Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 337 Zhang Family's Immortal Palace

Below this stone platform is the fourth and lowest floor of the underground palace.

After everyone jumped down from the cave, the Foehn above did not follow, because Foehn is a high-temperature gas, lighter than air, and will only float to high places, not to low places.

So Ji Changsheng's method is correct, only entering the fourth floor is the only way to escape the Foehn.

When people landed on the ground, they raised their eyes and looked around, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"how could this be!"

"Is this really an underground palace?"

The scene in front of me completely exceeded people's expectations.

The area of ​​the underground palace on the fourth floor is about 2 square meters, and it is in the shape of a standard circle, and they are in the very center of this circle.

The walls and floor of the underground palace are all made of dark green jade!

These jade stones emit a faint and strange green light, as if they are in the nether world.

Taking a closer look, these jade stones are actually the same as the jade veins found in the secret path.

The fat man couldn't help but exclaim when he saw it.

"Hey, I understand. The reason why the Zhang family chose this cemetery is because they have taken a fancy to the jade veins in this mountain!"

"Mining jade to build an underground palace is too big a deal!"

The entire underground palace on the fourth floor is made of jade, and I am afraid it will be difficult to find a second one in the whole world!
Also, there's something very odd about it.

All the coffins are stored in the underground palace on the upper three floors, but there is not a single coffin in the fourth floor!
In the circular underground palace, it was empty, looking around, there was nothing!

Even Ji Changsheng was a little surprised.

"How could this be? It shouldn't be."

In fact, it was more than that that shocked him.

In the original book, there are no such jade stones in the underground palace of the Zhang family's ancient building, and there are some important things stored there, most likely an ancient sarcophagus, which is the biggest secret of the Zhang family.

But what about things?

Could it be that they worked so hard to come here, but in the end their busy work was in vain?
Ji Changsheng frowned, and immediately ordered.

"Everyone, be careful and search separately!"

Even if things are moved away, there will definitely be clues left behind.

So, everyone dispersed and searched carefully in the underground palace.

Although the underground palace is large, but because it is empty, all corners can be seen at a glance, so it is not difficult to search.

In less than 10 minutes, people made a discovery.

Wu Xie waved and shouted.

"There seems to be something here!"

Everyone hurriedly gathered around and looked down.

I saw some lines engraved on the ground, and these lines formed a huge pattern, not like words.

Ji Changsheng's heart moved, he jumped up high, grabbed the ceiling with one hand, and looked down at the entire underground palace from a height.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being stunned.

On the ground of the entire underground palace, there was a huge painting carved!
The content of this painting was so shocking that Ji Changsheng was shocked.

The whole painting is divided into five parts, of which the four smaller parts are located in the four corners of the southeast, northwest, respectively, and the largest part is in the middle.

The largest part in the middle is the core of the whole painting. It depicts an ancient man. Judging from his clothing and hat, he should be from the pre-Qin period more than 3000 years ago.

This person closed his eyes slightly, held a dust whisk in his hand, raised his head and chest, and stepped on an auspicious cloud under his feet. He was actually a fairy flying up to the sky!

Below the auspicious clouds, there are still some people who are also ascending, but those people are much smaller and their numbers are too numerous to count.

The fairy in the middle is about 100 meters tall, and those villains are only less than two feet tall. If Ji Changsheng hadn't had great eyesight, they might have been regarded as a group of ants.

The content of this painting depicts the scene of a group of immortal cultivators Xiaju ascending.

The Zhangjiadi Palace is originally a fairy palace, so it is not surprising that this kind of picture appears.

But what shocked Ji Changsheng was the appearance of that huge fairy.

It's exactly the same as my brother!
Except for the beards on the mouth and chin, which make him look older, the facial features and appearance are almost printed in the same mold as the little brother!

what does this mean?
While thinking, Ji Changsheng looked at the other four paintings.

The content of the painting in the upper left corner is that a group of ancient people are building a huge building. Although the building has not been completed, it can still be seen that it is a huge attic!

From the costumes of these ancient people, it can be seen that they were people in the Qin and Han Dynasties more than 2000 years ago.

The content of this painting confirmed their previous inference that the Zhang family has been continuously building new ancient buildings in the history of more than 3000 years.

It's just that with the development of the times, the style of Zhang's ancient building has changed.

There was nothing unexpected about the content of the painting, and he turned his gaze to the upper right corner.

The painting in the upper right corner is somewhat intriguing.

In the painting, there are two groups of people with different costumes. The two groups of people are at war, and they seem to be fighting, but there is no fully armed army.

The leader of one of the parties is a tall man, mighty and majestic.

The leader of the other party was a man of medium build with a shadowy appearance, and he looked very disturbing.

What is the meaning of this painting?
Ji Changsheng thought for a moment, and then saw the way from the clothes of these people.

It's the Zhang family and the Wang family!

The time span of this painting goes directly from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty!

It was at that time that the Wang family appeared and became enemies who had been entangled with the Zhang family for hundreds of years!

The tall and mighty one in the painting must be the leader of the Zhang family, and the gloomy one is probably Wang Zanghai!
This painting is telling the descendants of the Zhang family to remember the great enemy of the Wang family!
After thinking about it, Ji Changsheng looked at the painting in the lower left corner again.

The content of this painting can’t tell the age. It looks like in a dark room, several naked people kneeling in front of a sarcophagus are worshiping the sarcophagus.

No matter from the hair style or the trousers that these worshipers are wearing, they can't tell which era they are from at all, and they can only be vaguely identified as male and female.

The sarcophagus was exactly what kept the bronze dragon talisman. According to Ji Changsheng's deduction, this thing was not a coffin, but a sacrificial vessel.

If his deduction is correct, this group of people is not worshiping their ancestors, but performing some kind of ritual!
Seeing this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help nodding his head slightly.

This painting confirmed his guess, this underground palace is not a cemetery, but a fairy palace for cultivating immortals!
And judging from the content in the painting, there is more than one fairy palace. For 3000 years, the Zhang family has been looking for a geomantic treasure that can transform a dragon into a flying ascension, and has been constantly relocating the location of the ancient building of the Zhang family.

It was not until more than 100 years ago that the Zhang Family Ancient Building was moved here.

After thinking about it, he turned his gaze to the last pair, the lower right corner.

The content of this painting was very strange, which surprised Ji Changsheng.

"It turned out to be like this?!"

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