Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 275 Fatty is the chosen one?

After hearing what the fat man said, Ji Changsheng felt a little surprised.


The fat man was in a bit of a dilemma, it was difficult to speak out about these unimaginable things in front of Yun Cai.

"Mr. Ji, can you go over there and talk?"

Ji Changsheng wanted to know what Fatty was up to, so he didn't refuse his request.

The two came to one side, and the fat man told the whole story of what happened.

"Mr. Ji, I know these things sound incredible, but please believe me, I am definitely not talking nonsense with a fever!"

"I can swear to God, these are true!"

After Ji Changsheng listened, he didn't laugh at him, but his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

After looking at the fat man carefully, he asked.

"Think about it carefully, have you missed any details?"

The fat man was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, he shook his head and said.

"No, I said it all."

Ji Changsheng nodded, reached out to pat the fat man on the shoulder, and said.

"You can take Yuncai back first, and let Agui take us to the lake."

"Besides, let my little brother accompany you, just be on the safe side."

Fatty originally thought that no one would easily believe such unimaginable things, and he was still thinking about how to make Mr. Ji believe him.

Unexpectedly, Ji Changsheng was so convinced that he even asked his younger brother to protect Yun Cai together.

Fatty was so moved immediately, two lines of tears flowed down.

"Mr. Ji, thank you!"

Ji Changsheng smiled and beckoned the little brother to come over.

"Brother, now I have a task for you, to catch that strange man without shoulders."

"That person is hiding nearby, and may appear to attack you at any time."

"For the details, Fatty will tell you, go."

The little brother didn't say much, he knew that Mr. Ji's arrangement must be intentional.

Fatty, Brother, and Yuncai went back immediately.

Ji Changsheng and the rest of the people, led by Agui, went to the mysterious lake.

Along the way, Wu Xie also saw something was wrong, why did Mr. Ji trust Fatty's words so much?
Ji Changsheng kept walking at the front, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't dare to ask.

None of them knew that after hearing what the fat man said, Ji Changsheng was more shocked than anyone else.

Because what the fat man said is the plot in the original book!

how so!
Ji Changsheng suppressed the shock in his heart, and tried his best to sort out his thoughts while walking.

He is someone who has read the original book, and he knows that the fat man is right.

Yun Cai did die at the hands of that strange man later, and he also knew the identity of that strange man and his motive for killing Yun Cai.

But the problem is, the fat man actually saw this in his dream!
What exactly does this mean?
Could it be that Fatty has also become the chosen one like Ji Changsheng? !

However, if you think about it carefully, Fatty and Ji Changsheng are not the same.

Fatty is not a time traveler, he can only see the story line of another parallel world, and it is only a small part.

But just seeing a part of it is incredible!
Fatty's ability suddenly appeared ten days ago. Did he activate this potential himself, or was it influenced by the outside world?

If it is an external influence, what caused it?
In this world, if there is really the power to travel through time and space.

That can only be the ultimate!

Ji Changsheng frowned and shook his head involuntarily.

No, none of this matters.

How the fat man acquired this ability is not important.

What matters is what kind of results this ability will bring!
Ji Changsheng changed Ah Ning's fate by relying on his memory of the original work.

Can the fat man rewrite the fate of the clouds like him?

In order to verify this, he asked the little brother and the fat man to protect the cloud.

Only after verifying his conjecture can he continue to infer.

Although Ji Changsheng hasn't solved all the mysteries yet, he has already vaguely guessed that something seems to be happening in this world!

"Well, things are getting more and more interesting."

"If this is the ultimate power, then I look forward to it even more."

The others didn't know what he was thinking, and no one dared to ask. The group followed Agui silently in the dense forest.

After walking for a long time, finally when the sun went down, the mysterious lake appeared in front of my eyes.

Ji Changsheng put away his thoughts and looked at the lake in front of him.

At this time, Richard stepped forward and said flatteringly.

"Sir, according to our information, that ancient building is under this lake."

What he wants to ask is, should we start work immediately?
But he didn't dare to ask these words casually.

Ji Changsheng smiled lightly and said.

"You think the ancient building of the Zhang family is under this lake? Then you are wrong."

Richard was taken aback and asked quickly.

"Is not it?"

Even Wuxie stepped forward and asked.

"Mr. Ji, where is the Zhang family's ancient building?"

Just as Ji Changsheng was about to answer, he heard a man's voice from afar.

"Just where you saw it."

Everyone immediately followed the prestige, and saw a man in a black robe coming from a distance, with a hood covering his face.

The man walked not fast, but his steps were steady.

When Ji Changsheng and Wu Xie saw it, they immediately had a strange feeling that this person looked familiar, as if they had seen him somewhere before.

Familiar figure, familiar walking posture, even the voice sounds familiar.

Like an old acquaintance, but always feel that something is not right.

The black-robed man stopped ten meters away and didn't raise his head. People still couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Wuxie hurriedly asked.

"who are you?"

The man in black chuckled and replied.

"I am the person you are looking for, you can call me Brother Nine."

Ji Changsheng smiled disdainfully.

"The Wang family has such a big face, do you want me to call you brother?"

"Is your face itchy, you need to twitch!"

The man in black was not afraid at all, and smiled.

"Mr. Ji, calm down, I made a slip of the tongue."

"Can I have a chat with Wuxie alone?"

If Ji Changsheng can agree to his request, his plan will be realized smoothly!
Ji Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

"You have a sense of humor, let Xiao Tianzhen stay alone with the boss of the Wang family?"

"He will count the money for you after being sold by you. Do you think I would be that stupid?"

The man in black sighed softly and nodded.

"Okay, so can I have a chat with you alone?"

Ji Changsheng's eyes were like lightning, he looked up and looked around.

Seeing this, the man in black laughed again.

"Don't worry, I'm here alone."

Going to the meeting alone? !
Ji Changsheng finally became interested in this person.

"You actually came to see me alone, should I say that you are full of courage, or are you reckless?"

The man in black chuckled and replied.

"Maybe it's neither, Mr. Ji, you misunderstood me."

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