Qi Tiezui laughed wildly and mocked wantonly.

"Zhang Qishan, Great Buddha Zhang, the thing that your Zhang family has guarded for generations and is worshiped as a belief is nothing more than a tool!"

"What you believe in and guard for is a hammer!"

"I'm really laughing at this old man!"

Master Zhang Dafo's face changed slightly, but he didn't get angry, he just said in a cold voice.

"As you said, the ultimate is just a tool, but the tool also depends on who uses it!"

"Just like nuclear weapons, if they fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives, it will bring destruction and disaster to the world, so someone must guard them!"

"This is the Zhang family's mission, not to let the ultimate fall into the hands of a lunatic like you!"

What he said sounds like the right way in the world.

It is precisely because of this sense of mission that the Zhang family has guarded the ultimate for thousands of years. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are guarding the world.

Qi Tiezui sneered indifferently.

"You think I'm a lunatic, but you don't know that what I, a lunatic, is going to do is save the world!"

Master Zhang Dafo couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Wishful thinking, arrogance!"

"This world doesn't need to be saved, it's you who needs to be saved!"

Ji Changsheng next to him frowned and shouted softly.

"Stop arguing! I didn't come to listen to your quarrel."

"Old Qi, get to the point!"

How to use the ultimate power to change the world is the key point.

After Qi Tiezui calmed down, he continued to talk about his plan.

In fact, before he saw the ultimate, he had already had the idea of ​​changing the world, but at that time he didn't have enough strength to implement it.

"To implement the whole plan, the ultimate is only a part. To be precise, the ultimate is just a tool. What really matters is the way of heaven!"

The way of heaven he mentioned is the law summed up from more than 100 parallel worlds!
He calculated tens of thousands of times through the Taiyi divine number, and worked out a precise plan.

This plan completely follows the laws of heaven, as long as this plan is successfully implemented, it can change the direction of the world!
Speaking of this, everyone showed expressions of disbelief.

Wu Xie was the first to express disbelief.

"Old man, how can a person master the way of heaven?"

"Is what you summed up really the way of heaven?"

Qi Tiezui replied with a calm smile.

"Boy, as I said just now, it is impossible for humans to control the Dao of Heaven."

"I've only mastered part of it, but that's enough!"

To this end, he cited some of the simplest examples.

In fact, the way of heaven is not as mysterious as people imagine. For example, the various physics principles mastered by humans are part of the way of heaven.

It is by relying on these physical laws that human beings have built today's high-tech era.

But even in physics, there is no end, and people have only taken a small step.

There are countless physical principles waiting to be uncovered.

In other words, the laws of all things are the way of heaven.

The combination of countless laws is the complete way of heaven.

The part that Qi Tiezui glimpsed, like the laws of physics, is only a part of the way of heaven.

After Wu Xie finished listening, she still had an expression of disbelief.

"I see what you mean, but the question is, how exactly?"

You must know that the complexity of this world is beyond the comprehension of human beings in their entire lives. Even if you break the law of heaven, it is as difficult as going to heaven to change the world.

Qi Tiezui smiled inscrutablely and said.

"There must be some difficulty, but it's not as difficult as you think."

"The principle is actually very simple. Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?"

The Butterfly Effect.

It is said that in the tropical rainforest of South America, a butterfly flaps its wings, and the chain reaction caused can cause a storm in the western Pacific Ocean.

Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, it is not made up casually.

There is a subtle connection between everything, just like an organic whole, a precision instrument, as long as one part is turned, a chain reaction like dominoes can be produced.

Fatty's expression changed when he heard this.

"Old man, are you going to create a big storm and destroy the world?"

This brain circuit is straightforward enough to be compared with Jack.

Wu Xie said hastily.

"Fatty, don't interrupt, this is not the time for joking."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Qi Tiezui with a serious expression.

"Old man, I understand what you mean. You want to use the chain reaction brought about by the butterfly effect to rewrite the direction of the world."

"This makes sense in principle, but there is a fatal problem!"

"If you want to accurately control the variables of the chain reaction, the huge data calculation is beyond the reach of human beings. Even if all the computers in the world are connected together, the computing power is far from enough!"

The complexity of this world is beyond human imagination.

It is almost impossible to control such a grand plan.

As long as there is the slightest mistake, it will bring completely different consequences.

Qi Tiezui replied with a calm smile.

"Boy, have you heard of Tuibeitu?"

Push back.

It is said that it was written by two masters of the Tang Dynasty, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng.

The book deduces the major events that will happen in the next 5000 years. The credibility of this book has always been doubted, and it is generally believed that it is not credible.

Before Wu Xie could answer, Fatty couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

"Old man, that's a heavenly book to fool people. I don't know which magic stick wrote it. It's just under the name of a person from the Tang Dynasty. Don't you take it seriously?"

Qi Tiezui didn't take it seriously and continued talking.

"I don't care whether the Tuibei map is true or not, but the divination technique invented by the ancients does provide a glimpse into some of the mysteries of the Dao of Heaven."

"This old man's Taiyi magic calculation, I dare not compare it with the Tang Dynasty's superior predecessors, but it is not a big problem to deduce it for 100 years."

The fat man smiled disdainfully.

"Fortune tellers are all swindlers. They're nothing more than a clever way of speaking nonsense when they see people."

"It's okay for you to fool others, Fat Lord, I won't believe this!"

Qi Tiezui smiled faintly, and looked at Master Zhang Dafo.

"Buddha, you have known me for more than 80 years."

"Excuse me, Lord Buddha, have I ever missed one time in my whole life?"

Master Zhang Buddha lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head and said.

"No, the iron-mouthed fortune teller can tell the difference between life and death, never miss a single time!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, then said again.

"Then maybe he counted less times, and he was lucky, so he got it all right?"

Master Zhang Dafo frowned slightly and said.

"Fatty, although I don't agree with what he did, Qi Tiezui's reputation is not something that has been blown out of it."

"Whether other people are charlatans or not, I dare not say, but Lao Ba is definitely not!"

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