Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 247 1 Don't Know 2 Diqiu

Er Yuehong's status in the Old Nine Schools is second only to Master Zhang Dafo, a figure of the Zhennan sect decades ago, and the master of Chen Pi Asi.

The little brother lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"Can't remember, who is he?"

Master Zhang Dafo knew his old problem, and immediately explained it in detail, and then took out an old yellow photo.

"You should have met him once."

There are two young men in their prime of life in the photo, one of them is wearing a neat military uniform with a majestic appearance. He is the Buddha Zhang when he was young.

There is another person wearing a mandarin jacket and long robe, with a face like a crown jade, eyes like bright stars, and a melancholy temperament between his brows, it is Er Yuehong.

The little brother looked at the photo carefully, tried to recall it, and then nodded.

"I have a little impression, what happened to him?"

Master Zhang Dafo slowly recounted what happened ten days ago.

That day, Master Zhang Dafo was reading a book in the bamboo pavilion, when he came to report outside the door, the second master came to visit.

Decades ago, Zhang Qishan and Er Yuehong washed their hands and retired together. They left Changsha and moved to live in Hubei.

But the two of them are different, Master Zhang Dafo is in a semi-retired state, but in fact he is still the leader of the old nine sects, and he will intervene in major affairs in the world.

Er Yuehong completely withdrew from the arena and didn't care about worldly affairs. Even Master Zhang didn't know where he lived.

Although they kept in touch over the decades, they rarely saw each other.

In fact, the friendship between the two is very deep, but Er Yuehong has an arrogant and stubborn personality, and after retiring, she is unwilling to deal with people in the world, even Zhang Dafo, who is a close friend of life and death, is no exception.

The last time we met was 12 years ago, when Master Zhang's [-]th birthday, Er Yuehong made an exception and came to drink a glass of wine.

In the next 12 years, they didn't even talk on the phone a few times.

This time Er Yuehong came to visit suddenly, which surprised Master Zhang Dafo.

Accidents are accidents, Master Zhang was very happy when his old friend came to visit, so he hurriedly asked Second Master to come in.

Er Yuehong, like Grand Buddha Zhang, is an old man who is over a hundred years old, and has long lost his former charm.

Looking at Er Yuehong with white beard and hair, Master Zhang Buddha couldn't help expressing emotion.

The hero is white-headed, and the beauty is withered.

The two chatted for a while, and it was all about the past.

Suddenly, Er Yuehong sighed softly and said something without warning.

"Buddha, please take care."

These words came out of nowhere, as if saying goodbye to Zhang Qishan.

Master Zhang Dafo and Er Yuehong are both old people over a hundred years old. It is said that some people can predict their own death time after they are over 80 years old.

Did Er Yuehong know that her life was not long?
"Second Master, what do you mean by that?"

Er Yuehong didn't explain, but raised her eyes to the horizon, and said slowly.

"Day and night, looking south to the north of the river, jackdaws fly all over the water."

After speaking, he stood up and smiled lightly at Master Zhang Dafo.

At this moment, Grand Buddha Zhang had a feeling in a trance.

In Er Yuehong's muddy pupils, there was a faint clarity, as if she had become decades younger, and had turned back to the high-spirited second master back then.

Then, Er Yuehong cupped her hands and said with a smile.

"Buddha, there are two things that I don't regret the most in my life, and one of them is having you as a friend."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Master Zhang to answer, he turned around and strode away without looking back.

Master Zhang Dafo wanted to stop him from asking more carefully, but he also knew that this person was aloof and extremely stubborn, so if he didn't want to say, it was useless to ask.

Somehow, he just looked at the back of his old friend and stood in the bamboo pavilion for a long time.

It was not until a long time in the past that someone came forward to report.

"Buddha, when Second Master left, he left one thing behind."

Master Zhang looked down and saw that it was a sword.

It was a valuable ancient sword, and it was Er Yuehong's most cherished treasure. It was usually hidden in a secret room, and no one could take a look at it.

Grand Buddha Zhang wanted to see this sword several times, but was prevaricated by him with various reasons.

Today, Er Yuehong left such a precious treasure to him!

This made Grand Buddha Zhang realize that something was wrong, so he thought about it carefully.

The two poems that Er Yuehong recited just now were a farewell poem.

"Danyang Guoli sees off the boat, and knows the autumn of the two places."

"Day and night, looking south to the north of the river, jackdaws fly all over the water."

Farewell to the ancient poem, and this ancient sword that has been treasured for many years.

And that inexplicable "Please take care."

Master Zhang Dafo finally confirmed.

Er Yuehong was saying goodbye to him!
And it's not just an ordinary farewell, it's a forever farewell!

"Quick, stop the second master!"

After the subordinates chased him out, they searched the surrounding area for ten miles, but there was no trace of Er Yuehong.

After Master Zhang finished speaking, he couldn't help sighing.

"I'm old and my reaction is too slow. I would have stopped him if I knew it earlier and wouldn't let him go."

After thinking about it, the little brother said.

"Are you sure he's gone forever?"

Master Zhang Dafo nodded.

"I'm sure. I know his temper very well. If there is no important matter, he will not come all the way to my place in person."

"Something must have happened!"

Ji Changsheng asked quickly.

"Then where does he live?"

Master Zhang Dafo smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I'm ashamed to say that although I'm close to him, I don't know where he lives. Otherwise, I would have gone looking for him long ago."

The little brother has little impression of Er Yuehong, and he doesn't have any deep feelings about this matter.

"He is old and will leave eventually."

He has long been used to seeing birth, old age, sickness and death, and he is extraordinarily calm, even indifferent to this kind of life and death.

Master Zhang Dafo shook his head and said.

"No, I don't think it's that simple."

"I know Erye's temper. He's not that kind of hypocritical person."

"If he really wanted to leave this world, he would at most make a phone call instead of coming in person."

These words finally caught the attention of my brother and Ji Changsheng.

"Then what do you think is going on?"

Master Zhang Dafo thought for a while, and after considering his wording, he replied.

"The second master came here in person and said these things to me, there should be ulterior motives."

"I thought about it for several days before I finally got a clue, but I'm not sure."

"I didn't know what the second master was going to do until the other two things happened!"

He said at the beginning that there were three things to report, and Er Yuehong's visit was the first.

According to what he said, the remaining two things are related to the first thing.

The younger brother immediately asked.

"What are the other two things?"

Master Zhang Dafo did not answer immediately, but took out a box that had been prepared long ago. After opening, there were dozens of booklets in it.

Some of them are yellowed and look very old, and some are very new.

"what is this?"

Master Zhang Dafo replied solemnly.

"This is the confidential document of Lao Jiumen and the Zhang family, which records the detailed information of everyone in the door."

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