't you washed your hands in the golden basin? Why are you still staring at the tomb of King Xian?"

They came to Xian Wang's Tomb to find Muchen Bead and save their lives.

What is Er Yuehong for?Judging from his personality, it should not be for gold and silver treasures.

After thinking for a while, Er Yuehong said.

"You must not be here to find the treasure in the tomb, can you tell the two of you the real purpose first?"

Ji Changsheng immediately told about the curse of Muchen Bead and Ghost Cave.

"We came here for Muchen Bead, Second Master, then why are you here?"

Er Yuehong couldn't help but sighed and said.

"Actually, I, like you, are all for that thing."

When Ji Changsheng and the younger brother heard this, they were all stunned.

It was also for Muchen Bead!
"Could it be that a relative or friend of the second master was also cursed by the ghost hole?"

But on second thought, no.

Er Yuehong has lived in seclusion here for more than 60 years. If it is because of the curse of the ghost hole, the day lily has been cold several times.

Er Yuehong shook her head lightly.

"My purpose is exactly the opposite of yours."

"You guys are here to get the Muchen Bead, and I am here to protect the Muchen Bead and prevent others from getting it!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Ji Changsheng and the younger brother changed.

What is the reason for this?
Ji Changsheng said after thinking about it.

"Second Lord guards Muchen Bead because he doesn't want people with malicious intentions to take it away. We are here to save lives. Second Master will not stop him, right?"

Unexpectedly, Er Yuehong shook her head and said firmly.

"No one is allowed to bang that thing, for any reason!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help but frowned slightly, if this person wasn't Er Yuehong, he would have turned his face on the spot.

But he knew that Er Yuehong was not a bad person, so there must be a reason for saying that.

So he asked patiently.

"Several of my friends had a curse attack, and their lives were dying."

"Human life is at stake, we want to use this bead to save lives, why does the second master stop it?"

After thinking for a while, Er Yuehong shook her head and said.

"I can't say, so don't ask, anyway, don't think about that thing."

"Leave Zhelong Mountain right now, and act as if you have never been here before."

Ji Changsheng was a little unhappy, and frowned.

"Second Master, even if you want to drive us away, you still have to give me a reason?"

"How many lives are waiting for that bead, I won't just walk away!"

The little brother also said in a low voice.

"We won't leave until we get the beads!"

Er Yuehong's expression was a bit complicated, and she spoke slowly after a while.

"Forgive me for not revealing it. Let this secret be buried with me."

"If you two don't leave, then I have no choice but to ask you two to leave!"

After finishing speaking, a murderous aura surged into the sky.

With a whoosh, the little brother stood up faster than Ji Changsheng.

"Mr. Ji, I'm coming."

He took a step forward and cupped his hands.

"Second Lord, if you don't want to speak out, I won't force you, so let's solve it according to the methods of people in the Jianghu, please!"

Er Yuehong sat without moving, his eyes fixed on Ji Changsheng, that most terrifying man was his target!

Although the little brother has a good temper, he is still a little unhappy when he is ignored in person.

"Second Master looks down on me?"

Er Yuehong shook her head lightly, and said slowly.

"The patriarch of the Zhang family, the holy body of the Zhang family, how dare I underestimate it?"

"However, someone is more suitable to be your opponent than me."


Immediately, a masculine male voice came from the back room.

"I've been getting impatient for a long time. I've listened to your bullying for a long time. If it were me, I would have already cut down a street!"

While talking, a white-haired old man came out.

Although the old man's figure is not considered burly, but he gives people a immovable aura like a mountain, his eyes emit a fierce light like a beast, and he is like the elegant Er Yuehong in the sky and the ground.

This old man with the breath of a beast is holding a brand new machete with thick back in his hand, this knife is his symbol!

The little brother's expression moved slightly.

"Old Nine, Black-backed Sixth!"

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