Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 305 The most depressing thing in life

After hearing what he said, everyone thought he was a genius at first, but now they think he is a lunatic.

Ji Changsheng couldn't help frowning.

"Destroy an old world, but you don't know how to build a new world, so what's the difference between you and a war madman who destroys the world?"

Qi Tiezui shook his head and said.

"Of course there is a difference! I didn't start a war, I didn't create a disaster!"

"I am very clear about one thing. In terms of human wisdom, I am afraid that it will never be possible to build an ideal world."

"Instead of going on in an endless cycle, it's better to break all this and leave it to God to make a decision!"

When the fat man heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips, and said disdainfully.

"I heard you bluffing for a long time, and I thought you had such a great plan."

"In the end, it's still messing with each other, I'm afraid the world will not be chaotic, right?"

Qi Tiezui snorted coldly and asked back.

"Then please tell me, what is the most ideal world!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone hesitated to speak.

In everyone's mind, the ideal world is different, and there is no standard answer so far.

Even if there is, there will be different opinions on how to build such an ideal world.

Human beings are all independent individuals, everyone has different ideas, and no one can convince the other.

It is precisely because of the differences between people that human civilization has been accompanied by various disputes for thousands of years.

It was so small that they quarreled over a trivial matter, and it was so big that they drew their knives out of anger, and the blood spattered five steps.

And the disputes between groups will rise to the level of war.

The history of mankind is a history of wars!

What is even more desperate is that these endless struggles will continue until the end of human civilization!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Qi Tiezui couldn't help but sneered.

"You face such a world, but you turn a blind eye, and you don't hear it."

"Everyone feels that they have nothing to do with themselves, but they don't know that everyone lives in such a world!"

"No matter how crazy my plan is, I'm doing my best for the future of mankind!"

"You spectators who do nothing, have no right to accuse me!"

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, Qi Tiezui has a new perspective.

There is only a thin line between madmen and geniuses.

In other words, a genius is a lunatic who is not understood by people!
At this time, Ji Changsheng sneered and said disdainfully.

"It's all ridiculous excuses!"

"The high-sounding reason is just to cover up your inner cowardice."

"Qi Tiezui, do you think you will become stronger if you master the Wang family and the ultimate? I laughed so hard."

"Even if you are a genius, you are still that coward who dare not face reality!"

When Qi Tiezui heard this, he couldn't help but tremble all over, as if someone had poked a sore spot, and the muscles on his face twisted.

"you you!"

Ji Changsheng continued to sneer.

"What are you? Are you not convinced!"

"Then I might as well tell you, you are not the only one who desires to change the world, there are tens of thousands!"

"But they are different from you. They will not escape from reality, and they will not make excuses for themselves. They will only fight for the ideals in their hearts, and they will not be afraid even if they are smashed to pieces!"

"If you know you can't do it, you will be a real man!"

Although thousands of people go to me!
"Human life is limited, but the great cause for human happiness is endless. One generation can't do it, just two generations, three generations, from generation to generation, and the torch is passed on forever!"

"The history of human civilization for thousands of years has been built up with the blood, sweat, and hands of these indomitable warriors!"

"From a primitive society that drank blood to today's civilized society, do you think that all these are pies that fell from the sky!"

"Without these great pioneers, I'm afraid we would still be living in caves, robbing some poor food with wild beasts!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger to align with the iron mouth, and shouted loudly.

"What kind of bullshit plan do you call? It's just an irresponsible gamble, taking the fate of all mankind as a bet!"

"And you, a cowardly coward, are still complacent, thinking that you have done something great."

"In my eyes, you are the one who has no right to speak!"

"A hopeless old lunatic like you should stay in the madhouse and linger on his last breath. How dare you pretend to count days in front of me!"

"I've never seen such a brazen person!"

The last two sentences may be because he has seen too much about certain things, so he said them out of the way.

However, the lethality of these two sentences is as strong as ever.

Qi Tiezui's old face flushed red, he was scolded bloody, but he couldn't refute.

A gloom condensed in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spewed out when he opened his mouth.

Seeing this, the Wang family members hurried forward to help him up.

After hearing Ji Changsheng's impassioned speech, some of these people seemed to be deeply moved, and they all lowered their heads and thought about something.

There are also some who are a little hesitant, looking left and right, not knowing what to do.

Only Qi Yu was still obsessed with his obsession, seeing his father vomiting blood with anger, he was already dying, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Ji Changsheng, no matter how nice your words are, so what!"

"You are just relying on your strength to bully the weak. You are not a great pioneer at all!"

"If you lost this battle, would you still say such sanctimonious words!"

Ji Changsheng shrugged indifferently and said.

"Please, I didn't elevate myself to such a high position. Compared with you, I still need some face."

"You are right when you say that I am a bully. That is the kind of person I am."

"I just have this ability, and I like to do it very much, do you have any opinions?"

At this time, people had a strange feeling that when Ji Changsheng said the last sentence, he looked like a famous emoji, and he looked very underwhelmed.

Although this expression affected Ji Changsheng's tall image, everyone felt very happy.

Only Qi Yu and Qi Tiezui rolled their eyes in anger. In the face of absolute strength, it was a scholar who met a soldier, and it was hard to explain.

What's more, they are still an unreasonable party, and they can't fight or talk.

There is nothing more depressing than this in life.

Seeing that the two of them finally had nothing to say, Ji Changsheng walked up to Qi Tiezui with a smile, and stretched out a hand to press on top of his head.

Skill: The Rejuvenation Technique is activated!
After a few seconds.

Qi Tiezui has completely returned to normal, and his body is even better than before.


He raised his head tremblingly and looked at Ji Changsheng, not knowing what to say, but there were faint tears in the corners of his eyes.

Ji Changsheng pouted and said.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say I would spare you."

"It's just that I still have some important things to ask you. You can't die yet."

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