Appreciation program: My identity as the immortal was exposed

Chapter 91 Framed Xu Feng from the Internet again

It never occurred to him that a book that Li An found at random, after the magical modification time of the system, actually contained the news of the soul-returning grass that he was looking for so hard.

Even the calm-minded Xu Feng couldn't help shaking his head and sighing at such a ridiculous thing.

It's really another village.

He thought that there were no clues to the Soul-Returning Grass, but he didn't expect to have the most important clue now.

Just in Wushan!

Wushan in China is a well-known place, and Xu Feng knows where it is.

And according to the records in the books, the Wushan in the book is the same as the current Wushan in China.

Should be no problem.

The question now is when will I leave for Wushan!
Wushan is still far away.

He was not familiar with the place where he was born, so he couldn't recruit people casually.

Otherwise, he would just buy a plane ticket and let his subordinates like "Scorpion" prepare everything for him. He would take people to Wushan to look for it, and if he found it, he would go home. If he couldn't find it, he would stay with his subordinates for a while.

Besides, Wushan is not easy to set foot on.

So Xu Feng had to be fully prepared before going.

This kind of thing can't be rushed. Once you are in a hurry, you will miss a good time.

There is no chance to cry miserably.

To calm himself down, Xu Feng went online to look up all the knowledge about Wushan, and made adequate plans.

That night Xu Feng was looking up information on the Internet, and at the Li Family Group, Li Tiancheng was also sending someone to prepare an article on the Internet!


"Notify the network department and let them spread false news online, saying that Xu Feng's whitening plasters actually have no effect, and the previous whitening effects are all fake and deceiving."

"They know how to operate the Internet department themselves. I don't need to tell them, but remember, tell them that as long as they can reach the point of hacking the entire network, then no matter how much money is spent, I will agree. Remember?"

Li Tiancheng said, staring fiercely at the secretary.

Of course, the target of his hostility is not the secretary, but the imaginary enemy Xu Feng!
The secretary's feet trembled a little. Li Tiancheng couldn't bear the pressure of Li's group for many years.

"Understood, chairman, I will do it right now!"

After speaking, the secretary quickly ran downstairs under tremendous pressure.

The secretary left, Li Tiancheng sat in a chair and remained silent.

Look out the window.

Originally, Li Tiancheng didn't pay attention to a nobody like Xu Feng.

Even though he started the live broadcast to ask the company for money and the [-] million bonus, Li Tiancheng did not take Xu Feng seriously.

At most, they thought that Xu Feng was just a money-hungry lunatic who didn't even care about tearing his face off with his Li family for the [-] million bonus.

At that time, he also asked his secretary to investigate Xu Feng's background, and the result was: ordinary!
So Li Tiancheng didn't take Xu Feng seriously.

That [-] million bonus?
Think of it as existing with Xu Feng first.

Once the Internet limelight at that time passed, he had plenty of ways to make Xu Feng spit it out!
It's just ordinary people, how can they beat his Li family!

But the first time was different.

Xu Feng came to the door in person and broke his son Li Wuyang's thigh with his foot.

Up to now, Li Wuyang is still recuperating in the hospital.

According to what the doctor said, Li Wuyang's leg is completely hopeless, and it depends on whether he can be equipped with a suitable robotic leg in the future.

That time, Li Tiancheng was really angry.

Not only was his son injured, but the Li family suffered unprecedented humiliation!
So he asked his secretary to check Xu Feng's background thoroughly.

Although he has a close relationship with Scorpion, who is Scorpion?Li Tiancheng didn't take it seriously.

So Li Tiancheng directly sent someone to "assassinate" Xu Feng's only sister, and he also let Xu Feng know how it feels to be hurt by a loved one!
Although the result did not satisfy him, the guy named Xu Ling'er survived and is still recuperating in the hospital.

But at least he has taken revenge, so he will ignore Xu Feng for the time being.

But he never expected that such a kid whom he looked down upon would dare to "gamble" with him on the day their Li Family Group was released!
And the result of the bet was that they failed miserably!
Li Tiancheng can give you a bonus of [-] million yuan, and you can get it back later.

Li Tiancheng also sent someone to avenge his son's broken leg, so he ignored him for the time being.

But this time, Xu Feng rode on his head to shit, and touched his most important interests!
How dare you move your own interests?
Then Li Tiancheng will send Xu Feng to the eighteenth hell with his own hands,
Let the guy who is greedy for his own interests see what the fate of provoking the Li family is!
Li Tiancheng sat in the office gloomyly.

Under the operation of his subordinates, there were countless reviews about whitening plasters on the Internet.

"Thank you for the invitation. I just got off the plane. Let me briefly comment on the whitening plaster of the Haotian brand. In general, four words: deceive the audience!"

"The author personally experienced how much damage my skin suffered after I tried Haotian Whitening Plaster!"

"Shocked! It turns out that the Haotian whitening plaster with a very high praise rate is all fakes!"

"Let the editor take you to see what this Haotian whitening plaster is."

Immediately, there was a wave of condemnation of Haotian whitening plaster on the Internet.

As long as you scold Haotian Whitening Plaster, as long as you post articles and videos, as long as the content blames Haotian Group, there will be a lot of traffic.

So in this era where traffic is king, even many people who don't know Haotian Group, have never bought it, or even know about Haotian Whitening Plaster all appeared.

The purpose is to grab such a traffic!
In an instant, the powerful black wind suppressed Xu Feng's original reputation at the bottom of the mountain!

Except for some true fans who believe in Xu Feng, and those who have personally tried the whitening plaster, the whole network is black on Xu Feng.

Seeing this, Li Tiancheng smiled with satisfaction.

It wasn't until Xu Feng came to the factory the next day that he saw Fang Anshan's expressions were not right, so he realized something was wrong.

"What's the matter? Everyone is frowning."

Fang Anshan didn't know whether he should tell Xu Feng about this matter, but after thinking about it, he still told Xu Feng everything.

"Boss, online last night..."

"So because of this trend of black people, the favorable rating of our official whitening plaster dropped instantly, and it's even dropping now."

"The most annoying thing is that because of this incident, our order volume has been reduced to only three people placing orders today!"

"What are we going to do?"

Fang Anshan can't make up his mind about such a big matter, so he can only see how Xu Feng decides.

Xu Feng frowned, he didn't expect that he would have so many sunspots after just sleeping all night.

Looking at the big money, nine out of ten it was the work of the Li family.

Li family!

Xu Feng's eyes turned cold.

"Increase production!"


Fang Anshan was at a loss for words.

"listen to me."

Xu Feng's eyes were firm.

"Yes, boss."

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