Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 134 The Yin Soldier Guarding the Bronze Gate

Before that, all the skills Ji Changsheng acquired were for improving himself, but he didn't expect that this special skill could actually improve others!

In this way, he can train some capable assistants!
As the saying goes, a fence has three stakes, and a hero has three gangs.

Although Ji Changsheng is strong, but after all, he is alone and alone, and often has no ability to separate himself. It is time to cultivate forces that are loyal to him!
However, the current vitality value is still very precious to him. After reaching the full level first, the excess vitality value can be used to train his subordinates.

If he can form a superhuman armed force, then he can sweep the world just by moving his mouth!

It's fun just thinking about it!

At this time, only the fat man screamed in surprise.

"I'm going, what the hell is this?"

"It has something in it!"

Looking down, I saw a strange outline protruding from the shriveled body of King Wannu. From the outside, it seemed to be a big bug!

Ji Changsheng chuckled and said.

"This is the worm mother it said, and it has become one in its stomach."

"This is the longevity you want!"

When everyone heard this, they showed expressions of disgust.

Although immortality is the ultimate pursuit of human beings, this method is too weird and has crossed the moral bottom line of human beings.

Even if he achieves longevity, he becomes neither human nor ghost, and loses his qualifications as a human being.

Not worth the candle!

Ji Changsheng continued.

"Now that you know the method, who wants to try it?"

Everyone took a step back and waved their hands together to say no to talk.

Fatty didn't have much interest in longevity, but he took it very openly.

"Forget it, let's leave this trick to itself."

"Fatty, I'm not married yet and have children. If you kill me, I won't turn into a monster!"

But other people are not as broad-minded and fat as he is. Aning, Jack, Lao Liuzi, and Ma San all came here for the longevity medicine.

These people can't help but feel deeply sorry.

Old Liu Zi and Ma San sighed.

"Even if the boss wants to live forever, he won't use this method. This trip is in vain."

Aning and Jack looked at each other, they seemed a little hesitant.

Jude was nearly a hundred years old and was seriously ill. There was not much time left for him.

With Jude Kao's personality and thoughts, he might not reject this method!
After thinking about it, Anning said.

"In any case, let's bring this method back and let the boss decide for himself."

Jack immediately took out a knife, intending to cut open the body of King Wannu and get a sample of the worm mother.

Unexpectedly, before he could do anything, Wannuwang's mummy quickly decomposed, and the worm mother in his body turned into a pile of dregs, leaving nothing.

Jack couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

"It seems that there is only one way left."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the bronze door.

All the secrets are hidden behind that door!

Others couldn't help but have a strong interest in the bronze door. Is it true that, as King Wannu said, the things behind the door came from outside the sky?

At this time, the little brother said in a deep voice.

"Everyone, none of you can go in, except Mr. Ji."

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately stood up to express their dissatisfaction.

Old Liu Zi said unconvinced.

"Why? This expedition is funded by our boss, and you have promised it!"

"It's coming to an end, how can you go back on your word!"

He and Ma San are loyal to Liulisun, and they both want to get the longevity medicine for the boss, and at the same time, they also have some expectations in their hearts.

The little brother replied calmly.

"I have a good heart. This door is not for anyone to enter."

"If you really want to go in, your life will be in danger!"

Ma San couldn't help frowning, and quietly touched his back with his right hand.

"Brother, are you threatening us?"

The little brother didn't care about his small movements at all, he just expressed it lightly.

"This door has been here for thousands of years, but why don't many people in the world know this secret?"

"Have you thought about this question?"

Old Liu Zi and Ma San looked at each other and asked cautiously.


The little brother showed an inscrutable expression, and replied slowly.

"Because something guards this door!"

The others were all taken aback, not understanding his true meaning.

"But those tomb-slayer beasts have all been killed?"

"Even the Wannu King is dead, what danger will there be?"

The younger brother did not answer their questions, but came to Ji Changsheng and bowed deeply.

"Mr. Ji, I want to borrow something from you."

Ji Changsheng smiled, took out the dark green ghost seal from his pocket, and handed it over.

"You want this."

The little brother took it over solemnly, with a slightly excited expression on his face.

"Mr. Ji, this is the key to open the bronze door. I will return it after I use it up."

The others were taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Ji Changsheng already had the key to open the bronze door!
Ji Changsheng smiled lightly.

"You don't need to return it, you will keep it for me in the future."

The little brother nodded slowly, holding the ghost seal in both hands, and said in a dignified tone.

"Everyone, when the bronze door opens, there will be danger, please avoid it!"

The others looked at each other, they weren't sure if the little brother was trying to scare people on purpose, or if he was really in danger.

Only Fatty and Wuxie fully trust the little brother.

"Naive, we don't have this life, so we shouldn't wade into this muddy water."

"Fatty, let's go and hide."

At this time, Chen Pi Ah Si suddenly spoke.

"Brother Zhang, I have something to ask."

The little brother knew what he was going to say and said immediately.

"Si Grandpa, if she's inside, I'll bring her out for you."

"And brother Shunzi, you too."

Chen Pi Asi and Shunzi clasped their hands together.

"Thank you then."

Aning and Jack hesitated for a while. They wanted to go in and see for themselves, but they didn't dare to disobey the little brother, so they had to give up in the end.

After everyone retreated to the side, the little brother raised the ghost seal and took a deep breath.

"Emperor Ghost King, command the ten directions!"

As a spell was uttered, Guixi began to tremble slightly.

Ji Changsheng on the side had a strange expression on his face. Why are you shouting loudly when I am standing beside you...

However, he found that Guixi had emitted a hyperfrequency sound wave that only he, a superhuman, could hear.

This ultrasonic wave seems to be a signal, calling for something!
Moments later.

I only heard a rumbling sound from a distance, like thunder.

Listen carefully, the sound is very rhythmic, it is clearly the sound of footsteps!
The footsteps of tens of thousands of people are like the roar of a rushing waterfall, from far to near.

Not long after, an extremely terrifying scene appeared!

A black army appeared in the distance, holding high the flag, and walking slowly towards this side with uniform steps.

Everyone's face changed, this is the danger that the little brother said.

Yin soldier!

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