After that incident, Tan Yuan was very envious of those couples holding hands on the street. She felt that she couldn't hang herself on a tree, so she also wanted to try to fall in love.

After thinking of this, Tan Yuan began to open his heart to find his other half, but he found it, but Tan Yuan found that he still couldn't let Xu Feng go.

Because of her own attachment, Tan Yuan failed in several love affairs, and they all ended in failure. In the end, Tan Yuan didn't want to, and she chose to stay with Xu Feng and never marry for the rest of her life.

Even if Xu Feng doesn't like her, so what, as long as she likes Xu Feng, as long as she can look at Xu Feng from a distance, it is enough. Anyway, she has recognized Xu Feng in her life, and Xu Feng abused her thousands of times. Treat Xu Feng like first love.

"Tan Yuan, you have waited for so long and can't wait for my brother's response. No matter how much you do, he won't be able to see it. Otherwise, just listen to me and let go of my brother. I'll see you like this. It's also very uncomfortable in my heart, obviously he doesn't have you in his heart, why are you so attached to him?"

"My brother is a cold-blooded animal and a heartless person. You have been chasing him for so long and covering him for so long. Even if it is a stone, you should warm him up. But now? What do you look like? Is he the only one with such a brain?"

Seeing that Tan Yuan had done so much for her brother, Xu Ling'er chose to stay by Xu Feng's side without getting married, but Xu Feng remained unmoved and acted as if nothing had happened.

Xu Ling'er didn't know what her brother meant. All the other girls guarded him like a jade, and he was always consumed by others like this, so that no one could bear it.

"Ling'er, I told you that I have already decided on my own affairs, so I will not repent if I make a decision. Even if your brother never responds to me, I will still do this. I am the same as you. You Now that I have achieved a positive result, I still can't even tell the door, I really failed."

Tan Yuan was very envious of Xu Linger, saying that taking Zhou Yang down would take him down, but what about her?She has worked so hard for so long and there is no response at all. Isn't she a failure?

"I don't want you to be a good girl. My brother doesn't know how to cherish it. When he finds out, he will regret what he has done the day he knows."

Tan Yuan is indeed a good girl, but meeting Xu Feng is another way of saying it. Xu Linger really feels worthless for Tan Yuan.

Tan Yuan's company is very urgent because of the unfinished construction of Tan's company, so Tan Yuan has no choice but to go to the construction site for inspection.

"What's the matter with this piece?"

After arriving, Tan Yuan looked at it for a long time and finally saw a defect.

"Miss Tan's place is caused by the workers not cutting corners."

The people behind him immediately reported the truth after hearing Tan Yuan's words.

"This kind of thing can still happen in our company."

Tan Yuan felt that it was time for her to start rectifying these people.


"You can't come here. This is a heavy construction site."

Before the man behind could finish speaking, he heard someone breaking in and starting to make trouble.

"You people dare to harm people here, you people trap people so hard, and use these inferior buildings to fool people, do you still have a conscience?"

Those troublemakers began to walk towards Tan Yuan, cursing carelessly.

"What happened to you?"

Unaware of the situation, Tan Yuan stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

"Are you in charge here?"

Someone began to ask about Tan Yuan's position.

"It is to me."

Tan Yuan felt that these people were not kind, but she still couldn't figure out why.


After the words were over, Tan Yuan was attacked by the rioters, and Tan Yuan was beaten up, and Tan Yuan was unprepared and suffered from being dumb, but even if Tan Yuan knew what those people were going to do, she couldn't escape the attacks of the big and three rough men.

"What are you doing, Miss Tan, are you okay, call an ambulance quickly."

Seeing Tan Yuan being beaten, Tan Yuan's assistant hurriedly called an ambulance, and when the ambulance arrived, he carried Tan Yuan away.

"Gotham Wish was beaten and seriously injured. You think you should go to the hospital."

After Xu Linger received the news that Tan Yuan was beaten, she thought it was a good opportunity, so she took this opportunity to quickly notify Xu Feng.

"Why was Tan Yuan beaten?"

Xu Feng was a little confused after hearing this, why did Tan Yuan get beaten up so well?She didn't seem to have offended anyone, did she?
"I don't know, you should go to the hospital to see."

Xu Ling'er didn't know why Tan Yuan was beaten. She knew that when she was calling Tan Yuan, her assistant received a call because Tan Yuan was beaten and was in the hospital.

"Okay, let me go and have a look."

Seeing that Xu Linger couldn't find out why he asked Xu Linger, he simply went to the hospital to check the situation by himself. After making a decision, Xu Feng started to drive to the underground garage to the hospital to find Tan Yuan.

The busier people are, there will always be things blocking them, so Xu Feng encountered a traffic jam on the way to the hospital, so he was stuck in the middle.

"Why so slow."

He had just arrived, but Xu Feng felt as if he had been stuck in a traffic jam for an hour. If it wasn't for the traffic jam, he would have been by Tan Yuan's side long ago.

While waiting, Xu Feng wondered about Tan Yuan's current situation, whether she was crying, sad or sad, after all, she didn't even have anyone to accompany her.

Thinking about it, Xu Feng realized that he was worried about Tan Yuan and cared about her feelings. What's going on?After all, this is a feeling I have never had before.

Could it be that he was tempted by Tan Yuan? Thinking of this, Xu Feng felt that it was possible. Otherwise, why would he care so much about Tan Yuan? This kind of feeling was never experienced even when Tan Yuan's mother was hospitalized, but today it It appeared unexpectedly.

Only after thinking of this did Xu Feng realize that he had really moved his heart towards Tan Yuan. It turned out that without his knowing, his heart had already been occupied by Tan Yuan.

For so many years, Tan Yuan was the first woman who made his heart flutter, and Xu Feng knew for the first time how wonderful the feeling of heart fluttering was, and now he couldn't wait to see Tan Yuan and express his heart to her.

After the road was cleared, Xu Feng didn't dare to delay for a moment and drove to the hospital immediately.

"Tan Yuan, are you okay?"

After arriving at the hospital, Xu Feng immediately rushed to Tan Yuan's ward to inquire about Tan Yuan's situation.

Tan Yuan was very surprised when he saw Xu Feng coming, and Tan Yuan wondered why he came here?He knew about his injury so quickly?
Seeing that Tan Yuan didn't speak, Xu Feng thought that Tan Yuan had been beaten into a fool, so he hurriedly went directly to the doctor who treated Tan Yuan to find out about the situation.

"How is Doctor Tan Yuan's physical condition?"

Xu Feng was eager to know whether Tan Yuan's injury was serious.

"The patient is fine, it's just a trauma, just apply some medicine and rest for a few days."

"Thank you."

After hearing that Tan Yuan was fine, Xu Feng was relieved. Fortunately, Tan Yuan was fine, otherwise she would not let those people go.

"Tan Yuan, I have something to tell you."

Xu Feng learned that Tan Yuan was not seriously injured and began to talk to her about what he was thinking on the road.

"You say it."

Tan Yuan never thought that Xu Feng would have something to say to him. This was something he had never done before. Before, he wished he could go far away, but today he was extrajudicial and took the initiative to talk to himself.

"Tan Yuan, I like you, let's be together."

That's right, this is the conclusion that Xu Feng came to on the way. He knew that he was tempted by Tan Yuan, and his heart meant liking. He was sure that he fell in love with Tan Yuan, and Xu Feng was willing to follow his heart.

"What did you say?"

Tan Yuan seemed to have heard something extraordinary. She felt that she was deaf and had hallucinations. She needed to listen carefully.

"I said I like you, let's be together, Tan Wish, would you like it?"

It is not surprising that Tan Yuan has such a reaction and Xu Feng, after all, he has rejected others so many times before, it is normal to have this kind of behavior.

"Xu Feng, did you say these things to me because you felt sorry for me?"

Tan Yuan didn't believe that Xu Feng said it from the bottom of his heart. He must have agreed to be with him because he felt sorry for himself and sympathized with him.

"Don't answer in a hurry, you can think about this matter again, this matter is not a child's play, we are all adults, you should also understand, I don't want you to say this just because you are hot-headed or pity me."

There are only two conclusions that Tan Yuan can draw, otherwise she really can't understand why the man who could not be chased by stalking before would actively pursue herself this time.

"Tan Yuan, I know you can't believe it, but this is the truth. It turns out that I like you."

Xu Feng didn't expect Tan Yuan to think of him so much.

"How about this, Xu Feng, let's give each other a period of time to think about it. The cycle is a week. After a week, if you make a decision, we can talk about it, okay?"

Tan Yuan was afraid that Xu Feng would only say this on a whim, so in order to prevent this from happening, Tan Yuan could only ask Xu Feng to think about it first.

"Okay, I promise you."

Xu Feng knew that Tan Yuan was hurt by him, so he was so careful. In order to make up for Tan Yuan, Xu Feng agreed to her request.

Seeing that Tan Yuan was fine, Xu Feng stayed here with Tan Yuan after going through the formalities, and then sent Tan Yuan back to her home. After that, the two of them never saw each other again, and they both began to consider whether to be with each other at home. things together.

Those who are worried feel that the time passes quickly, and soon it will be the appointed time on the seventh day. Xu Feng has been staring at the phone, wondering whether Tan Yuan will call himself on the seventh day, but After waiting for a long time but not receiving any order from Tan Yuan, Xu Feng became anxious now.

And Tan Yuan was also very anxious at this time, she held the phone nervously for fear of missing Xu Feng's call, but she thought about it, would Xu Feng call her?
Will Xu Feng take what she said seriously?Today is the seventh day and he hasn't contacted himself. Did he say that on purpose?The purpose is to pity yourself?
After thinking about it, Tan Yuan laughed at himself, thinking to himself, he just said it casually and didn't take it seriously at all, maybe he forgot what he said a long time ago, and put this matter to the back of his mind.

"Xu Feng, you play with my feelings like this, is it fun for you to lie to me like this?"

Tan Yuan squatted on the ground in despair and tears flowed out. She had already decided that if Xu Feng didn't call her again today, it meant that he had given up on her. If so, Tan Yuan would never see Xu Feng again. Feng, he will never talk to him again.

This is Tan Yuan's last chance for Xu Feng. If he really does not give herself a response as she thought, then she will really give up in the future and stop having fantasies about Xu Feng, because she is tired and she can't chase after her. She didn't even bother to chase after him.


In the afternoon, Tan Yuan's cell phone rang. After hearing the ringtone, Tan Yuan excitedly picked up the cell phone and looked at it. Seeing the caller ID, Tan Yuan almost went crazy with joy.

Later, Tan Yuan sorted out his emotions in order to prevent Xu Feng from discovering his flaws, and then began to answer Xu Feng's phone call. Yes, it was Xu Feng who called, and only Xu Feng could make Tan Yuan so happy.

After Tan Yuan received the call, he said suicidally: "Hey Xu Feng, what do you need from me?"

"Well, is it convenient for you? The two of us came out to meet each other."

Careful Xu Feng found out from Tan Yuan's words that Tan Yuan was crying.

"Well, it's okay, you send me the meeting address, and I'll be there later."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

After Xu Feng said this, he hung up the phone.

"Is Ye Xufeng still a person with feelings? He is still punctual."

After being happy for a while, Tan Yuan tidied herself up beautifully. She didn't wear any eyelashes, lipstick, and perfume. After changing, Tan Yuan changed into an orange knee-length skirt, and put on her favorite Hen Tiangao again. , After packing up, I drove to the Xinxinxiangyin Cafe.

"you look pretty today."

Xu Feng saw how beautiful Tan Yuan's clothes looked.

"Thank you, did you figure it out when you came to me today?"

Tan Yuan tentatively asked Xu Feng.

"Well figured it out."

Xu Feng would not have come to see Tan Yuan if he hadn't figured it out within a week.

"Then what do you mean."

After talking, Tan Yuan played with her fingers nervously, thinking in her heart that Xu Feng must not reject her again this time, because she can't stand the blow anymore, if he rejects herself today, she will never see her again she is gone.

"That's what I mean. I want to be with you, but I don't know what you think."

Xu Feng is very firm in his choice, he believes that his choice will not be wrong.

"Is what you said true? If it is true, I want to be with you too."

Tan Yuan was really afraid of being rejected by Xu Feng.

"What I said is false, I don't like you."

Xu Feng thought Tan Yuan was cute like this, and he wanted to tease her.

"Okay, then I'll go."

After the words were finished, Tan Yuan got up without a trace of nostalgia and was about to leave, tears streaming down his face, is it fun for Xu Feng to lie to her like this?Gave her hope and let her down.

"That's why you don't believe me?"

After walking in front of Xu Feng, Xu Feng held Tan Yuan's hand accurately.

"Have you rejected me less often?"

Tan Yuan had never been so sad before being rejected, but this time Tan Yuan was really sad, or she was too naive and easy to trust others.

"Are you crying?"

Xu Feng didn't expect Tan Yuan to be so scared just because of one of his own jokes.

"Since Mr. Xu doesn't have me in his heart, why do you still care about my emotions? I'm sorry Mr. Xu for wasting your precious time. Please let me go and I will leave your side immediately, and I will never bother you again."

Never again, after this farewell, Tan Yuan will never bother Xu Feng again and will never appear in front of him again.

Seeing that she was just teasing her, she began to draw a clear line with herself. From Xu Feng at the beginning to the current President Xu, this woman deliberately wanted to piss him off.

"Wipe your eyes."

Facing Tan Yuan, Xu Feng said something coldly.

"Mr. Xu let me go, I'm leaving."

Since Xu Feng doesn't like her, why should she meddle in her own business? After thinking about this, Tan Yuan wanted to tear Xu Feng's hand away angrily.How bad it is to be seen.

But no matter how hard Tan Yuan tried, he couldn't shake off Xu Feng's hand. Seeing this, Tan Yuan suppressed his temper and said.

"Mr. Xu, please let go."

"My woman doesn't need to cry."

Wouldn't he be too useless if he made the woman he liked cry again?


Tan Yuan was dumbfounded after hearing this sentence, what is his woman.


Tan Yuan was dragged by Xu Feng, and fell into his arms steadily, but Tan Yuan was confused by Xu Feng.

"Why are you so stupid, Tan Yuan?"

Xu Feng wondered whether Tan Yuan really couldn't see his feelings for her or pretended not to.

"Who told you to lie to me, is it fun to lie to me?"

Tan Yuan, who came back to his senses, finally understood what Xu Feng meant, cooperating with him was playing tricks on himself.

"Who told you to make me wait for you for a week? This is my punishment for you, and you are not allowed to call me Mr. Xu anymore, you want to call me Xu Feng or Feng, do you hear me?"

"Xu Feng, you scared me to death, you are so annoying, annoying."

Tan Yuan cried in Xu Feng's arms and beat Xu Feng's chest. Fortunately, Xu Feng was just joking with her.

"Okay, don't cry, look at you, you are crying like a little cat."

Xu Feng didn't expect Tan Yuan to be so glass-hearted, she was so afraid that she would not want her.

"Xu Feng, do you know? When you said you didn't like me just now, I felt like the sky was falling. I thought that since you really don't like me and hate me so much, then I will disappear in front of your eyes immediately. I will never obstruct your eyes again, so that you will never see me again, I thought about these before you contacted me."

Tan Yuan just bought a plane ticket and flew away, and now her family has nothing to worry about, her mother is in good health, his father can take care of the company, and she will go abroad to do her design.

"So you thought so before you saw me? No wonder you didn't call me or reply to my message."

After hearing Tan Yuan's words, Xu Feng realized that she had thought so much before he contacted her, how eager she was to leave, and even thought about the way forward.

"Who told you not to call me back, so you don't allow me to think too much?"

Before Tan Yuan could settle the score with Xu Feng, he brought it up first.

"I thought you'd call me."

Xu Feng thought that Tan Yuan would contact him like before, but then he thought about how she had been taking the initiative for so long as a girl, and it was time for her to take the initiative.

"Is it too rare for me to take the initiative? Have you ever agreed? Every time you wait for me to speak like this, Xu Feng will get tired. Can you understand my heart?"

She never hides what Tan Yuan has to say, and taking advantage of today's opportunity, Tan Yuan shakes out all her true words.

"I'm sorry I was wrong. At that time, I didn't understand my own mind. I know you are tired. Then I will chase you and let you rest, okay?"

Xu Feng felt that it was time for him to make up for Tan Yuan, so he started chasing her.

"This is what you said, don't go back on your word."

"I, Xu Feng, keep my word and never go back on my word."

Xu Feng will not regret this matter.

"Okay, don't cry now, okay?"

Xu Feng felt that this was the most patient time he had ever been.

"it is good."

Why cry even after you have chased the man, the key is to grab the man in front of you.

Now Tan Yuan happens to be in Xu Feng's arms, and he chose the most secret place, which means that they can't be seen by others when they do these actions. After thinking of this, Tan Yuan smiled slyly and took advantage of Xu Feng's absence Paying attention, he secretly kissed Xu Feng like a dragonfly.

"You kiss me?"

Xu Feng didn't expect Tan Yuan to come up with this trick.

Tan Yuan rolled his eyes at Xu Feng, as if he wanted to kiss me if he had the ability.

"Idiots can't even kiss, let me teach you how to kiss."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Feng turned his back on the guest and kissed Tan Yuan as soon as he lowered his head. Xu Feng, who got his wish, felt that this was not enough, and then he deepened the kiss.

This kiss lasted for a long time, until Tan Yuan was kissed so hard by Xu Feng that he could hardly breathe, and then he let her go.

"This is called kissing, remember?" You can't even take a breath. "

Xu Feng taught Tan Yuan how to kiss like a teacher. Tan Yuan shyly hid in Xu Feng's arms after hearing this. Tan Yuan turned around and thought something was wrong.

It's very wrong. There is no other woman around Xu Feng. Why is his kissing skills so good and proficient? Has he been in love before?

"What are you thinking, I'm innocent, do men understand it without a teacher?"

Xu Feng knew what Tan Yuan was thinking and immediately began to clarify for himself.

"Why are you secretly filming me again?"

Xu Feng felt that Tan Yuan was very dishonest. He kissed him and photographed him secretly. Did he play with him like a toy?

"Take a picture as a souvenir, and then send it to Linger for Linger to see. Ever since Linger and Zhou Yang got together, the two of them have shown their love and affection in front of me every day, regardless of my being single. Feeling, it’s better now, I want to show her that I’m not unwanted.”

After the words were over, Tan Yuan sent Xu Feng and the others a sweet group photo to Xu Linger. At this time, Xu Linger was eating snacks and watching the drama, and was stunned when she saw the news from Tan Yuan.

"Oh, Mai Yan Tan Yuan, this is too fast."

It's really fast enough to develop to this point with her brother so quickly.

"Are you ready?"

Seeing that she had finished posting, Xu Feng asked her if she was done.


Tan Yuan nestled in Xu Feng's arms and greedily inhaled the smell of him. Until now, she couldn't believe that she had chased Xu Feng. Up to now, she still thought it was a dream. If it was a dream, she hoped so. Never wake up from a dream.

"Ah, the pain is not a dream."

In order to confirm whether this was a dream, Tan Yuan pinched her thigh fiercely, and then she felt the pain before realizing that it was not a dream.

"I'm here, idiot. This is not a dream."

Seeing her being so distressed, Xu Feng felt that it was because he had hurt her too deeply before, which made her feel that these were unrealistic.

"Shall we go to the movies together?"

Xu Feng decided that if he wanted to pursue Tan Yuan, he would definitely fulfill his promise.

"Okay, okay."

After Tan Yuan agreed, Xu Feng took her to the movies.

In this way, after the two met and confirmed their relationship, they began to go shopping and watch movies like ordinary couples. Tan Yuan also sent photos to share with Xu Linger from time to time.

Time passed quickly. After Zhou Yang and Xu Linger were together for a long time, the two discussed getting married. After the discussion, the two hit it off and started preparing for the wedding. Tan Yuan, as Xu Linger's friend, personally prepared for the wedding for the two of them. She thought she must Prepare a grand wedding for Xu Linger.

"Wow, Tan wish you well, I really like these, thank you."

When it was the wedding day, Tan Yuan took Xu Linger to show her his masterpiece. Xu Linger liked it very much after reading it. These are all his favorite styles.

"Ling'er, as long as you like it."

Seeing Xu Linger happy, Tan Yuan was also happy.

"Ling'er wishes you and Zhou Yang a happy wedding and always be happy."

This is Tan Yuan's most sincere blessing to Xu Linger.

"Well, thank you too, you and my brother should be well, and you two should be happy too."

Xu Linger is very happy to have Tan Yuan as a friend.

"Brother, what are you waiting for now? Why are you still standing there in a daze to propose marriage to Tan Yuan?"

Xu Linger, a clever ghost, began to urge Xu Feng to let him propose to Tan Yuan.

"It's Old Xu, why are you still standing there?"

Zhou Yang also started booing blindly.

"Tan Yuan, I prepared very hastily today, but the process still needs to go. Tan Yuan, are you willing to marry me? I want to be with you forever."

After Xu Linger and others made a fuss, Xu Feng finally took out the ring and proposed to Tan Yuan.

"Promise him."

"It's Tan Yuan. Isn't this your dream all along? Promise him."

Those who watched the excitement were afraid that Tan Yuan would not agree, so they followed suit.

The scene at the scene was once pushed to the climax, and among these things, many people looked at them with blessing wishes, because for everyone, this man who looks cold can fall in love with someone , it is simply not easy.

"I promise you, I will grow old with you forever."

Facing Xu Feng's marriage proposal, Tan Yuan readily accepts it.

"Thank you wife."

Seeing that Tan Yuan agreed, Xu Feng stood up and put a ring on Tan Yuan, and then the two of them kissed selflessly.

The beauty of being an adult is too difficult, but as long as their hearts are together forever, then there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome. After all, among these things, they have already strengthened their hearts for each other.

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