Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 303 Zhuang Zhouxiao Dreams of Butterflies

Ji Changsheng recalled the world he traveled to before. In his world, Wu Xie was just the protagonist of a novel, not a real character, and he was a higher-dimensional observer.

In other words, his world and the innocent world are not the same!
For some reason, he traveled to the world of tomb robbers, and came to the world where innocent is the main character!

At the beginning, he just thought all this was very interesting, and quickly adapted to the new identity, without thinking too much about the reasons behind it.

It's not Ji Changsheng's fault, which traveler would think about these things?

Until today, the information provided by Qi Tiezui gave him a flash of inspiration, and he suddenly thought of something that he had never noticed before.

The world that Ji Changsheng traveled to was actually a world under observation!
He was supposed to be a high-ranking observer, but he became an observed person like Wu Xie. This huge change in identity was something he ignored!

Ji Changsheng's heart turned into a huge wave. He knew that Wuxie was the protagonist of a tomb robbery novel.

But now that he has come to the world of innocence, what does this mean?
It means that he has also come to the world in the novel. This world is actually a Tomb Raider novel. To be precise, it is not the original work, but a Tomb Raider fan novel!

Perhaps very few traversers will think carefully about this issue, because it is futile to think about it no matter what.

Ji Changsheng didn't know what other traversers were thinking, he only knew that he seemed to see something different.

"Is this... the way of heaven that Qi Tiezui said!"

However, he quickly dismissed this idea, because he only knew that the world of tomb robbers was a book only after he had read the original work.

And Qi Tiezui is the character in the book, the person being observed. Even if he has important clues, he doesn't know what these clues mean.

Qi Tiezui is proficient in Taiyi Divine Number, known as Tiezui Half Immortal, even if he is brain-dead, he will never be able to count that he is just a character in a book, and he will not believe that the world he lives in is actually a book. Book!

So the way of heaven that Qi Tiezui mentioned should refer to something else.

Looking at the depths of the sky, Ji Changsheng couldn't help but have a question in his heart.

In a world where everyone else is just a character in a book, what about himself?

In the original world, he was a reader, but in this world, could he also be a character in the book!
If this is the case, then everything he does is controlled by a pair of invisible hands!
The author of this book!
"Fuck, if that's the case, then the author simply..."

Ji Changsheng suddenly discovered that he could not comment on the author who existed in another world, because for him now, this author is God!
He will do whatever God tells him to do.

Does God let his characters scold him?
What a joke!
At this time, he also had the same feeling as Wu Xie.

Ever since coming to this world, Ji Changsheng's fate, like Wu Xie's, has been manipulated by others!
The only difference is that it is Qi Tiezui who controls the innocence.

And the one controlling Ji Changsheng is another higher-dimensional existence.

For the characters in these books, that existence is the god who controls everything in the universe!
"What kind of person is this book writer? Is it male or female, and what does it look like?"

"If that's the case, then he is really good to me. He is treated like a real son. Could it be my father?"

"However, some of the plots written by this guy are really bloody. It's really speechless, and I can't complain. I don't know what is going on in his mind..."

Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he could actually evaluate God!
If he can freely evaluate God, it means that he has independent self-will and is not manipulated by others!
But after thinking about it, he frowned again.

"If the thoughts I just had were what that guy wanted to say, they were just expressed through my thoughts."

"Then I still have no self-will!"

He suddenly wanted to do some experiments to prove his guess, such as suddenly going crazy and killing everyone present!

Even incarnate as a devil, destroy the whole world, and let this book finish directly!

But after thinking about it, he quickly gave up the idea.

First of all, he was not an evil and crazy person, his conscience and morality did not allow him to do such crazy actions.

In addition, even if he did, would destroying the world really prove his guess?
If this world is really a book, destroying the world is just the end of the book for the author, and it will not have any impact.

But for the people living in this world, it was the end of everything, including himself!

So even if his guess is confirmed, it is meaningless!

Ji Changsheng was taken aback by his sudden thought, so he quickly discarded this terrible thought and cleared his mind.

Thinking about it carefully, in his original world, he had read some philosophical books, and those great philosophers had been thinking about the same problem.

The relationship between man and the world!
Is the world we live in real or fake?

How to prove it?

This reminded Ji Changsheng of a classic sci-fi movie - The Matrix, in which the core content of the story is a brain in a vat!

Who can guarantee that he is not a pig living in an incubator?
All our perceptions of the world are just signals from the brain, how to prove that these signals are real!

In fact, as early as 500 years ago, some people thought about the same problem.

Zhuang Zhouxiao dreamed of butterflies.

Did the butterfly dream of Zhuang Zhou, or did Zhuang Zhou dream of the butterfly?


"Damn, what is I thinking? Countless great philosophers have been unable to give an accurate answer for thousands of years. How can I come up with an answer?"

When Ji Changsheng had this idea, he no longer hesitated, because he suddenly understood one thing.

It doesn't matter if he's a character in the book or not.

Because whether the people in the book or in the real world, they all face the same problem.

A question that may never be answered!
As long as this question cannot be answered, no one can guarantee whether they are false or not, and whether the world they live in is false!

"If I'm really the person in the book, the guy who wrote the book must have the same idea as me!"

"He is not sure whether he is real, and he is not sure whether he is a character written by another higher-dimensional person, so there is no essential difference between us!"

"Whether this world is a book or not, it is real to the people who exist in this world!"

After thinking through all this, Ji Changsheng regained his original self-confidence.

"If this world is really a book, I want to see who is the real protagonist!"

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