Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 186 The Oasis in the Gobi

Fatty's discovery surprised everyone, this cockscomb snake has no gender!

Snakes are hermaphrodite reptiles, how could they have no sex?
This is impossible in nature!
The fat man scratched his scalp in bewilderment.

"Only domestic animals are castrated. How can wild animals have no genitals?"

"Could this one happen to be a mutated variety?"

Ji Changsheng shook his head lightly.

"You have fallen into inertial thinking, and you still think of cockscomb snakes as ordinary snakes, so you have such thoughts."

"In fact, among animals that reproduce intersex in nature, there are indeed some individuals without sex."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned, and lowered their heads to think about his words.

The little brother reacted the fastest, and he immediately thought of the answer.

"Worker bees and worker ants!"

Ant colonies and bee colonies are social animals, and their identities are directly linked to gender.

The male is only responsible for mating with the queen, and the queen is only responsible for producing offspring.

The remaining worker bees and worker ants are genderless!
When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

The fat man said in shock.

"If that's the case, are these sexless cockscomb snakes worker bees?"

Ji Changsheng nodded.

"In a bee colony, worker bees are the most numerous and the smallest."

"Drones are bigger and much smaller."

"So far, more than 1 cockscomb snakes have appeared, and those giant pythons have only ten."

"From these, it can be deduced that those giant pythons are male snakes!"

Jack is a single-minded guy. He doesn't believe in such a bizarre inference, he only believes in evidence.

So he ran over to examine the dead bodies of those pythons.

The result shocked him beyond recognition.

"These pythons have male genitalia, they are really male snakes!"

Although this conclusion is very unbelievable, all kinds of evidence chains are complete, and the facts are right in front of our eyes, so people can't help but not believe it.

These cockscomb snakes are a social snake like never before seen!
When people accepted this inference, they immediately thought of a very terrible thing.

Wu Xie looked at the corpses of the giant pythons with a face full of shock, and said word by word.

"If these giant pythons are just male snakes, then... how big is the only queen among the snakes?!"

Whether it is an ant colony or a bee colony, the only female in the colony, the queen, is the largest, much larger than the males!
The size of these male boa constrictors is as big as that of the ancient Titan boas.

How big would the only female snake be! !

Jack frowned and thought for a while, then said.

"Based on other types of snakes, this female snake is at least ten times larger than the male snake!"

The weight of these twin-lin pythons is more than half a ton. If the female snake is ten times larger, wouldn't it be a fifty-ton prehistoric monster? !

When the fat man heard this, his eyes widened.

"Is that thing still a snake? It's a dragon!"

After trying to imagine it for a while, he waved his hands again and again.

"Impossible, how can there be such a big snake in the world, it is simply a fantasy!"

After thinking about it for a while, Ah Ning's face turned pale.

"If there is such a big snake, it is simply too scary!"

Ji Changsheng laughed.

"You have even seen dragons, what is impossible in this world?"

"Don't think too much, pack up and get ready to go!"

Unknowingly, the sky has become slightly brighter, and the sun is slowly rising from the horizon.

Everyone cleaned up quickly, ate something indiscriminately, and set off on the journey again.

According to the judgment of Ji Changsheng and the little brother, if all goes well, we will be able to see the ghost town at sunset today!

A rare social snake group, a terrifying female snake queen, and a mysterious ancient country that has been hidden for thousands of years.

These mysteries are finally about to be revealed to the people!
On the third day after the heavy rain, the traces of the flood had not disappeared, and the Gobi was still a huge swamp.

However, under the scorching sun, the water in the swamp evaporated rapidly, drying up and fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When people reached noon, their feet became drier and the ground was no longer muddy.

So people threw away their skis and moved forward on foot, at a much faster speed.

After walking for another two hours, at around three o'clock in the afternoon, a large cloud of fog suddenly appeared in the distance.

Looking from a distance, there is a mist shrouded in mist, like a fairyland.

The fat man couldn't help showing a puzzled look, and said.

"This is not a mountainous area, why is there fog?"

Wu Xie took a closer look, and was shocked all over.

"There is only one possibility, there... is the oasis!"

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Ji Changsheng, wanting to verify his deduction.

Ji Changsheng smiled and nodded slightly.

Reach out and point to the fog.

"Everyone, there is Talmdos!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help cheering.

The ancient city hidden for thousands of years was finally found by them!
All the difficulties and obstacles experienced along the way are all worth it at this moment!

The fat man screamed excitedly, it was a lost royal city, and there was an unknown amount of gold, silver and jewels in it!

Jack looked at it, and suddenly realized.

"Mr. Ji is right, the area we walked through is actually a huge basin!"

"The oasis is right in the very center of this basin, and it's also the lowest elevation."

"Due to the difference in altitude, the water vapor in the oasis rises into the air, forming this fog!"

For thousands of years, there is another important reason why no one can find this ancient city.

This fog formed the last barrier, hiding the entire ancient city inside.

Previous archaeological teams have tried to use helicopters to search in the air, but the vision will be blocked by the fog at high altitude, and the oasis below cannot be seen at all!

Only when a big storm blows will the fog be blown away, but stormy weather is too dangerous for the helicopter to take off.

For this reason, even though the archaeological team has high-tech means, the ancient city has not been found.

But Ji Changsheng had read the original book, and the route he chose was the only way to find the ancient city!

Seeing that the ancient city was right in front of them, everyone was full of energy and quickened their pace.

However, on the endless Gobi, the field of vision is extremely wide, and the fog looks very close, but it is actually very far away.

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that people finally got close and saw the oasis!
The scene in front of them stunned everyone, even exceeding Ji Changsheng's expectations.

This oasis is located in a huge circular pit, which is the very center of the entire basin, but it is even bigger than imagined!
In the mist, people can only see a vast forest, with no end in sight.

Roughly estimated, this oasis is about the size of a modern city, with an area of ​​at least a hundred square kilometers!

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