"You have to wait for me for a while."

Because Mr. He's identity is not easy to find out like other people, it will take some effort and time to find out his details.

"Okay, I know, you go."

How could Xu Feng not understand this truth, but he believes that Zhou Yang's ability will definitely find out, but it will take some time.

"Xu Feng found out, but you have to be prepared, this President He has been watching us for a long time."

After checking the results, Zhou Yang worried that the results he found might not be ideal when he told Xu Feng.

"It's okay, just tell me."

Anyway, they will face it sooner or later, Xu Feng has already thought of the worst outcome.

"Mr. He didn't just focus on us now. Before that, he investigated you many times to deal with the expired raw materials. Xu Feng, don't you think it's strange for him to do this?"

Zhou Yang thought that Mr. He was a bit lenient, and they didn't know Mr. He, so why did he start investigating the two of them so early.

Why did Mr. He do this, and what was his purpose for doing this, Zhou Yang asked himself that the two of them had not done anything harmful, if they didn't investigate, they still wouldn't know that they had been targeted by others.

"How should we deal with Xu Feng?"

If this matter is not dealt with, it may have an impact on them in the future. Zhou Yang doesn't like the feeling of being quietly watched, because this feeling is very uncomfortable.

He will ask Xu Feng first, and see how he handles it.

"We don't know what the purpose of Mr. He is in this matter, and we dare not act rashly. We should pay attention to observe and observe before we talk about it."

Zhou Yang's question was vaguely fooled by Xu Feng, and this matter was put aside for the time being, and it would not be too late for them to act when Mr. He did something.

If you start now, it won't be good and you will startle the snake. It's better to stay still, and it won't be too late to act when there is something wrong with him.


Zhou Yang felt that now he could only listen to Xu Feng's words, and they had nothing else to do, and they didn't know how Mr. He would make his next move, so they could only observe in secret first.

"Xu Feng has good news for you!"

After seeing Xu Feng, the professor was as happy as an old urchin holding the results in his hand, and was eager to share with him.

"What happened to the professor?"

Looking at the professor who couldn't help but smile, Xu Feng felt that what the professor wanted to tell him must be a good thing, otherwise he wouldn't be so happy.

"Let me tell you, after so long of our hard work, the clinical trial results are finally successful."

This is probably the happiest moment for the professor. After working so hard for so long, he finally paid off. Can he not be happy? Success means that they will not be afraid of rare diseases in the future.

No one will leave their families and die because of a rare disease that cannot be cured. This is the research that the professor is most proud of.

"Yes, that's great, Professor, you have worked hard."

Xu Feng was also very happy to hear that, the professor really lived up to expectations, and finally completed the clinical trial, which is one step closer to success, thanks to the professor who has been doing research here day and night, without his hard work, where would the success come from? .

"It's not just me, but also you, thanks to you who found these test items for me, without you, I would not have succeeded."

These human experiments were all found for him by Xu Feng, and if you want to thank him, you must also thank him.

"We don't thank anyone, this is the result of our joint efforts."

Their success this time could not be separated from anyone.


Even if he is a professor, no one will find these for him. Where can he do research? Even if Xu Feng is the boss, how can he find these real-life experiments without the support of these people? ah.

"Come to Xu Feng, let's discuss other things."

After speaking, the professor pulled Xu Feng to sit down and prepare to discuss other matters.

"You say."

Xu Feng listened attentively to what the professor said.

"We have researched the drug, but what about the price of the drug, we will discuss this issue again."

"Okay, that's what I mean too."

The professor and Xu Feng began to discuss at what price to sell these drugs.

"Professor, please listen to me first. Based on my suggestion, I feel that since we have developed this medicine for the sake of the common people, we should focus on the common people and not always think about our own profits."

"I think the price should be lowered a bit, so that the common people can accept it, otherwise we raise the price too high, even if we have this medicine, no one can afford it if the price is too high, so we just researched and developed it in vain. dont you agree?"

Xu Fengyu discussed this matter with the professor earnestly. He hoped that the professor would not let him down, that he would not be blindsided by the money, and start to raise the price of the medicine when he was researched. Such words made him too disappointed.

"Okay, just do as you said. We are not like those who only care about money. We set the price to the lowest level, which is acceptable to the common people, so that everyone can afford this medicine. This is not in vain. It's a waste of time to work on this."

"Okay, then the two of us will make a deal."

"Okay, that's it."

After the drug was developed, Xu Feng discussed with the professor that, for the consideration of the patients' families, the drug was sold at the lowest price with small profits, so that more ordinary people could feel the greatness of science and the development of technology.

"That Xu Feng, I still want to cooperate with you on that rare disease drug, so how about I offer [-]% of the shares to join?"

After being rejected by Xu Feng last time, Mr. He still didn't give up. This time he came to discuss cooperation with Xu Feng again, thinking of taking advantage of it and making money at a high price.

"Why should I agree with you?"

Seeing Mr. He's greedy face, Xu Feng felt disgusted in his heart. Don't think that he doesn't know what he thinks, doesn't he just want to make money at a high price.

He thought about all this in vain. This is the fruit of his and the professor's hard work, and it is used to benefit the common people. How can someone with a heart take advantage of it? This is absolutely impossible!
"Because we are all businessmen, with that [-]% of the shares."

He always feels that everyone loves money as much as he does, because they are all businessmen, and businessmen all have one characteristic in common, that is, they regard money as their life.

He couldn't believe it anymore. When Xu Feng heard about the [-]% stake, he couldn't be moved.

"Mr. He, do you think everyone is like you? I won't cooperate with you. Our conversation ends here."

Xu Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with this kind of person, and didn't want to waste time on him.

"I don't know how to lift."

Mr. He saw that Xu Feng didn't care about anything, so he simply stopped talking to him. Talking to someone like him was like playing the piano against a cow.

This is the first time he has seen such a person who doesn't love money. As the saying goes, if you have money, you don't make a bastard. He doesn't even want the money right in front of his eyes. What is he trying to do?

So because Mr. He had a disagreement with Xu Feng, the two of them failed to cooperate successfully.

"What should I do? Xu Feng's place won't work. If it doesn't work, I must find a way."

In short, Mr. He has identified Xu Feng's rare drug market. He believes that this drug will be a big hit. He even believes that as long as he cooperates with Xu Feng, he will be able to make endless money, so he will not do it anyway. Those who give up easily, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will persist.

"Oh, yes, Xu Feng is not the only one who develops the drug, but also the professor. If it doesn't work with him, I will go to the professor, and I won't believe in evil."

Mr. He was still not reconciled after hitting a wall with Xu Feng, so he thought of going to the professor and planning to do the same to see if he could bribe the professor.

Just do what you said, Mr. He drove to the place where the professor was without stopping.

"What are you doing here?"

When the professor saw that it was Mr. He, his eyes were full of impatience.

"Let me discuss something with you."

Mr. He also saw that he didn't want to see him, but it didn't matter, as long as the cooperation could be negotiated.

"Professor, I came here today to discuss with you. How about I return your patent certificate with [-]% of my company's shares?"

The professor didn't believe it anymore, and Xu Feng disagreed. Could it be that this professor doesn't like money either?Also have trouble with money?

"You want to exchange money for patent rights? Who gave you face, let me tell you, you get rid of this idea as soon as possible, I will not agree with me, don't use your dung to bribe me."

The professor will not agree to President He's request, even if he is short of money, his thoughts are the same as Xu Feng's, and he will not let this thing fall into the hands of caring people.

"You are also the master of oil and salt."

Judging by the professor's attitude, Mr. He was also in trouble. He knew that his plan had failed again this time. He didn't expect the professor to be so stubborn and say that his money was dung.

"What's wrong with me? I'm at least better than you. I don't seek profit. You disappear in front of me quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

When the professor heard what Mr. He said, he lost his temper instantly and began to chase Mr. He to let him go.

After hitting a wall in two places, Mr. He returned to his residence dejectedly, and began to think about his next move.

"Mr. He, what are you worrying about, why are you sighing?"

After Li Tiancheng heard about Mr. He's actions, he took the initiative to come to find Mr. He.

"Go away and ignore me, I'm annoying right now."

He is worrying about the rare medicine right now, so what time does he have to joke around with Li Tiancheng.

"Mr. He has nothing to worry about. You can't find a weakness in Xu Feng. Could it be that you can't find a weakness in the professor?"

"You mean to say?"

Mr. He, who was worrying, immediately became interested after hearing this sentence, and he wanted to see what Li Tiancheng had to say.

"Since Xu Feng can't do it, let's start with the professor. I heard that the professor has a son who is very rebellious. We can use this to blackmail him. This is his weakness. I don't believe it. The professor saw his son in our house. In his hands, he can still insist on his innocence."

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