"Xu Feng, you said that Wu Xiaofeng is obviously looking for trouble, what should we do?"

Zhou Yang found Xu Feng to discuss the situation with him when he had no choice but to think of a way to deal with it.

The two of them were already very busy with the affairs of the island, if they were delayed because of Wu Xiaofeng, a troublemaker, things would be even more unfavorable to them.

Zhou Yang also had no choice but to suffer from headaches from being quarreled by Wu Xiaofeng all day long. He couldn't hold on, so he came to Xu Feng to discuss countermeasures.

He really didn't want to see Wu Xiaofeng anymore, out of sight and out of mind, he simply avoided him first.

"How about this, let's delay the development of Wu Xiaofeng's land first, and deal with the planning of the island first."

Xu Feng also saw Zhou Yang's helplessness, so he proposed to put this matter aside first, and put Wu Xiaofeng aside, so that he felt that they didn't need him.

In this case, it depends on whether Wu Xiaofeng still has that kind of arrogance. Before, they praised him too high, making him not know who he is, but they let Wu Xiaofeng know that they can hold him high It can instantly drop him off a cliff and make him recognize his identity.

"Okay, just do as you said, I really don't want to deal with people like that."

Zhou Yang also had this intention, because he didn't want to see Wu Xiaofeng's greedy face for a minute, so after hearing what Xu Feng said, he readily agreed.

Zhou Yang felt that if he was facing Wu Xiaofeng, his life expectancy would not be too long.

He didn't want to die young at such a young age, so for his own sake, Zhou Yang should stay away from Wu Xiaofeng.

Thinking of Wu Xiaofeng's defiant look, Zhou Yang was so angry. Who did he think he was? Did he think the earth wouldn't turn around without him?
After discussing it, the two hit it off, and they both started to plan the island's affairs, taking Wu Xiaofeng aside, and they didn't care what he wanted to do.

"How could the two of them do this, really."

Wu Xiaofeng saw that Zhou Yang and Xu Feng really ignored him, and he gradually realized the seriousness of the matter. He became anxious, and he also knew that he was wrong.

It turned out that they could really throw him away in an instant. It seemed that he still underestimated his value in their eyes.

"Zhou Yang, can we talk again?"

Wu Xiaofeng really couldn't stand them treating him like this, so he took the initiative to make peace, hoping they would forgive him.

But what Wu Xiaofeng didn't expect was that Zhou Yang and Xu Feng not only didn't thank him for his initiative to apologize, but they didn't even pay attention to him.

"These two nasty guys."

Regarding the attitudes of the two of them, Wu Xiaofeng was very angry and thought to himself, who do you look down on? I am also the shareholder you invited, so how could you treat me like this.

Aren't they afraid that if they get angry, they will withdraw their capital and not fight with them?who gave them courage.

At this time, Wu Xiaofeng still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He still regarded himself as an uncle, thinking that Xu Feng and Zhou Yang would support him, but what he didn't know was that they had slowly abandoned him.

Just like what Xu Feng and Zhou Yang thought, it's not like the earth would stop turning without anyone, and it's not like they can't live without Wu Xiaofeng, so there's no need to respect him.

It's okay to be respectful to him, he also needs to know good and bad, since he doesn't know good and bad, then don't blame them.

"Hi Boss Wu, nice to meet you."

When seeing Wu Xiaofeng, Li Tiancheng spoke to him very politely.

"What did you come to see me for?"

Wu Xiaofeng wondered, why did Li Tiancheng ask him to come here?In his impression, the two of them had nothing to do with each other.

Li Tiancheng found out about Wu Xiaofeng's affairs through some news, and felt that this was an opportunity, he had to make good use of it, and then turn him and Xu Feng against each other, so that their plan could not be implemented.

After reaching this conclusion, Li Tiancheng began to look for Wu Xiaofeng everywhere, and began to implement his plan.

In the end, hard work paid off, and after many searches, Li Tiancheng finally found Wu Xiaofeng.

"You say it."

Wu Xiaofeng didn't want to talk to Li Tiancheng, and his attitude towards him was very perfunctory.

He is worrying about his land right now, so he has no time to chat with him.

"Mr. Wu, I know that you are troubled by the land issue. Listen to me and tell you in detail. Once the island is developed, it will be good for you, that is, the value of the land will also increase. In that case, you can start from Kill them severely in the ground."

Li Tiancheng grasped Wu Xiaofeng's insatiable greed, and discussed with him the benefits of the island's development and his own benefits, but he did not believe that Wu Xiaofeng was not tempted.

"Oh, what you said is not unreasonable, why didn't I remember it?"

Didn't they want to talk to him, so let's not talk to him, he wanted to see how tough their attitude was when they repaired the island and asked them for land.

Aren't Xu Feng and Zhou Yang working together to snub him, so let them snub him, and he wants to see who they can snub.

Wu Xiaofeng hoped that the two of them would still have this attitude when they wanted something from him, and then he would admire them.

"Thank you, Li Tiancheng."

If it weren't for Li Tiancheng, he would still be hesitating how to please Xu Feng and Zhou Yang, but now he doesn't have to please anyone.

"What are you being polite about? It's my honor to share Boss Wu's worries."

I have to say that Li Tiancheng is very good at attacking people's hearts. He can take advantage of other people's weaknesses very well, so as to sow discord, and make others use him for himself without knowing it. Li Tiancheng.

Li Tiancheng's persuasion was very effective. Wu Xiaofeng was successfully appeased by Li Tiancheng. Seeing Wu Xiaofeng's happy face, Li Tiancheng felt that his plan had something to do with it.

Whether he can succeed this time depends on Wu Xiaofeng. He hopes that Wu Xiaofeng will not let him down.

Zhou Yang found out about Li Tiancheng's meeting with Wu Xiaofeng. After Zhou Yang knew about Li Tiancheng's actions, he was very dissatisfied with him, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved.

"Damn it, Li Tiancheng is everywhere. Don't think that I don't know what he wants to do. If you want to play with me, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

"You order that no one can buy Li's Group's cars. If you buy, it will be against our Zhou family."

After thinking about it, Zhou Yang had no choice but to suppress Li Tiancheng's car brand and keep him busy, so that he would have no time to do these things.

The assistant started to act after listening to Zhou Yang's instructions. He began to announce on various platforms that he could not buy Li's Group cars, and sent out Zhou Yang's original words.

Everyone didn't dare to buy it after seeing it, they were afraid of offending Zhou Yang, they would rather not buy a car than offend him.

After Zhou Yang's actions, Li Tiancheng's car brand was getting worse day by day, which made Li Tiancheng very angry, and his blood pressure soared to [-].

Zhou Yang looked at the fruits of his labor and nodded in satisfaction, feeling much more comfortable, Li Tiancheng, don't blame me, it's because you insisted on trying to get me to clean you up, it's your own death.

"I still have something to do in the Anshan laboratory, so I will go back first, and you should keep an eye on it first."

Xu Feng has been here for a while, and there are some things in the laboratory that he needs to handle personally, so he has to leave the island and return to the laboratory to deal with things.

And once he left, no one would guard him, so Xu Feng could only leave An Shan here.

"President, you go back first, I'll watch over here."

After Xu Feng left, Fang Anshan supervised the island's project on behalf of Xu Feng, and Fang Anshan did not disappoint Xu Feng's expectations, and put a lot of effort into the project.

But the good times didn't last long. When Fang Anshan was working with the Kojima project, because the contractor cut corners and materials, there was a problem with the wall, which made him very annoyed.

So he began to pursue the responsibility of the contractor, Fang Anshan looked at the contractor and said with hatred.

"How do you do things? You cut corners when you were asked to buy a material. Fortunately, no one was killed. If everyone died, we wouldn't be able to pay for it."

"I'm sorry, Assistant Fang, I didn't do it on purpose. I was also doing it for the company's good. I wanted to save as much as I could. No one thought that this would happen."

The contractor wanted to cry, but he didn't expect to encounter such a heavy rain. The material was inferior in the first place, and it was no wonder that the wall didn't collapse when it encountered such a heavy rain.

"I'm sorry? It's such a big thing, you just want to say sorry? Are you not aware of the seriousness of the matter?"

Fang Anshan felt helpless, how he would explain this matter to the president when the president came back was all because of his bad work.

"That's what happened, what do you think I should do?"

The contractor is also very embarrassed, but the matter is over, how can they make up for it.

"You alone are responsible for this incident. If it weren't for you, this wall would not have collapsed. Whoever caused the incident will be responsible. Today's losses are all on your head."

Fang Anshan had no choice but to do this, otherwise, what else could he do to the contractor, no matter how much he said about the incident, it would be of no avail.

"There will be no next time for this matter, do you know?"

If there is another time, he will pack up and leave for me.

"Yes, yes, there will never be a next time."

What happened this time scared the contractor so much that he wanted to have a next time, never again. If there was another time, his life would be lost, and he still wanted to live for a few more years.

After looking at those inferior houses, An Shan shook his head helplessly and said, "Oh, it's time to pay back the materials again, and it's a lot of expenses."

Fang Anshan turned around and looked at the contractor and said, "You can't let me save my snacks. If you ask you for food every day, you just know how to make trouble for me."

If the boss knew about it, he would definitely blame him for not keeping an eye on the project. Even if the boss didn't say anything, Fang Anshan would feel bad. After all, it was Xu Feng who entrusted this matter to him. Work well.

After this incident, Fang Anshan learned a lesson. He strictly checked the purchase of materials. This is also because the rebuilding project with alternative materials consumed more funds.

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