Wu Xie and the little brother were stunned for a while before accepting this reality.

Unexpectedly, the Chen Wenjin they were looking for was always by his side!
Wu Xie feels a little weird in his heart, it's not a taste, but he is hiding it from me again!
However, he acted much more mature this time, and he didn't blame Wu Sansheng.

"So, you have agreed to use this method to find 'it'?"

"If that's the case, could my little brother and I also be suspected?"

The little brother is indeed, but Wuxie is not, he is just kept in the dark.

Wu Sansheng smiled and said.

"The most important thing about classified operations is secrecy."

"You should understand that."

Wu Xie snorted unconvinced.

"I just don't believe in my ability to keep secrets!"

The little brother was more open-minded than him, and didn't get too entangled in this matter.

"Then can I contact her now?"

Wu Sansheng shrugged and said.

"I just got a videotape from her, so I came here."

"She didn't reveal any more information in the tape."

It turned out that Chen Wenjin asked him to come here, which explained why Wu Sansheng came all the way here.

Ji Changsheng said.

"We can see her tomorrow, she should not be far from us now, maybe she has gone to the ghost town."

"After what happened just now, I want to tell you a new clue."

"There is a ghost among us!"

Wu Sanxing immediately asked.

"You mean 'it'?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head.

"I'm referring to the men in black. This oasis is so big. They can pinpoint our location. Someone must have tipped us off!"

"As for whether these people are 'it', we will only know after we catch them."

"If it's 'it', then your previous speculation is invalid."

Wu Sansheng scratched his scalp and laughed.

"My inference has loopholes."

"If it's not as complicated as I said, it would be easy to handle."

If "it" is not some conscious mysterious force, as he guessed, but a mysterious group, then it will be much easier to find.

After thinking about it, the little brother said.

"If there is an inner ghost, the most suspected person should be the black glasses."

The identity of the black glasses is as mysterious as the little brother.

Not even much information was revealed in the original book, and Ji Changsheng didn't know the details of this person.

Judging by his skill in black glasses and his low-key style, he is very likely to be an insider!

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"I'm going into the ghost town tomorrow, so keep an eye on him."

If there is a little brother who is on guard, as long as the black glasses make any moves, they will immediately show their feet.

Unexpectedly, in this team of more than a dozen people, not only "it" is hidden, but also the spies of the men in black.

It's really dangerous in the world, and people's hearts are unpredictable!
After explaining this, the four returned to the camp.

All night long, nothing else happened.

The next morning, after breakfast, everyone headed towards the ghost town under the leadership of Wu Sansheng!

After they walked through the dense forest for more than an hour, they saw the canyon in Chen Wenjin's notes.

After the heavy rain, the floodwaters converged into the lowest canyon, forming a large, fast-flowing river.

People walked along the river bank, and after walking not far, they saw some ancient buildings.

These buildings are all submerged in the river, and only the top parts are exposed, some of which are roofs.

When the fat man saw it, he couldn't help being stunned.

"If this is the ruins of the ancient city, wouldn't the whole city sink into the ground?"

Judging from the buildings protruding from the river, the ancient city has sunk by at least tens of meters, and almost the entire city has sunk into the ground.

Wu Xie took a look and said.

"I have already said that the terrain here is low, and the floodwaters will converge here. Over time, the soil below will become soft."

"In a city that is not maintained, the foundation will sink within 100 years."

"That was to be expected."

The fat man couldn't help frowning, showing a look of embarrassment.

"But the whole city is buried underground, how are we going to dig the treasure?"

"Underwater work is not Fatty's strong point."

With that said, he turned his head to look at Aning.

"Ah Ning, isn't your company engaged in underwater salvage? You should be an expert."

Aning said helplessly.

"There is no large-scale machinery, and if we dig by manpower, we can't dig enough in a lifetime."

The fat man immediately complained.

"That's still a woolen yarn. It's a pity that the treasures in the palace and tomb are gone."

"If you know more, we should bring a few tons of explosives and blow him up!"

Ji Changsheng couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, there is a place to enter the underground palace. But how many treasures you can take out is up to you."

Fatty's expression brightened, and he was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed.

Reach out and point to the river in the distance.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is that!"

Everyone immediately followed the prestige, only to see half of a human face faintly showing on the bank of the river tens of meters away, under the shadow of the woods!

The weirdest thing is that this face is huge, half of it is as big as a bus!
After Wuxie took a look, he smiled.

"That's a stone sculpture, not a real person."

The fat man immediately took out the binoculars to have a look, and he was relieved.

"It's really a stone sculpture, it scared me to death."

"People from the Queen Mother of the West, why are they carving such a big face?"

"To scare people?"

Wuxie shook his head and said.

"Its body is submerged at the bottom of the river, and it is estimated to be a huge statue."

If this is a statue, judging from the huge human face, the height must be at least 100 meters!
While speaking, the fat man suddenly changed his face again, and said in horror.

"Fuck, that thing is not a statue, it moved!"

Everyone was taken aback, how could the stone statue move?

When I looked up, I saw that the face of the man really moved, and he flew towards the sky!
Ji Changsheng looked up and couldn't help laughing.

"Look carefully, it's just a bunch of big moths."

People picked up binoculars to watch carefully one after another, and it was exactly as he said.

It turned out that it was a large group of moths, but these moths were very large, each one was the size of a washbasin.

These moths stopped on the stone carving, and it looked like a human face from a distance.

When they flew up, they also maintained a neat formation, like a human face flying into the sky.

Just when people breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Xie's expression changed, and he said in a terrified voice.

"No, that statue is really moving!"

At this time, people were less than 30 meters away from the statue, and they could clearly see that it was a stone sculpture.

The stone sculpture was wobbly, but it actually turned its head slowly, staring at the crowd with a pair of big eyes!

This strange scene made everyone stop in their tracks.

Is this statue alive? !

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