The composition of this newly established team is very complicated.

Xiao Wu was the "it" in the past. No one can be sure whether her joining is sincere, or whether she is a hypocrite and has a ulterior motive.

Black Glasses has a mysterious identity, no one knows his details, and they can't relax their vigilance against him.

Ji Changsheng didn't care about this.

He even hoped that the two of them could do something wrong, so that they could show their feet.

It would be great if the two were really okay.

That night, Ji Changsheng rushed to the Crescent Hotel with his new team, and met Miss Yin who had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Mr. Ji, I have already made an appointment with them, and we will meet here at noon tomorrow."

I'm finally going to meet with Mojin's trio.

Ji Changsheng has been looking forward to these three people for a long time, the bold Hu Bayi, the reckless Wang Kaixuan, and the shrewd Shirley Yang.

Compared with the Iron Triangle, although Mojin's trio does not have the top-level combat power of the younger brother, it does not affect their professional ability in the slightest.

Just relying on Hu Bayi's sixteen-character yin-yang feng shui secret art, it is enough to look down on the entire Dao Dou world!

What's more, there is Shirley Yang, the descendant of Taoist who moved mountains.

As for Wang Kaixuan, he can make a pair with Wang Banyue to form a fat duo with a lively atmosphere.

I just don't know who is fatter between the two?

There was nothing to say that night, and at noon the next day, Mojin's trio and Da Jinya arrived as scheduled.

The meeting place is in the private room on the second floor of the Crescent Hotel.

Ji Changsheng asked the others to stay in the room, and only brought Iron Triangle with him.

They meet to talk about things, not to negotiate or fight, so there is no need to bring a large number of people with them.

When he came to the door of the private room, Ji Changsheng stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

There were five people sitting in the private room, except for Miss Yin, there were three men and one woman.

Among the three men, there was a greasy-faced guy with a big grin, revealing two golden front teeth. This man was Big Gold Tooth, just as wretched as described in the original book.

The most eye-catching thing is a burly fat man. This man is about 1.8 meters tall and weighs at least 220 catties. Needless to say, he is Wang Kaixuan.

Wang Kaixuan has a rough appearance and a carefree manner. Compared with Wang Banyue, he is somewhat similar, only a few years older.

There is another person with a tough outline and a tall figure, with a somewhat heroic look between his brows.

There is no doubt that this person is Hu Bayi!

Hu Bayi is a person who has been on the battlefield and has made great achievements in battles. His temperament is different from others.

The last woman must be Shirley Yang.

As described in the original book, she is heroic and heroic, worthy of being a descendant of Taoist who moved mountains.

Mojin's trio and Ji Changsheng didn't differ much from what they imagined, but they were a few years older than Iron Triangle and looked more mature.

Miss Yin immediately stood up and said.

"Everyone, this is the one I mentioned just now, Mr. Ji Changsheng."

When Da Jinya heard this, he was the first to stand up and greeted him with a flattering smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you. I heard that Mr. Ji is Taishan Beidou of the Southern School, and his name is like thunder."

"See you today, Sansheng is lucky..."

Ji Changsheng directly interrupted his flattery.

"Please leave the irrelevant people, I want to see Captain Mojin."

These words were like a slap in the face of Da Jinya, and the words behind were choked in his throat.

If it were someone else, even if they didn't explode on the spot, they would be furious.

But Da Jinya is unusual, he is a shrewd businessman.

His philosophy of doing things is to make money with kindness, even if Ji Changsheng really slapped him in the face, he would not be angry.

Da Jinya laughed, without any embarrassment on his face.

"I'm being rude, so I won't bother you all, and I'm leaving."

After speaking, he tactfully left the private room.

Seeing Ji Changsheng's attitude, Wang Kaixuan was about to stand up and question him, but Hu Bayi pressed him on the seat and shook his head slightly at him.

In order to ease the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Miss Yin said quickly.

"Mr. Ji, these three are Lieutenant Mojin, Mr. Hu, Mr. Wang, and Ms. Yang."

Xue Liyang was the quickest to react. She hurriedly stood up and stretched out her right hand to Ji Changsheng.

"Mr. Ji, hello, my name is Yang Ping."

Shirley Yang is from the United States, and Yang Ping is her Chinese name.

Only then did Ji Changsheng nod his head.

"Ms. Yang, hello."

When he held Shirley Yang's hand, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind.

The scene lasted for less than a hundredth of a second, but Ji Changsheng could still see it clearly.

In the picture, Shirley Yang is covered in blood, dressed in ragged clothes, and has a strange eye on her snow-white shoulders!

Ji Changsheng was slightly taken aback, what's going on?

This situation also happened in the Queen Mother of the West, when he was in the Meteorite, the image of the Snake Mother appeared in his mind.

After coming out of the meteorite, the scene he saw was exactly the same as the picture in his mind.

According to his inference, this should have inspired the sixth sense.

But what his sixth sense saw today was very strange!
Shirley Yang was cursed by the ghost hole, she should have a scar like an eye, or something like a tattoo.

But what Ji Changsheng saw was a vivid eye that blinked!

Is his sixth sense wrong, or is this world different from the original?
Thinking of this, Ji Changsheng asked directly.

"Miss Yang, do you have an eye on your right shoulder?"

When Shirley Yang heard this, she couldn't help shaking slightly, showing a look of surprise.

"How did you know that?"

It really is!
Ji Changsheng didn't answer, but said.

"Can I see it?"

Shirley Yang hesitated for a moment, then turned around and pulled the clothes under her shoulders.

I saw a red mark on the snow-white skin, which looked like an eye shape, but it was not a real eye.

Why is it different from the picture seen by the sixth sense?
Ji Changsheng frowned slightly. Could it be that the sixth sense had just been activated and was not yet proficient?

At this time, Miss Yin sighed and said in a sad tone.

"Miss Yang, in fact, like you, I have also fallen under this curse."

Shirley Yang was taken aback for a moment, as if she didn't quite believe it.

It wasn't until Miss Yin showed the mark on her shoulder that everyone was startled.

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help shouting.

"Why do you have it too? Could it be that you, like Staff Officer Yang, are descendants of that clan?"

Miss Yin shook her head.

"No, this curse came from my grandmother's generation."

When Ji Changsheng heard the words, his expression changed.

"Has your grandmother ever been to Jingjue Ancient City?"

Shirley Yang is a descendant of the Zagrama tribe, and her curse is passed down from generation to generation in her blood.

Apart from this unique bloodline, there is only one way to be cursed.

The ghost cave in the ancient city of Jingjue!

Miss Yin's grandmother must have been to Jingjue Ancient City!

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