The location where this temple was built is exactly the center of the entire ghost town, and even the entire oasis, at the lowest point of the terrain.

Floods from all directions rushed to the oasis and finally converged here.

Through this huge drainage facility, the flood water is drained into the ground.

After hearing Ji Changsheng's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

But Wu Xie immediately thought of something wrong.

"But we have also seen that the water volume of that big river is much more than that."

"The amount of water here is not very large, and there is not much water around. What's going on?"

Ji Changsheng smiled faintly and said.

"Because there is more than one temple of this kind, and all the others are buried underground. This one is the largest, so only part of it is exposed to the ground."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, especially the younger brother.

After the little brother thought about it carefully, his eyes lit up.

"I think about it, it's true."

"I saw a lot of these temples in the woods the last time I was here!"

The last time he came, it was at least 100 years ago. At that time, all the other temples had not been buried in the ground before he could see them.

And this most magnificent temple is the only building exposed to the ground in the entire ghost town!

Wu Xie blinked, and said with some doubts.

"According to what you said, all the temples are actually a complete urban drainage system."

"Collect all the stagnant water from every street and dump it underground, right?"

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"Is such that."

Wuxie said again immediately.

"If this is the case, then these temples should be interconnected."

Ji Changsheng laughed.

"Who told you it wasn't?"

Wu Xie couldn't help but startled all over, showing an incredible expression.


"Then there is a huge maze underground!"

An underground drainage labyrinth composed of countless temples connected together!
If this is the case, then the amount of work is too large. The Kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West more than 3000 years ago was just a small country. Can their national strength really do it?
Ji Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed around.

"Look carefully, the architectural level of the ancients is far beyond your imagination."

"There are many things you can't imagine."

At this time, the fat man couldn't bear it anymore and said.

"Naive, don't study any drainage facilities, we are not a scientific expedition team."

"Mr. Ji, where are the palace and tomb?"

All he cares about is always baby.

Ji Changsheng chuckled, and pointed to the eight drains.

"Just down there."

The fat man ran over, looked down, and couldn't help being stunned.

"I'll go, I don't know how deep it is down here, it's like a bottomless pit!"

People took out their flashlights and looked into the drain.

I saw an unknown number of layers below, layer upon layer, with no end in sight.

Ji Changsheng laughed.

"Baby is not so easy to find, it's more complicated than you think."

Chen Pi Ah Si hurriedly said.

"Mr. Ji, if there is a maze down here, how can we find Wenjin?"

Ji Changsheng replied with a calm smile.

"Don't look for her, she will come to us."

Wu Sansheng also hurriedly said.

"Si Grandpa, don't worry, Wen Jin has been here before, she is more familiar with the environment here than us."

"As Mr. Ji said, she will definitely come to us."

Chen Pi Asi could only sigh, he is blind, he can't use it in this kind of place, he can only obey orders.

Everyone prepared immediately, and all put on waterproof clothing, except Ji Changsheng, who has the ability to prevent water.

Under the leadership of Ji Changsheng, people climbed down from one of the drains.

Coming to the lower floor, the structure is exactly the same as the upper floor, but the area is larger, and there are a few more animal heads around it.

Two hours passed.

After passing through more than ten floors, people finally came to the bottom of the temple.

The bottom floor is already bigger than a football field!
Due to the large area, the layout of this floor is also different.

The ground is divided into several huge reservoirs, but these reservoirs are well arranged, like terraced fields, divided into several layers.

The water in each layer of cistern flows to the next layer, and finally disappears in the drain at the bottom of the water.

Holding a large flashlight, Wu Xie couldn't help exclaiming after seeing the whole picture of this floor.

"The wisdom and methods of the ancients are simply unimaginable."

"Mr. Ji, what is under this temple?"

Ji Changsheng was about to answer.

Only to hear the fat man exclaimed.

"Come and see, everyone, I found something good!"

Everyone followed the prestige, and it turned out that the fat man was in a hurry to find the treasure as soon as he came, and he was looking around with a flashlight.

The baby was not found, but let him discover something amazing.

Holding a flashlight, the fat man stood in front of a wall with a surprised and excited expression on his face.

People hurried over and looked up.

I saw huge reliefs carved on the entire wall, and these reliefs formed a magnificent picture.

A closer look reveals that the contents of these reliefs are all narrative, showing the folk customs of the Xiwangmu Kingdom thousands of years ago, some of which are scenes of sacrifice and production life.

It's just that the customs of this small country in the west are quite different from those in the Central Plains, and it seems a little unclear, so I can only see a general meaning.

The fat man said excitedly.

"I've seen this thing in a museum, and any pair is a national treasure!"

"Hey, we have a big harvest this time!"

"If you pry one piece off, it might be worth tens of millions!"

Wuxie frowned.

"These reliefs are all carved on boulders, and each piece weighs several thousand catties. Do you carry it back or carry it back?"

The fat man waved his hand.

"I haven't seen a single treasure, why don't you allow me to have a good time?"

"You really have no sense of humor, don't talk to me!"

Wu Xie gave him a blank look, and continued to look up.

Others were also attracted by the content of the relief, and important information should be found in it.

Among the dozens of reliefs, in addition to the scenes of daily life, there are also national events, such as wars!

One of the reliefs shows a large-scale war.

There are a lot of people on both sides of the war, one of which has a small number of people from the Queen Mother of the West, and the other side is from the Central Plains.

Wu Xie couldn't help being taken aback.

"It was the Western Zhou Dynasty at that time, did the Western Zhou Dynasty attack the Queen Mother of the West?"

"Such a big event, why is there no document record!"

After thinking for a while, Wu Sansheng said.

"Maybe it's because of the embarrassment of losing, and this kind of scandal will definitely not be publicized."

So here comes the problem. This war has never been mentioned in the documents of the Central Plains, but the relief murals of the West Queen Mother Kingdom show this scene.

Could it be said that this war was lost by the Western Zhou Dynasty?

How could the majestic Central Plains Dynasty lose to the small border country in the Western Regions?

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