In this way, Su Ke's resources began to increase because of being loved by the public, which made her who was already crumbling come back to life.

"Thank you, Mr. He, for helping me this time. Su doesn't have much ability, but if you need any help, I will definitely be there."

After Su Ke made a decision, she came to thank Mr. He for his rescue. It was hard for Su Ke to imagine what would happen to her without Mr. He's help in this turmoil.

Probably more violent than Xu Feng's suppression of her, and now she can still remember the way those people looked at her when the video was exposed.

Su Ke also knew who did what happened this time. She hated her quite a bit at first, but now she doesn't hate her anymore, and instead wants to thank her.

If it weren't for her, how could she get along with a big man like Mr. He, how could she have so many resources, and how could she be favored by the masses.

Su Ke felt that this time she met a nobleman in a difficult situation, and it was because of Mr. He that her career took a turn for the better.

"What are you polite, I can help you because of your talent. Those people don't like you because they don't know how to appreciate it. Follow me, and I will make your career soar and let them see your hard work. , let them feel that it was a wrong choice for them not to choose you, and make them regret it, and don’t let me down, slap them in the face with practical actions.”

Mr. He lifts Su Ke very high, because in this way she can be willing to do things for herself and be used by herself.

"It's Mr. He, Su Ke will definitely live up to your expectations."

No need for Mr. He to say, Su Ke will also take this opportunity to climb up. As Mr. He said, she wants to show those people that she Su is not a vase or a decoration.

Zhou Yang felt that it was pitiful for Su Ke to be handled by Mr. He, and she didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and she was still in her own world, but had she ever thought about what she would do when the reality came.

The more Zhou Yang thought about it, the more he felt that this matter could not go on like this, so he began to ask Xu Feng to help Su Ke.

"Xu Feng, just help Su Ke. Mr. He's doing this is obviously using her as a pawn to use her. Although Su Ke is quite hateful, you and I both know what Mr. He is."

Zhou Yang told Xu Feng why Mr. He wanted to save Su Ke.


After listening to Zhou Yang's words, Xu Feng began to secretly give some resources to Su Ke, and secretly investigated Mr. He's past, all of which were seen by Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang felt that what Xu Feng did was very strange.

Xu Feng began to investigate the evidence of Mr. He's tax evasion. Xu Feng felt that Mr. He's hands could not be so clean, and he would definitely be able to find out something from it.

"Yo Xu Feng, you are so courageous, you dare to check me, if you want me, you check slowly, check enough."

Mr. He knew about Xu Feng's investigation of Mr. He, and Mr. He began to operate secretly, giving Xu Feng false clues, so that Xu Feng who was investigating for a long time did not find any useful information.

"How is it possible? Is there something wrong with that link?"

Xu Feng felt that his guess was correct, but he couldn't find any clues about Mr. Xu, which made Xu Feng unable to figure it out. Could it be that he really misunderstood Mr. He?

"Brother Li, let me remind you, you have to be careful in what you do now, according to reliable sources, Xu Feng is currently investigating you."

After finishing these things, Mr. He began to tell Li Tiancheng that Xu Feng was investigating him, and asked him to be more careful in his actions in the future, otherwise Xu Feng would grab his little tail.

The purpose of Mr. He's doing this is to let Li Tiancheng deal with Xu Feng. Xu Feng didn't want to investigate, so he just checked, but he couldn't find out anyway, let alone his own head, and someone else would use him as a backstop.

"Thank you Mr. He."

After hearing this, Li Tiancheng felt that things were not as simple as he imagined. Although he didn't believe Mr. He's words, Li Tiancheng had better be careful about his own affairs, but what he didn't understand was that he didn't offend Xu Feng. Ah, why did he check himself.

"I can only help you here, Mr. Li, please take care, I will go first."

After the words were over, Mr. He said this sentence earnestly, and then patted Li Tiancheng on the shoulder, which made Li Tiancheng, who was a little scared, even more worried.

Now he didn't know whether to believe Mr. He or Xu Feng. In short, Li Tiancheng felt uncomfortable after hearing that sentence, very uncomfortable.

"Why did Xu Feng give me so many resources? Could it be that he regretted doing those things to himself and used them to apologize to himself?"

Su Ke knew about Xu Feng's small actions, and Su Ke thought that Xu Feng's conscience had softened towards her, and felt that he shouldn't do this to apologize to herself.

"Well, it must be."

After thinking about it for a long time, Su might have thought of only these things. Otherwise, why would Xu Feng give herself so many resources for no reason? She remembered that he hated herself very much before.

"I have to do something to thank Xu Feng."

Su Ke thinks that the wind is the rain, and she wants to buy gifts to thank Xu Feng for everything she has done for her, so she carefully selects the gifts that she thinks are okay, and drives to Xu Feng's company to thank him.

"Mr. Xu, long time no see."

After meeting Xu Feng, Su Ke was very enthusiastic towards him, but still had a nympho look on her face, looking at Xu Feng foolishly.


Xu Feng didn't expect that Su Ke would dare to appear in front of him after that incident. Isn't she afraid that he would do such a thing to her again?

"No reason, I just want to thank you, promise, this is my thank you gift."

It's also to take another look at you, just watch quietly like this, this is what Su Ke said in her heart, she would not dare to do so in front of Xu Feng.

She was afraid that Xu Feng had finally softened his heart towards her. She couldn't ruin his image in his mind. Even if she really liked her, she would have to wait for a suitable opportunity in the future.

"Su Ke, I advise you to put away your little thoughts and don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. It's better for you to work down-to-earth. I have a company here that I think is suitable for you. You can interview and have a look."

Of course Xu Feng knew what was going on in Su Ke's heart, and he was not interested in it. In order to get her to get rid of this idea, he began to let her work steadily.

"Okay, I will listen to you carefully."

Su Ke took the document from Xu Feng's hand and saw that it was the kind of company he wanted, so he obediently listened to Xu Feng's words.

"Then I won't disturb your work for now."

Su Ke felt that she finally had a good impression in front of Xu Feng, she couldn't just destroy it like this, although she liked Xu Feng very much, she still had to be reserved in front of him.

After the previous lesson, Su Ke no longer took the route of stalking, but changed to a way of retreating to advance, which made Xu Feng produce an illusion.

"How did she agree?"

After Su Ke left, Zhou Yang came out and asked Xu Feng about Su Ke.

"I agree, then you can figure it out."

Xu Feng didn't know, Zhou Yang had never treated Su Ke like this before, why he was so diligent this time.

"Don't get me wrong, I just pity her."

Xu Feng's careful thinking was clearly explained by Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang didn't call Su Ke, he just pitied her for being a woman who had to face such pressure.

"Okay, go and do your work, I see."

Xu Feng felt that he couldn't talk any more. Zhou Yang should be impatient with him after talking about it. Xu Feng didn't mean anything, he was just curious. Could it be that he wondered for a while?

"Hi, I'm Su Ke on the 22nd, and I'm here for an interview."

"Tell me about your specialty."


Facing the interviewer's questions, Su Ke answered them in a calm and unhurried manner.

"All right, congratulations on your successful interview."

After asking for a while, the interviewer directly admitted Su Ke.

"Great thank you."

Su Ke didn't expect that she would be admitted so easily. It was like a dream. Of course, it was easy because someone was helping you. Couldn't it be easier.

When Su Ke went to the interview, Zhou Yang had already greeted here, and let Su Ke go in without embarrassing her and let her sign the contract smoothly.

In this way, through Zhou Yang's matchmaking, Su Ke successfully signed a contract with the company, and she also became an official employee.

Xu Ling'er learned that her brother was not tempted by Su Ke, which made her unable to figure it out at all. She thought that after these things, his brother would give Su Ke some hints no matter what.

But Xu Linger was wrong. Her brother didn't take Su Ke seriously at all. I have to say that Xu Linger admired her brother Su very much. Pay attention, but his brother is still unmoved. She really admires her brother's determination, which makes ordinary people unbearable.

"I want to ask you a question, will you be tempted by Su Ke?"

Xu Linger was very curious how his brother persisted for such a long time. After all, Su Ke's appearance was not bad. In the face of that delicate beauty, would his brother not be tempted?
"I have no idea about Su Ke. Is there anything else I want to ask if I don't call?"

Xu Feng found Xu Linger's answer very funny. It seems that his sister still didn't understand him. Is he the kind of person who casually falls in love with others?

"There is one last question, which is what kind of girl do you like and what type do you like."

Since Su Ke didn't make her brother tempted, it means that her charm is not enough, but few people like Su Ke would like her.

Since her brother doesn't like Su Ke, then Xu Linger thinks that she can find one for her brother, but she must first understand her brother's tastes before prescribing the right medicine.

"I don't like anything."

Now Xu Feng is only concentrating on his own career. He doesn't have any thoughts on making love. He is busy enough with the company and research institute every day.

He was already busy enough, and Ling'er still caused trouble for himself, just one Su Ke was enough to bother him, he didn't want to have another one.

"You are so boring."

Xu Ling'er thinks her brother can't do this, he's chatting to death, who else will fall in love with him in the future, how can she find a sister-in-law.

"Hey what are you doing?"

While chatting, Xu Linger's cell phone rang. Seeing that it was her friend Tan Yuan, she immediately picked up the call and asked her why she was calling at this time, so as to delay chatting with her brother.

"Honey, let me tell you, I'm going back to my country now, do you want to pick him up at the airport?"

It turned out that Tan Yuan was going back to China, so he called Xu Linger in advance to ask her to pick him up.

"That's fine, I'll treat you to a big meal when you come back."

Now Xu Ling'er has to go, if she doesn't go, she will appear immoral, no matter how she treats her well.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to pick me up, let alone the plane is about to take off."

After hanging up the phone, Tan Yuan put on the blindfold and fell asleep.

"Who called, who are you going to pick up?"

Xu Feng heard that Xu Linger was so happy talking on the phone, and thought she was up to something again.

"My friend Tan Yuan came back from abroad and asked me to pick him up at the airport. When I was abroad, he was very kind to me. At the beginning, I didn't understand anything. She was the one who helped me."

It was because of this that Xu Linger and Tan Yuan became good friends. If she hadn't met Tan Yuan, she wouldn't dare to imagine how she persisted in such an environment.

"Okay, I'll pick you up with you. By the way, to thank her for taking care of you, I'll treat her to dinner."

Xu Feng heard what Xu Linger said, and he felt that he had to thank Tan Yuan, because she helped Linger.

And he happened to be fine today, so he could use this to pass the time.

"It's really good."

Xu Ling'er didn't expect that his brother would be free to pick up the plane with him when the sun came out from the west today. This is a treatment that no one has, and Tan Yuan's treatment is too good.

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