Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 181 Man-Snake Battle

Chen Pi Asi's status in the Jianghu is very high, half of the reason is that he studied under the second master of the Old Nine School - Er Yuehong. The top figure in Zhang Dafoye.

The other half of the reason is that Chen Pi Asi is quite capable and sophisticated.

Don't look at him as a blind man who is nearly a hundred years old, but no one in the world dares to despise him.

The most praised one is Si Grandpa's iron bullet stunt.

The iron bullet the size of a thumb pierces through Yang with a hundred steps, without missing a beat.

Chen Pi Asi acted viciously and made many enemies in his life, but few people dared to seek revenge from him. The biggest reason was that they were afraid of his iron bullet skills!

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Pi'a listened to the sound to identify the position, and shot four iron bullets with his hands.

Like a meteor chasing the moon, there is a faint sound of wind and thunder!
The four iron bullets hit the target almost simultaneously, making a crisp sound of gold and stone.

When Chen Pi Ah Si heard this, his expression couldn't help but change.

The sound didn't sound like hitting the flesh of a living creature, it was more like hitting a piece of metal!
What is this?
At this moment, his apprentice Ye Cheng exclaimed, and there was infinite fear in his voice.

"Grandpa, blame...the monster!"

Chen Pi Asi frowned, Ye Cheng has been with him for many years, he has seen many big scenes, he is quite courageous, but he was frightened like this, he expected something bad.

he asked immediately.

"What is it?"

"It's a giant python!"


In the night sky, there was a whistling wind.

Everyone looked in the same direction, and a huge figure slowly appeared in the swamp more than 30 meters away.

This thing was more than ten meters long, and its body was thicker than a bucket. It turned out to be a giant python with blue-black scales!

Chen Pi Asi also smelled the stench wafting in the wind, it was indeed the smell of snakes.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

"It's really a python!"

"But how can the python block the old man's iron bullet?"

In fact, the defense of snakes is very strong. They are both scaly lizards and snakes. Their body has only a thin layer of scales, and their defense is very limited.

Only the crocodiles of the crocodile family and the tortoises of the turtle family have extremely strong armor.

Even large pythons like reticulated pythons and green forest anacondas cannot withstand the slashing of ordinary swords.

Chen Pi Asi's iron bullet is extremely lethal, not even weaker than a shotgun within 30 meters!
Under four iron bullets, even a boa constrictor weighing more than 100 kilograms would have its bones broken.

But there is nothing wrong with this thing, is it still a snake?

Others also showed expressions of surprise and fear.

The fat man is a joker, seeing the giant python slowly swimming towards him, he was terrified, and hurriedly raised his gun and shot.

He used a large-caliber automatic rifle, which was more powerful than Chen Pi Asi's iron bullets!
Bang bang bang!
Fatty's marksmanship was precise, and a string of bullets all hit the giant python.

A horrible scene appeared.

After the giant python was hit by the bullet, there was only a ball of sparks on its body, but it didn't hurt its flesh!

"Damn, is this a python? It's a dragon!"

The fat man looked terrified and hurriedly changed the magazine.

Although the giant python was not injured, it felt a sharp pain and seemed to be irritated.

The huge body twisted, the speed increased sharply, and it rushed towards the crowd on the rocky mountain.

What people can't imagine is that although this thing is huge, its movements are not clumsy at all, and it is even unbelievably fast!

Snakes are cartilaginous animals, they do not have hard and thick bones to support huge weight.

So the bigger the snake, the more clumsy it is.

The ancient titan anaconda and the modern green anaconda, these fat house-sized giant pythons all live in the water, relying on the buoyancy of the water to support their weight, and move very slowly on land.

The giant python in front of me is so big that it can directly catch up to the Titan boa, and it weighs at least half a ton!

It stands to reason that this giant python should be crawling at the speed of a tortoise on land.

But the speed of this giant python was as fast as lightning, and it rushed forward, within 20 meters in the blink of an eye!

Only then did everyone react, and they raised their guns and fired together.

Intensive gunfire broke the tranquility of the night sky.

More than a dozen balls of flames spewed out together, and hundreds of bullets poured on the giant python.

There was a flash of fire on the giant python's body, and the action really slowed down.

However, these bullets did not cause substantial damage to it, they just made it feel a sharp pain and slightly blocked its attack.

Although this thing's IQ is not high, but after being beaten, it knows how to avoid it.

The giant python twisted its huge body, and slowly retreated more than ten meters. It crawled all over the muddy water of the swamp, and stopped attacking.

Only then did the fat man wipe off the cold sweat from his forehead, gaining some confidence.

"This thing is outrageous, if only there was a Barrett."

The Barrett anti-material sniper rifle is designed to attack the driver in the vehicle, and can penetrate armored vehicles!

Aning said while changing the magazine.

"It's good enough to get these guns. This is not the country where everyone eats chicken. Where can I get you Barrett?"

After everyone changed the magazines, they raised their guns again, ready to face the second wave of the python's attack.

But at this time, the giant python actually gave up the attack, turned around and got into the thick swamp mud!

When Wu Xie saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although our guns couldn't hurt it, it knew it was afraid of pain, so it probably ran away."

The fat man was not as optimistic as he was, shaking his head.

"This thing isn't here to have fun, it's here to eat us!"

"A hunter in nature will not give up his prey so easily."

Food is an extremely precious resource for hunters in nature. Even the most efficient hunting animals often eat when they are hungry. They are not as simple as humans to obtain food.

Therefore, after encountering prey, they usually do not give up easily, and will retreat unless they encounter a fatal threat.

Jack nodded in agreement.

"He's right, the thing didn't go away."

"It's just hiding, everyone, don't let your guard down!"

At this time, the little brother who had been silent all this time finally spoke.

"Go to the top of the mountain, hurry up!"

This stone mountain is only a dozen meters high, and the crowd is located halfway up the mountain, only six or seven meters away from the swamp at the foot of the mountain.

If that thing came from under the swamp and attacked suddenly...

As soon as the younger brother's voice fell, people still hadn't reacted.

At this time, a black shadow rose into the sky from the mud at the foot of the mountain!

Sure enough, just as the little brother predicted, the giant python came out from under the mud and launched a surprise attack!

The distance of six or seven meters is only a step away for this giant python.

In a blink of an eye, the huge body rushed up the rocky mountain and rushed towards a mercenary.

The mercenary had just reacted, and before he had time to shoot, the giant python bit his head!

There was a murderous look in the little brother's eyes.

"How dare a beast!"

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