Go crazy!You call me the ultimate?

Chapter 108 Death's Transit, Not Leaving a Grass

The sea of ​​galaxies and insects made up of money strings gathered towards the flames, less than ten meters away from people!
The sea of ​​insects has gathered more and more, and has piled up into a circle of hills, up to three meters high!

The fat man swallowed, and took out a detonator from his backpack.

Under the great fear, his ferocity was aroused.

"Made, I blow up these bugs!"

Ji Changsheng looked back at him.

"keep it."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, not daring to disobey, so he could only obediently put away the detonator.

"Mr. Ji, we can't sit and wait to die, can we?"

Wu Xie quickly pulled him and said in a low voice.

"Mr. Ji must have a purpose in waking them up. What are you in a hurry for?"

When the fat man heard this, he immediately remembered the scene in the spiritual palace, and couldn't help shaking.

"Could it be... that again?"

Ji Changsheng looked at the mountain of money strings, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"This number is more than I imagined. I don't know how many vitality points there will be!"

Then, he bent down and pressed his right hand to the ground.

"Start merging!"

An invisible energy swept towards the sea of ​​insects with lightning speed.

The horrible scene appeared again!

The god of death crosses the border, not a single blade of grass grows!
Every second, tens of thousands of money strings turned into corpses, and the money strings behind were completely unaware of the death of their companions. Under the attraction of the flames, they rushed forward one after another, like a tide.

The invisible black air is frantically harvesting life, slaughtering and absorbing it to its heart's content!

The hills formed by the sea of ​​insects are getting higher and higher.

In an instant.

The corpses of Qian Chuanzi around the flames had piled up to seven or eight meters high!

Because there were too many money strings and their weight was getting heavier and heavier, the circle of hills finally couldn't support it and collapsed!

The several tons of insect sea corpses fell to the fire, and the flames were quickly extinguished!

But money strings from all directions are still pouring in, like a tide.

Without the attraction of the flames, the target of Qian Chuanzi has become the crowd!
When the little brother saw it, he quickly waved the black knife and stood in front of him.

"Everyone, get out, my queen!"

The others didn't dare to stay longer at all, and turned around to run away.

At this time, Ji Changsheng sneered.

"You don't even need to run, it will be over soon!"

After speaking, he raised his other hand.

A strange fragrance emanated from the hand.

Item: Insect Fragrance Jade!

With the blessing of the dragon blood, the insect fragrance jade was upgraded to the full level, and its efficacy reached its peak.

This is a bait specially made for insects. As long as they are insects, they cannot resist the temptation of this fragrance.

The rich fragrance quickly drifted into the air, covering the entire underground cave in an instant!

This thing is more attractive than flames!

All Qian Chuanzi immediately changed their targets, turned around and rushed towards Ji Changsheng.

Everyone looked back, the scene in front of them made them heartbroken, and they will never forget it.

The vast sea of ​​insects charged towards Ji Changsheng together, and surrounded him.

But Ji Changsheng pressed the ground with one hand and raised the other in the air, showing no sign of fear.

There was even a faint excited smile at the corner of his mouth!

The fat man looked dumbfounded, and asked blankly.

"Mr. Ji seems to be laughing? What is he laughing at?"

Wu Xie Yaoyao nodded and pointed.

"Although I don't know what Mr. Ji is doing, look!"

There seemed to be an invisible wall around Ji Changsheng, as long as he got within ten meters of him, Qian Chuanzi would die instantly!
One second it was a quick-moving poisonous insect, and the next it turned into a corpse!
This invisible energy is like a barrier of death, blocking all life out!
They had seen this weird scene many times before.

But this time, it seemed extra exaggerated!

Even if people don't know what that ability is, they can clearly feel the horror and power of this ability!

The majestic vitality value like rivers and seas poured into Ji Changsheng's body continuously, turning into infinite power!
A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"too slow!"

With a shout, that invisible energy exploded violently!
From a range of ten meters, it instantly spread to half a cave!

The scythe of death swept across, and the strings of money died in pieces!

This scene is so shocking!
In just ten seconds, most of Qian Chuanzi was dead!

The number of insects finally stopped increasing, but decreased rapidly.

After a few more seconds, the raging sea of ​​insects finally fell silent!
When Ji Changsheng stood up, hundreds of tons of bug corpses had piled up in front of him!

"Ding, the fusion of 1 million money strings was successful!"

"Ding, the host has gained 13 vitality points!"

There are actually 13 points!

Although the level of Qian Chuanzi is extremely low, which is several levels lower than that of corpses, the victory lies in the fact that there are too many of them!
Gather sand into a tower!

The vitality value provided by more than 1 million money skewers even exceeds that of a beast like a brontosaurus!
Although he didn't get any skills or items, Ji Changsheng was very satisfied with the vigorous vitality.

"As expected of Yunding Tiangong, it really didn't disappoint me!"

"Hahaha, let's have some more!"

When everyone heard what he said, they were all dumbfounded.

Mr. Ji is addicted to exterminators?

So much money, isn't it enough?

At this time, Jack looked at the sea of ​​corpses and said seriously.

"According to the living space of this cave, these bugs should not have died yet."

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

"What? And!?"

Jack nodded and said seriously.

"More than that, I guess there will be even bigger individuals appearing!"

The fat man immediately remembered the large money strings that had appeared in the spiritual palace, and his whole body trembled.

"Hey, how do you know this?"

Jack explained.

"My biology minor in college."

"These bugs are gnats, and gnats are widely distributed on the earth, and the closer they are to the equator, the bigger they are."

"It's close to the underground volcano, and the oxygen concentration is very high, so it can grow so big."

Then, his expression became tense.

"Every biological population has large individuals with abnormal sizes, and this population is so large, there must be large individuals!"

After hearing this, Ji Changsheng showed admiration.

He nodded to Jack and smiled.

"You're not wrong about this, there are indeed big guys here!"

As soon as the words fell, only a strange sound came from a distance.

Bang bang bang.

Like the sound of high heels on a marble floor.

The crisp footsteps echoed in the underground cave, getting closer!

Everyone nervously raised their weapons and followed the prestige.

I saw a dozen huge figures appearing in the distance, coming towards this side at an extremely fast speed!

In an instant.

These things have come to us.

When people saw their appearance clearly, they couldn't help taking a step back, and a cool air came from behind.

What a big string of money!

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