Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 345 Who is the strongest creature

Hu Bayi's guess was correct, the black curtain was the tide of darkness transformed by Ji Changsheng.

However, the Kuroshio was extremely fast, and in an instant it had reached the top of Mojin's trio and landed slowly.

Then, before Wang Kaixuan could open his mouth to exclaim, some people fell out of the dark scene one after another.

Brother, Wuxie, Fatty, Aning, Jack, White.

When Wang Kaixuan saw it, his eyes couldn't help but straighten.

"How could they be in this thing? Could it be that they were eaten by monsters!"

"But why does the monster spit them out?"

Hu Bayi stretched out his hand and pointed at the shady scene.

"That's not a monster, it's Mr. Ji!"

After the shady spit out everyone, his body shrank rapidly and turned into a black ball with a diameter of one meter.

The black ball changed shape again, back to human form!
"It's really Mr. Ji!"

At the critical moment, Ji Changsheng used all his strength to split the mountain, and then turned into a black tide to swallow everyone up, using this method to lead people away from the ground.

It takes less than half a minute before and after.

This is the only way to escape. If they return from the same road, no matter how fast they are, it will take at least an hour, and the day lily will be cold.

Just as Ji Changsheng woke up the comatose people, he heard a loud noise like a thunderbolt in the distance.

Everyone looked back, only to see that the split mountain collapsed!
Countless soil and stones rolled down towards the foot of the surrounding mountains, the sound was extremely frightening.

Fortunately, this place is in the depths of a mountain that is inaccessible, and there are no people in the vicinity for dozens of miles, and no casualties were caused.

Seeing this horrific scene, people couldn't help screaming in their hearts that they were lucky. If it weren't for Mr. Ji's extraordinary means, they would have been buried underground at this moment!
At this time, Xue Liyang pointed at the collapsed mountain, her expression changed suddenly.

"Old Hu, you are right, something has come out!"

A long and dull roar came from the depths of the ground, as if piercing through time and space, shaking the world.

The sound was by no means human, nor did it resemble any animal or monster.

When the birds and beasts within a hundred miles heard the sound, they all ran away in fright.

Ji Changsheng's expression also became serious, and he spoke slowly.

"The real killer move that Wang Zanghai mentioned, something that can change the world, is about to come out!"

As soon as his words fell, an extremely terrifying scene appeared!

I saw a gigantic hand sticking out from the opening.

This hand is too big to describe, the palm alone is more than 60 meters long, and each finger exceeds 40 meters!

The giant hand is covered with a layer of dark green moss, without skin tissue.

Wu Xie recognized it immediately.

"It's Miluo Tuo!"

This is the unique symbol of Miluo Tuo, and everyone recognizes it.

This huge palm belongs to a giant in Miluotuo!
Fatty and Wang Kaixuan shouted in unison.

"Damn it! So big? You didn't make a mistake!"

But he saw the palm waved left and right for a while, as if he was groping for the situation outside.

Then he pressed his palm on the mountain, causing a landslide immediately.

Then, another giant hand stretched out.

Seeing this scene, Ji Changsheng finally understood what was going on.

"Under this jade vein, there is an old ancestor of Miluotuo hidden!"

"This thing should be the God of Creation in the population of the Yao people!"

No wonder Shaq, who was leaned over, said, "You think too simply of the creation god of the Yao people!"

This gigantic thing is the real body of Miluotuo!

Estimated from its two big hands, the body length of this thing is at least 1000 meters!

Its weight is even more immeasurable, at least a million tons!

Only such a huge monster can break through the mountain and cause a terrifying earthquake.

The little brother took a deep breath, pulled out the black knife, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't let this thing crawl out!"

He didn't need to explain, everyone understood what he meant.

If this Miluotuo came to the world, it would definitely cause a great catastrophe!
Judging from its huge size, even heavy artillery can't hurt it, and only the use of nuclear weapons can destroy it!
And nuclear weapons can't be moved just by talking, they must be approved by the highest level of the country, and the process in the middle will take some time.

During this period of time, this monster is enough to raze the Banai area to the ground!

This is the way Wang Zanghai said to change the world, his ultimate move!
Ji Changsheng nodded and said.

"Run farther away, the farther the better."

"Leave this thing to me, don't let anyone else interfere!"

First of all, this thing is too amazing, even if other people intervene, it will have no effect.

Secondly, this is the ancestor of Miluotuo, and the vitality contained in it is immeasurable!
Millions, or tens of millions are possible!

Thinking of the huge vitality value, a smile appeared on the corner of Ji Changsheng's mouth.

"Let me see how much you are worth!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked his feet, soared into the sky, and flew towards that thing.

The others looked at me and I looked at you, all with a dazed look on their faces.

It's no wonder they were shocked, this Miluotuo is really too big, beyond people's cognition.

How could there be such a huge creature in the world!
If this thing stood up, its head would probably be pushed into the clouds!
Hu Bayi looked at Ji Changsheng, then turned around and said to everyone.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and run!"

"Staying here will only drag you down!"

It was only then that everyone realized that Mr. Ji would definitely have to scale up his moves if he wanted to deal with this huge thing.

Once a fight broke out, it would definitely be a world-shattering battle.

For them, the only thing they can do in this level of battle is not to become a burden to Ji Changsheng.


Everyone shouted and ran away together.

Ji Changsheng had already flown into the air several hundred meters high, looking down from a height.

Under the cracked mountain pass, there is an oval-shaped big head rising rapidly, which is outrageously big.

Just the forehead is as big as a football field!
Even though Ji Changsheng was invincible and invincible, but facing such a huge creature, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and feel a little uneasy.

He wasn't afraid, but out of biological awe.

This Miluotuo has lived for an unknown number of years. He is an elf from ancient times. In front of it, human beings seem insignificant!
"Old guy, as long as you just stay and sleep down there, that's all."

"If you want to come out to make trouble, then you can't blame me!"

This is probably the strongest creature Ji Changsheng has encountered in history!
The powerful opponent finally made him feel a little nervous and excited about the battle.

Finally, there is an opponent who can make him use his full strength without any worries!

"Old monster, let's see who is the strongest creature on this planet!"

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