The China Power of NBA

Chapter 63 Supplement 2 Chapter Olajuwon [21264241]

First of all, one thing needs to be pointed out. Olajuwon is a Nigerian-American. He was born in Nigeria, but he officially became an American citizen in 1993, so he is a true American, and he also represents the "American Dream III". "Team" participated in the Olympic Games and won the Olympic champion that year. If Yao Ming opened the door to China for the NBA, then Olajuwon and Mutombo brought the hope of the NBA to many births. For young people in Africa, such as Luol Deng, Ibaka, Diop, Antetokounmpo, Aminu, after retiring, Olajuwon will often visit Africa and participate in voluntary charity activities , He is the greatest NBA star in Africa, bar none.

Although Olajuwon was born in Nigeria, which is not rich, he is obviously much luckier than the broken and complicated families of NBA players before they stepped into the door of the NBA. Olajuwon's Parents are the local middle class. They cultivated good self-discipline and a serious work attitude for six children, including Olajuwon. When he was young, Olajuwon liked football and specialized in goalkeepers. As he grows taller, football is becoming more and more unsuitable for him. Olajuwon didn’t start playing basketball until he was 15 years old. At the age of 17, Olajuwon had already represented Nigeria in international competitions, and was later discovered by American scouts. , was recommended to the famous coach Guy Lewis of the University of Houston, and then Olajuwon went to the United States to continue honing his skills.

Olajuwon's skills were very rough at the beginning due to the relatively short time in contact with basketball, and he couldn't practice well no matter how hard he practiced. The coaches shook their heads and said that his playing experience was too short and his skills had basically been finalized. Wang did not have confidence, Olajuwon hardly got playing time in the college league, he was very distressed for this, but at this moment, someone changed Olajuwon, and even affected Olajuwon Wang's life, that man was Moses Malone.

The 1981-1982 season was the last year Malone played for the Houston Rockets. He was at the peak of his career, averaging 31.1 points and 14.7 rebounds per game, and won the regular season MVP trophy for the second time in three years. At the same time, Malone is also a very responsible player. He opened a training class in Houston, invited many talented basketball players to participate, and guided them one-on-one. Olajuwon is one of them. In this short one-year training, Olajuwon's ability has improved by leaps and bounds, and his level has been improved, and the next step is to explode! In the 1983-84 season, on behalf of the University of Houston, Olajuwon averaged 16.8 points, 13.5 rebounds, 5.6 blocks and 67.5% field goal percentage per game. The last three statistics ranked first in the NCAA. The small bench who was unknown a year ago has become the new leader of the team!

Influenced by Malone, after Olajuwon retired, he was also keen to hold the "Olajuwon Training Camp". The players who came out of here are Kobe, LeBron, Howard, Okafor, Stoudemire, Ty Sen - Chandler, etc. Most of them have very good post skills. It is worth noting that this training camp is not cheap, and the cost per week is more than $[-].

Olajuwon led the University of Houston all the way to the NCAA finals, but finally lost to the University of North Carolina led by Jordan and James Worthy by two points. In this game, Olajuwon Zhuwang performed exceptionally well. He scored 20 points and grabbed 18 rebounds. After the game, the championship was awarded to North Carolina, but Olajuwon got the "Godfather of the Lakers" Jerry Weiss Special level of treatment, becoming the first MOP (College League Most Valuable Player) in NCAA history from a losing team!

At this time, Dick Vital, a well-known college basketball commentator in the local area, after watching the game, gave Olajuwon a nimble footwork and flexible fake moves. Nickname - "The Dream (big dream)".However, fate is such a coincidence. After 16 years, in 2008, Olajuwon was inducted into the Naismith Hall of Fame with his lifelong enemy, Patrick Ewing and the former college commentator Dick Vital. , enjoying the worship of future generations.

Yes, Ewing is Olajuwon’s lifelong enemy. The first time Olajuwon saw Ewing was on the video tape. The coach at that time pointed to the omnipotent and majestic Ewing on the field and said, “ This guy is the strongest freshman this year!"

Olajuwon's expression at that time was very incredible, the words popped out of his mouth without passing through his mind,
"Are you sure this person is a freshman? Look at this old face..."

In the 1983-1984 season, James Worthy, the leader of the former NCAA champion University of North Carolina, was promoted to the NBA. Jordan was isolated and did not lead the team to go further. Olajuwon and Drexler led the University of Houston to pass the test all the way. Reached the NCAA finals, and standing opposite Olajuwon was Georgetown University led by Ewing, and this game opened the interpretation of basketball by two great centers in their lives!
The final result was that Ewing defeated Olajuwon and won the NCAA championship trophy. For a while, Ewing became the hottest star insider at that time. Olajuwon joined the NBA after this game. And became the No. 1984 pick in the NBA in 18. He spent 17 of his 1985 years in Houston, and Ewing also became the No. 16 pick in 15 in the following year. He dedicated his 13-year career to New York.Olajuwon and Ewing, one from Nigeria and the other from Jamaica, eventually traveled across the ocean to study in American universities, and both met their own Bole tutors. Olajuwon was only 1994 years old. In contact with basketball, Ewing was [-] years old when he stepped on the floor of the basketball hall for the first time. Coincidentally, both of them practiced football before. "Big Dream" and "Gorilla" started their careers dogfight!In the end, it reached its peak in the [-] NBA Finals!

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