Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 347 Ghost Hit the Wall

The King of Poisons, a skill from the Cockscomb Snake.

Ji Changsheng has always believed that this skill is a dirty trick, so he seldom uses it.

But what he didn't expect was that this skill, which he ignored, would come in handy today!
He looked down at the Miluotuo giant monster below, silently calculating in his heart.

"Although the bodies of Miluotuo and mice are very different, what is certain is that as long as there is a nervous system, the toxin will react!"

"Even if the poison doesn't kill it, it can slow down its movements, and I have a chance to fuse it!"

To be on the safe side, he decided to increase the dose tenfold.

100 grams of toxin!
Such a large dose, if used on humans, could kill almost everyone on the planet!
Now that there is a way to deal with the troll, the next problem is how to get the poison into its body.

If the toxin is only distributed on the body surface, it will not cause any harm.

For the toxin to work, a deep gash has to be cut in the troll!
After Ji Changsheng thought for a while, he turned his head and shouted to the little brother on the ground.


The little brother nodded, pulled out the ancient black gold knife, and threw it into the air with all his strength.

The black knife turned into a meteor and flew into Ji Changsheng's hand.

The Suzaku sword is too powerful, and if it is not handled properly, it may burn the giant monster to death, so he chose to use the ancient black gold sword.

With the sword in hand, Ji Changsheng will show the ultimate in human martial arts next!
He held the knife in his right hand and waved it lightly.

When the blade vibrated violently, even the surrounding air was distorted!

Ji Changsheng took a deep breath, and his body and mind entered a strange state.

The people on the ground suddenly had a strange feeling at this time.

In their eyes, Ji Changsheng seemed to be integrated with the endless sky!
The ultimate in martial arts is not the unity of man and sword.

It's the unity of man and nature!

Since ancient times, some martial arts masters have comprehended the way of heaven while pursuing martial arts.

Enlighten Tao with martial arts, and cultivate to achieve positive results.

Master Wang Chongyang, Master Zhang Sanfeng, and Patriarch Bodhidharma are all like this.

The earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature!

The ultimate in martial arts comes from the way of heaven!

The moment Ji Changsheng swung the black knife, the whole world seemed to stop.

When Hong Beihai saw the knife, he couldn't control his knees and fell to the ground with a plop.

Even excited to cry.

For warriors, being able to see the ultimate in martial arts is the greatest happiness in life.

The younger brother concentrated on holding his breath, carefully comprehending the essence of this knife.

In just a few seconds, his martial arts attainments have broken through the shackles and reached another level!
At the same time, a question arose deep in his heart.

Is there any end to the ultimate in martial arts?
Although the giant monster didn't know martial arts, but out of biological instinct, it also felt a huge threat.

The big hand covering the sky and the sun waved out, trying to stop this deadly threat.

A silent sword light passed through its arms.

Ji Changchang let out a breath, and calmly put away the knife.

Ten seconds passed.

There was a crackling sound from the giant monster's arm, and a large hole [-] meters long was opened, reaching a depth of [-] meters!
With the giant monster's body strength, I'm afraid even heavy artillery can't hurt it at all.

But Ji Changsheng split its body with a single knife, this is his true strength!
Immediately afterwards, Ji Changsheng threw the black knife back to the little brother, and swooped towards the giant monster's arm, like a humanoid bomber.

He gently scratched the palm with his fingers, and swung it violently.

A pool of blood fell from the air, deep into the gash in the troll's arm.

Skill: The King of Poisons activates!

"I hope the toxin works, otherwise I'll just burn you to death."

After doing all of this, Ji Changsheng flew to an altitude of a thousand meters, quietly waiting for the toxin to erupt.

The giant obviously didn't know what was going on, it waved its hands indiscriminately, as if it was fighting the air.

After a while, it found that the danger seemed to have disappeared, so it stopped.

It shook its huge head, its primitive nerve center probably didn't have the ability to think.

After a pause, he put his hands on the ground again and struggled to crawl outward.

Ji Changsheng frowned slightly, he ignored one thing.

Even though the toxin is useful on the troll, its body is too big, and it takes a certain amount of time for the toxin to work.

According to his estimation, it will take at least ten minutes.

He had to stop the troll from crawling out before the toxicity kicked in.

Skill: Qiankun moves backwards!

This skill can change the magnetic field of the earth. All animals rely on the magnetic field to judge their orientation. Once the magnetic field disappears, they will run around like headless flies.

With his current skill strength, he can only change the magnetic field within a radius of 2000 meters.

For this troll, barely enough.

People watching the battle from a distance saw an extremely strange scene.

I saw that the giant monster suddenly stopped climbing up, and its huge head was swinging left and right, as if looking around, but in fact it had no eyes at all.

Then, he looked up at the sky again, with a cute look, as if he was thinking about life.

A moment passed.

The troll raised his hands, waved them towards the sky indiscriminately, and pushed upwards.

It was as if there was an invisible wall above its head, blocking its room to rise.

But in fact there is nothing above its head, this is just an illusion after the magnetic field is reversed.

The fat man rubbed his eyes and said in a daze.

"Hey, why does this big guy look like he's performing pantomime?"

"Is it an actor?"

Wang Kaixuan groped for the stubble on his chin, and said seriously.

"According to my analysis, this is not a performance, more like drunk."

"There are probably thousands of years of old wine in the underground, this old monster must have drunk too much!"

The fat man sniffed vigorously with his nose, shook his head and said.

"No, I don't smell any alcohol."

"If this thing is really drunk, I'm afraid there will be a belch, and we will all be drunk for three days!"

The two fat men made a random analysis, but failed to figure out a way.

It was the experienced Hu Bayi who saw the clues.

"Look, does this look like a ghost hitting a wall?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

The troll seemed to be trapped by something invisible, struggling with the air!

Wang Kaixuan nodded immediately.

"It's very similar!"

"But... where did this ghost hit the wall come from?"

Hu Bayi looked up at Ji Changsheng in the air, and said with admiration.

"Mr. Ji is really amazing!"

Although he didn't know what Ji Changsheng had done, he could guess that most of this weird scene was caused by Ji Changsheng.

Ji Changsheng was at an altitude of a thousand meters, watching the struggling giant monster, knowing that the reversal of the universe had worked, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, it's time to harvest."

"Old monster, how much vitality do you have?"

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