Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 140 If you want to live, use the silk script of the Warring States Period in exchange

Chen Wenjin, in the original book, was one of the archaeological team members who entered the Xisha Undersea Tomb 20 years ago, and had an affair with Wu Sansheng at that time.

Later, he entered Yunding Tiangong to explore ten years ago, and disappeared mysteriously since then, with no news at all.

Ji Changsheng's impression of her is that she is a strong, brave and wise woman, and an old friend of Wu Sanxing.

But what he didn't expect was that the words Chen Wenjin, a person he had never met, left behind ten years ago far exceeded his expectations!
Wu Xie read the words word by word according to the stone wall.

"Ten years of goodbye, you guys will be safe and sound. When you read these words, you must have seen the ultimate, little brother, Sanxing, Mr. Ji Changsheng!"

Chen Wenjin knew about Ji Changsheng ten years ago, and expected him to enter the Bronze Gate with his younger brother Wu Sansheng!
Is this the ability of the prophet!

Wu Xie held back the great shock in her heart and continued to read.

"My father, I'm fine now, don't read."

This sentence was said to Chen Pi Asi.

After hearing this, Chen Pi Asi finally breathed a sigh of relief, showing an excited expression, and urged.

"Go on, what's next?"

Wuxie continued to read.

"Time is running out, so I don't have time to say more. I will go ahead and wait for you. Chen Wenjin, on a certain day of a certain month and a certain year."

The date of this inscription was exactly ten years ago!

After Wu Xie finished reading this passage, the most excited thing was Chen Pi Asi.

He stretched out his hands trembling, and gently stroked the writing on the cave wall, which was the only trace left by his daughter, and he seemed to be able to feel the lingering warmth of Chen Wenjin.

"Wen Jin, you don't even want to say a word to me."

"However, it's fine if you're fine, it's fine if you're fine!"

Then, suddenly, he turned around and said.

"Wen Jin said he would wait for us!"

"Mr. Ji, do you know where she is waiting for us?"

Of course Ji Changsheng knew, Snake Marsh Ghost Town!

It seems that this is the ancient tomb he will go to next!
But he didn't say it, he just replied.

"Fourth Master, she didn't leave any more information, and I don't know about that either."

"For the specific situation, let's analyze it after we go back."

Chen Pi Asi nodded and asked again.

"Then do you think Wen Jin is still alive?"

Although Chen Wenjin left important information, she has been missing for ten years and has not been heard from.

Except for Ji Changsheng, no one is sure that she must still be alive.

Ji Changsheng smiled.

"Auspicious people have their own appearance. Don't worry, old man. If she is still alive, you will definitely see her."

In fact, these words are consolation, because in the original book, Chen Wenjin has never met Chen Pi Asi until the end, and he is not sure whether the father and daughter will be able to reunite.

Chen Pi Asi didn't think so. After going through so many things, he already had 100% trust in Ji Changsheng.

As long as it is what Mr. Ji said, it will definitely come true!

The centenarian seemed to have been given a shot in the arm, refreshed and completely different from before.

"Then I entrust you with a good word!"

Everyone searched the cave again, but found no more clues.

After leaving the cave, Sunja immediately asked a question.

"Since Miss Wenjin is alive, why did my father die here?"

After checking it, the little brother replied.

"Uncle was mortally wounded. His gun was out of bullets. It looked like they were in some danger."

"In order to protect the others and escape smoothly, the old man fought to the death to the last moment. He is a hero worthy of respect!"

Shunzi had seen the dangers in this ancient tomb, and agreed with the younger brother's speculation.

Chen Pi Asi stepped forward, patted his shoulder and said.

"Your father sacrificed his precious life to protect Wenjin, he is a man!"

"From now on, you will be the guest of my Chen family. If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

For Sunja, this was the happiest ending.

Not only was his father's body found, but his father's death was indomitable!
As for the disappearing figure that people saw, it never appeared again and did not pose any threat to them, so there was no need to search for it.

If you think about it carefully, that person might not be a human being!
His appearance only attracted people's attention to this cave, where they found the body of Shunzi's father and the text left by Chen Wenjin.

From this point of view, this figure was out of good intentions.

Fatty finally came to a horrifying conclusion.

"Maybe what we saw was the ghost of my uncle!"

The deceased was buried in peace, and Shunzi's father exposed his corpse to the wilderness for ten years, and became a lonely ghost wandering in the underground palace.

When he saw his son coming here, he deliberately showed up and led people to find his body. This is the most reasonable guess.

This explanation was all accepted.

So, everyone tidied up, and Shunzi carried his father's body on his back, and headed back the same way.

Since the entire Yunding Tiangong was pushed once by Ji Changping, all the harmful monsters were killed, not even a hair was left, so the journey back was very smooth, and it took only five days to return to the foot of Changbai Mountain.

After returning to the village before departure, Shunzi said goodbye to everyone.

Jack asked Aning if he would like to go back with him.

Aning shook his head.

"The task assigned by the boss has not been completed, and I cannot go back for the time being."

Jack didn't push her, and didn't dare.

"Okay, then I'll explain everything to the boss."

Ji Changsheng had a good impression of this simple and honest young man, and gave him a big gift before parting.

With the blessing of the hand rejuvenation technique, Jack's severed hand grew back!
This scene made everyone dumbfounded and shocked.

Even if Hua Tuo was alive and Bian Que was reborn, it would be impossible to do it!
Breaking bones and regenerating muscle is simply a fairy method!
When Jack and Aning saw it, they quickly knelt down together.

"Mr. Ji, you have the magical power to bring the dead back to life, please help Mr. Jude Kao!"

"As long as you are willing to help, we will agree to any conditions!"

Ji Changsheng blinked, this time he did not refuse.

"I can cure his illness, but I have one condition."

Jack and Aning couldn't help but be overjoyed.


Ji Changsheng said slowly.

"Let him bring the fragments of the Warring States Silk Book and come to me in person."

Jack hesitated, then replied.

"But the boss's share has been donated to the Museum of the United States, and it's not in his hands."

Ji Changsheng said lightly.

"This is his problem. Without the fragments of the silk script, there is nothing to talk about!"

He believed that with Jude Kao's method, it would not be difficult to get the fragment back from the museum, which saved him a lot of effort.

And for Jude Kao, life is definitely more important than the silk script, and he will definitely do as required.

After careful calculation, the six fragments of the Warring States Silk Book will be collected soon!

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