Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 261 The largest tomb robbery event in history

Speaking of this, Master Zhang Dafo paused, and said to the little brother.

"At that time, I wanted to ask the Patriarch for advice, but... I couldn't find you."

The little brother has always been a loner, and he is a professional missing person. He has often been unable to be contacted for many years.

In addition, more than 40 years ago, communication was not yet developed, and it was almost impossible to find him in the vast crowd.

Brother understood this.

"It's okay, keep talking."

Master Zhang Dafo continued.

In fact, the reason why the tomb robbery incident was named the biggest in history was not because of its scale and influence.

But because of heavy losses!

In terms of scale, before liberation, the scale of many tomb robberies was much larger. For example, Sun Dianying robbed Cixi's tomb and used thousands of troops.

There are also Xiling robbers from the northern faction, mobilizing tens of thousands of people at every turn, digging mountains and robbing tombs with brute force.

Not to mention that in history there are silent cavalry, Captain Mojin, General Faqiu Zhonglang, these official tomb-robbing troops, they are even more powerful!

In short, this tomb robbery event gathered almost all the masters of the Old Nine Schools, only a very few people did not participate, such as Zhang Dafoye who was inconvenient to come forward, Er Yuehong and others who had a lonely personality.

This army of tomb robbers marched to Sichuan in a mighty way, and came to a place called Siguniang Mountain, where the thing the other party was looking for was hidden.

Regarding the detailed process of this tomb robbery incident, Master Zhang Dafo did not elaborate, because he did not personally participate and did not know the details.

He only said that it took more than three years before and after, and what he got in the end was a heavy price of hundreds of lives!
You must know that it was a team that assembled almost all the masters of the Southern School. Even stealing an emperor's tomb would be a piece of cake, but it actually suffered a big loss in that kind of place.

It can be seen that the danger of that place!
It takes a long time to cultivate a master, as well as strong financial support. Losing so many masters at one time has severely injured the vitality of the old Jiumen, and has never recovered from it.

Since this incident was led by Master Zhang, it resulted in such a result that his prestige was greatly reduced, and he could not give a satisfactory explanation to Lao Jiumen, so he could only wash his hands and retire.

Having said this, Master Zhang Dafo let out a long sigh, his face full of guilt.

The little brother looked at him and said comfortingly.

"It's not your fault."

Master Zhang Dafo shook his head and said.

"Actually, this is not the most important thing. What really makes me feel guilty is... I'm sorry for the Zhang family!"

After finishing speaking, there was a plop.

Knelt down in front of the little brother.

"Please punish the Patriarch!"

The little brother was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a daze.

"What does this have to do with the Zhang family?"

Ji Changsheng's eyes moved, and he asked softly.

"Is it related to the ancient building of the Zhang family?"

Master Zhang Dafo did not show any surprise, but nodded heavily.

"Yes, I realized later that the main purpose of this tomb robbery is actually for the ancient building of the Zhang family!"

Ji Changsheng showed such an expression as expected.

The little brother is still puzzled.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Get up and speak clearly."

Only then did Master Zhang get up and said.

"Actually, I went to the Zhang Family Ancient Building once decades ago, but I didn't go inside. I don't know what's inside."

"But I know that the biggest secret of the Zhang family is hidden in the ancient building!"

"And the real purpose of the operation in Sichuan was to find a way to enter the Zhang family's ancient building!"

"Fortunately, this operation failed, otherwise I don't know how to face the ancestors of the Zhang family."

The little brother nodded and said.

"That's fine."

At this time, Ji Changsheng suddenly said something.

"Did it really fail?"

At the same time, Huo Xiangu was talking about the past.

She was the person who personally participated in that incident, and she knew the details better than Master Zhang.

She was only in her 40s at the time, and she brought a group of masters from the Huo family to Mount Siguniang. She thought she was stealing a certain emperor's tomb.

It turned out that the destination was a bare cliff.

Let alone the emperor's tomb, there is not even a tomb of a rich man.

No matter from the perspective of geomantic omen or topography, it is impossible to have a large tomb here.

But she is not the commander of the team, and she doesn't know the inside story. With this doubt, they started to act on the cliff.

Later, some caves were actually found on the cliffs. There were some very strange things in the caves. They didn't look like tombs, but they contained an astonishing number of cultural relics.

Moreover, the scale of these caves is very large, and there are countless of them.

In short, a team of thousands of people dug for three years and unearthed hundreds of boxes of cultural relics!
When Wu Xie heard this, he immediately blurted out.

"Is it the same as Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes?"

There used to be tens of thousands of precious cultural relics hidden in the Mogao Grottoes, but they were robbed by foreigners during the war. Until today, only a small part has been recovered, and most of them are still living overseas.

If Mount Siguniang is another Mogao Grottoes, then no matter what value you look at, it is worthy of the title of the largest tomb robbery in history!

Huo Xiangu shook her head and replied.

"I don't think so, but it's hard to say because I don't even know where it is."

"It looks like a group of tombs of a certain family, but there are no coffins, only bones."

"In short, something terrible happened later, and the operation was forced to stop."

A flicker of panic flashed across her face as she spoke of something terrible.

Huo Xiangu is also a person who has experienced countless storms, not a weak person.

After half a century, she still has lingering fears when she thinks of what happened back then.

From this we can see how dangerous the incident was!

the fat man asked immediately.

"Did you encounter a terrible monster, or a trap?"

"You have so many masters, how can you suffer such a big loss?"

Huo Xiangu took a deep breath and shook her head.

"As a matter of fact, to this day, we don't know what that is."

"no one knows!"

Wu Xie and Fatty looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces.

"How did those people die? There must be an explanation, right?"

When Huo Xiangu thought of what happened that year, her face turned pale.

"Their death conditions are too miserable. Some people seem to be dissolved by sulfuric acid, and the whole person melts into a pool of blood!"

"There are also people who inexplicably grow a lot of black hair, not only on the body surface, but also inside the internal organs!"

"There are still some people who haven't even found their bodies."

"No one knows what they encountered inside!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was frightened.

If it is a monster mechanism or something, there is always a way to deal with it, and the army of thousands of tomb robbers will not be stopped by these things.

Only those things that we don't know what they are at all can make people helpless.

The unknown is always the scariest thing!

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