Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 111 Show Yourself, Monster Bird

"Who is messing around here? Get out!"

Others were still wandering cautiously at the door, but Ji Changsheng had already strode in, and the deafening voice echoed in the hall.

The little brother quickly followed in, holding a knife in one hand and taking out a flashlight in the other to take a picture.

But I saw that this is a rather large front hall, which is the gate of the whole palace, also called the gate hall.

There is a wide corridor in the middle, with dozens of pillars standing on both sides, but there is nothing else.

After the fat man came in, he took a look at it and said in surprise.

"It's strange, the fight was so lively just now, how come there is no movement in a blink of an eye?"

Everyone also felt very strange. Why did such a fierce gun battle leave no traces?

Who were those who shot?
Where did they go again?

Seeing that there was no danger, the fat man became bolder and walked in the front with a gun in his hand.

"Mr. Ji, I'm going to check on the situation."

In fact, he just wanted to see if there was anything valuable here.

After walking forward for a certain distance, I couldn't help being disappointed.

Not to mention treasures in this gate, there is not a single ghost.

But at this moment, a drop of something warm fell on the fat man's face.

"Huh? Is there a leak?"

The fat man looked up, and when he saw it, he almost sat down on the ground in fright.

"Damn! Someone!"

I saw a person hanging upside down on the high beams, with his head down facing the fat man, his eyes were wide open, his face was distorted and hideous.

A stream of blood flowed down from the man's neck, just dripping on the fat man's face.

The fat man quickly raised his gun, and after a few seconds, seeing that the man didn't respond, he realized that it was a dead man!

When everyone came to the front, they raised their flashlights to take pictures.

But I saw that there was more than one dead person on the beam, and seven or eight people were clinging to the beam, motionless, as if they were all dead!

Wu Xie couldn't help being frightened and his face changed.

"No wonder you can't see any traces, they all hid up there."

The little brother's expression turned serious, and he said in a deep voice.

"I'll go take a look."

With a kick of both feet, a dry land plucks the onion, up to a height of more than four meters, and easily jumps onto the beam of the house.

A moment passed.

The little brother threw all the corpses down, and then jumped off the beam.

Everyone immediately gathered around to examine the body.

But I saw that these people were all foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes. Everyone was fully armed and held automatic weapons. They were obviously not ordinary tourists.

When Aning saw it, his expression suddenly changed.

Quickly rummaged through the body to find some documents.

"It's actually from our company!"

Jack was stunned when he heard that.

"Why did another group of people come? Why didn't I know?"

Ah Ning's mood became very complicated, which showed that Jude Kao no longer trusted her, or that Jude Kao had never trusted anyone!
The fat man sneered.

"I'm afraid I still have to ask you guys, pretend to be confused!"

"I think you two are undercover agents who broke into our interior!"

He pointed his gun at the two of them.

"Tell me, what other schemes do you have!"

Jack quickly explained.

"You misunderstood, we didn't know these things, and we were kept in the dark!"

Aning also said.

"Fatty, calm down, now is not the time for infighting."

The fat man snorted coldly.

"Only our own people can be called internal strife, but you are not!"

"Ghosts will believe you!"

Seeing this, Wu Xie quickly stopped the fat man.

"The situation is still unclear, don't mess around!"

At this time, the little brother finished examining the corpse and said in a deep voice.

"Fatty, don't worry about this."

"There is something here, everyone be careful!"

The fat man could hear the seriousness of the younger brother's tone, and he put down the gun when he realized that the situation was not going well.

Looking down at the corpses, these people had huge wounds, as if cut open by a knife, dripping with blood.

Everyone's expression is very ferocious, and they should have seen something extremely terrifying before they died!

At this time, Monk Hua exclaimed.

"Look at the wall!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that the wall was covered with bullet holes and the ground was full of bullet casings.

The fat man was taken aback.

"How did these people shoot at the wall?"

Take a closer look, these bullet holes go all the way up the wall, extending to the roof!

Wu Xie's face changed suddenly.

"These people seem to be chasing and hitting something, and that thing hit the roof!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone raised their guns and pointed them into the air.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and everyone did not dare to breathe.

Those who died were eight professional mercenaries. They were killed in just 2 minutes, and the enemy left no trace!
No matter what killed them, it must be very strong!

Only Ji Changsheng smiled coldly.

"Don't you dare to come out while hiding? I thought it was a great skill."

"See how long you can hide!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden howl of ghosts and gods from all directions!
Skill: Wanli ghost song activated!

The soaring resentment of countless unjust souls and fierce ghosts erupted, not only effective on human beings, but all living creatures will feel boundless fear!

Fortunately, Ji Changsheng was not released on the crowd, otherwise, except for the little brother, everyone else present would probably be hit.

But even so, people could faintly hear the mournful howling, and they felt cold and shivering all over their bodies.

After a moment.

I only heard a strange cry from above the main hall, which sounded like the sound of a baby crying.

The fat man shuddered violently and shouted.

"Look there!"

I saw a huge black shadow jumping out from the beams, flying towards the top of the crowd at an extremely fast speed, like a small plane!
A cold light flashed in the little brother's eyes, and his wrist shook slightly.

The ancient black gold knife came out in response, drawing a beautiful arc in the night sky.

Gorgeous and deadly!
With a scream, the black shadow quickly fell down.

Chen Pi'a twitched his ears and couldn't help being moved.

"Good swordsmanship!"

The black shadow flew extremely fast, but the little brother chopped it down within one-tenth of a second!

The speed of this knife is rare in the world!

Everyone hurried forward to take a look, the real appearance of the thing on the ground made them startled.

"How could there be such a ghost thing!"

"Fuck, what is this?"

The one lying on the ground was indeed a big bird. Its body was more than one meter long, and its pair of wings were more than four meters wide!

The pair of sharp claws of this strange bird were as sharp as steel knives, shining coldly.

But the weirdest thing is that this strange bird actually has a human face!
Moreover, it was larger than the average human face, the size of a washbasin, and its complexion was pale.

It's like a dead face that has been soaked in water for a long time!

It's just that this person has a bird's beak on his face, hooked like an eagle.

The fat man shivered in fright, and suddenly remembered what Wu Xie had said before.

"Naive, you are really the number one crow's mouth in the world."

"Such a weird and bizarre thing, you have all said it!"

"In this world... there is really a human-faced bird!"

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