The China Power of NBA

Chapter 9 3 point shot!Wang Jing! (Down)

Old Fu lowered his head and kept silent on his face, but his heart was surging like the tide on the coast.

Wang Jing sighed softly, handed the basketball to Fu, and continued,
"Master, in fact, on the way here today, I have already made up my mind. Today is the last time I come to this stadium to practice. I haven't looked for a job for two years because of this basketball dream in my heart. I hope to be able to show up." It's a miracle, but it's a pity that I have no future on the road of basketball. In the past two years, I have also dragged down my family a lot. Tomorrow I will find a stable job. Grandpa, you and I will meet each other If you are destined, I will give you this basketball."

Old Fu took the basketball, looked at the handsome Wang Jing, and said in a deep voice,

"Are you willing to let go?"

"If you are reluctant, you have to be willing. Pursue what can be pursued, it is ideal, and pursue what cannot be pursued, is extravagant hope. I don't dare to think about it now."

There were bursts of endless disappointment and bursts of desolation in Wang Jing's words.

Usually, Wang Jing would practice until seven o'clock, but today, he couldn't make it to the end. The old man looked at his watch, and it was only six o'clock. Wang Jing walked towards the door with a heavy face while holding a water glass.

"Wait a moment!"

Old Fu called Wang Jing to stop.

Wang Jing's footsteps stopped, but he didn't turn his head. He was afraid that if he turned around, he would see the basketball that he once loved so much in Lao Fu's hand again.

Old Fu patted the basketball and said,

"Finally, young man, let's shoot five three-pointers."

For a long time, time seemed to stand still. The two stood quietly on the edge of the basketball court without speaking to each other. A gust of wind blew past and swept off some yellow leaves on the tree. One of them fluttered with the wind and fell quietly on the old man. On this basketball in his hand.

Wang Jing turned around slowly, put the water glass on the bench, and just said a word quietly.

"it is good."

Old Fu noticed that Wang Jing's eye sockets were moist, but no tears fell down.

He was reluctant, but helpless. From tomorrow on, the young man in front of Lao Fu will not regard basketball as the only thing in his life. He will leave basketball and take a completely different life path.

Wang Jing stood outside the three-point line on the left, received a pass from Lao Fu, raised the ball, and took off!shoot!The movements are as standard as the thousands of times I have practiced before!


Wang Jing ran to the 45-degree left arc, received the pass and shot again!Without the slightest hesitation!

Then it was the top of the arc, and again at the 45-degree right arc, there were two hollow three-pointers. Finally, Wang Jing ran beyond the three-pointer line on the right baseline. Lao Fu's pass was as accurate as the previous four times, but Wang Jing did not shoot for a long time.

The sun came out at dawn, and the first ray of golden sunlight in the morning shone on Wang Jing. Wang Jing was like a statue shooting a basketball. His movements were as standard as a textbook. Wang Jing also realized that this might be the first time in his life. In the middle, the last three-pointer is still on the road of chasing his dream. His mood at the moment is as complicated as this society.

Old Fu didn't speak, and let Wang Jing immerse himself in his own world.


Time seems to have passed 1000, 1 years. In the end, Wang Jing still threw the ball. The basketball spun in the air. Under the sunlight, it drew a beautiful arc and entered the net hollowly.
After shooting the three-pointer, Wang Jing was full of thoughts. He walked slowly to the basket, picked up the basketball, and passed the ball to the old Fu who was outside the three-pointer on the left baseline. Instead of shooting outside the point line, he took a big step backward and took off a full half meter away from the three-point line to shoot!

Basketball hollow into the net!

Wang Jing was secretly taken aback, not only because the old man made a hollow ball half a meter away from the three-point line, but also because the old man's shooting action was exactly the same as his own!All so standard!
Old Fu slowly ran to the next point, reached the 45-degree point on the left, received Wang Jing's pass, without the slightest hesitation, and threw the ball again!It is also half a meter away from the three-point line!

"Bang! Shah!"

This shot turned out to be a three-pointer with a rebound!After the basketball collided with the backboard, it fell cleanly into the net bag.

At the point at the top of the arc, and at the point at 45 degrees to the right, Lao Fu both shot hollow three-pointers, both of which were half a meter away from the three-point line!Before reaching the last point, Lao Fu was a little out of breath. After all, he was old and his physical strength could not keep up. Unexpectedly, Wang Jing still passed the ball, and Lao Fu was still one meter away from the bottom line and three-point line. In a hurry, he caught the ball in the air and shot directly!
"Bang! Shah!"

Lao Fu's shot was a little hasty. His last three-pointer was a little bit more vigorous. After hitting the rim, the basketball bounced high and hit the eaves of the backboard. It popped out, but after bouncing twice on the basket, it finally fell obediently into the net bag.

Wang Jing was so startled that he couldn't close his jaw. Looking at Old Fu, he couldn't speak for a long time.


Old Fu walked over slowly with the basketball in his arms, and said with a little panting,

"Don't be surprised, you shoot the CBA three-point line, and I shoot the NBA three-point line."

Old Fu handed the basketball to Wang Jing and continued,
"Young man, I just want to tell you that the height a person can reach depends on the height of his dreams. In China, few people dare to try the three-point line of the NBA, because here, including in international competitions, As long as it is outside the three-point line, no matter how far it is, it is only a three-pointer, so no one will increase the difficulty for themselves in vain. This is one of the reasons why it is difficult for Chinese defenders to open the door to the NBA. How can you even think about it?"

The corner of Wang Jing's mouth murmured the old Fu's words, "The height of dreams..."

Wang Jing looked at the old man, and felt that the old man in front of him was not like an ordinary old man on the court, not only because of his skills, but also because of his vision and height!Wider!Wider!One word awakens the dreamer!

"Young man, all the difficulties in the world are just a mountain. When you conquer it, even if you encounter setbacks, confusion, sadness, sadness, regret, annoyance, remorse, unwillingness, and all these , you don’t give up easily, because a mountain is a mountain, its height will never change, it will change, it’s just the steps under your feet, if you take one more step forward, you will have more hope of success!”

Hearing Lao Fu's words, Wang Jing felt that the flame in his heart that was slowly extinguishing was burning again.

"Young man! The one you want to defeat is yourself!"

Old Fu patted Wang Jing's shoulder, nodded lightly, and said,
"On October 27th, Fu Ming will hold an NBA player selection match at Haishi No. [-] Basketball Stadium. I hope you can participate and seize this opportunity to let those who have underestimated you take a good look and prove that they , What a big mistake you made! I believe in you! Come on!"

Wang Jing watched the back of old Fu leaving quietly, clenched his fists tightly with both hands, the flame in his heart that was suppressed by force felt that it was about to burst, he held the basketball, and used the most standard posture in the sun to hold the basketball. Basketball shot!


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