The China Power of NBA

Chapter 57 Growing Pains

Old Fu's office.

Bai Xiaofei sat anxiously on the chair next to the coffee table, with his head slightly lowered, his hands clenched tightly, his heels trembling subconsciously due to nervousness, and Bai Xiaofei pressed his heels to the ground vigorously.

Old Fu still wore a gray peaked cap as always, looked down at the computer screen in front of him, then adjusted the brim of the peaked cap with his hands, and said,

"Bai Xiaofei, let me tell you some bad news first," Old Fu said in his slow and deep voice, "After the team's high-level meeting and negotiation, it was decided not to offer you a second contract for the time being. "

Old Fu spoke very slowly and lightly, but it hit Bai Xiaofei's fragile heart like a sledgehammer. Although he was mentally prepared to face this result in advance, to be honest, Bai Xiaofei had a little bit of pain in his heart. Silk hoped to appear, he was looking forward to a miracle, and hoped that the team would give him another chance.

But everything is over. Bai Xiaofei's NBA career ended after only five games.

Bai Xiaofei's heart was surging with mixed feelings, and his heart began to tremble violently, but there was no expression on his face, he just responded in a low voice,

Bai Xiaofei buried his head lower, he didn't dare to look into Old Fu's eyes.

Is it over like this? Bai Xiaofei dare not and does not want to believe that he traveled across the ocean and came here for the ideal in his heart. Is this the result he got?How will the 14 billion Chinese people think of me when I return to China in such a dispirited way?

Bai Xiaofei's mind suddenly rang in his mind. After he was blown away by Stoudemire in the first game, Yao Ming called and said to himself,

"...He told me, Yao Ming, if you go back to China now, it will prove that you are a coward, a coward who has been defeated by the unknown NBA. If you go back to China now, you will live forever being ridiculed by others Among them, as long as someone mentions you, those people's faces will be full of disdain—Yao Ming? Who is he? That coward who couldn't make it in the NBA and fled back? They won't remember how much you were before. How good, how outstanding, they will only think of your embarrassment in the NBA, what you get is endless ridicule and disdain, what you lose will be your wonderful time in the future!"

"Bai Xiaofei? Who is he? That coward who fled from the NBA in a hurry..." If Bai Xiaofei returns to China, this is what Chinese people will say about Bai Xiaofei the most.

Old Fu stood up, walked slowly across from Bai Xiaofei, sat down gently, and said,
"I know the unhappiness you have had with Thornton, and I also know the pressure you are under now. If you return to China now, you will be scolded for nothing by the people of the country, and your dignity will be trampled under the soles of your shoes, but You have to understand Bai Xiaofei, dignity is not given by others, but earned by oneself. No one will look up to you for no reason, nor will they look down on you for no reason. The good or bad things you have now The bad things are all "struggled" by your own performance."

Old Fu looked gently at Bai Xiaofei who kept his head down and said nothing, then stood up from the sofa, turned his back to Bai Xiaofei, and said slowly,

"Bai Xiaofei, I've already bought you a ticket back home, tomorrow's ticket."

Hearing what Old Fu said, Bai Xiaofei suddenly raised his head, looked at Old Fu's back and shouted, "Uncle...I..."

Old Fu slightly tilted his head, and then sat down on the large sofa seat in front of the computer again.

"Uncle..." Bai Xiaofei seemed to have something to say, but his two almost invisible eyebrows were tightly knit together, his pale cheeks were flushed from suffocation, his legs shrank towards the sofa, like He wanted to stand up, but Bai Xiaofei couldn't stand up all the time. He opened his mouth several times in a row, but he had nothing to say. Then Bai Xiaofei lowered his head and looked at his feet.

The old Fu realized that this was the critical moment for Bai Xiaofei to break through his cowardly barrier, and the old Fu decided to take the fire again!


The old man slapped the table hard with his hand, and the sound was so loud that the teacup on the table shook, the cup tipped over, the tea dripped all over the table, and the porcelain cup rolled to the ground, making a violent shattering sound!
The loud and ear-piercing voice made Bai Xiaofei tremble with fright!
"You've disappointed me, Bai Xiaofei!" Old Fu changed from his usual low and slow speech to a high-pitched and excited one! "You have disappointed me so much, Bai Xiaofei. In the trials, your performance moved my heart so much, but in reality, you are just a brush! You only paint a few strokes when someone is watching! Look at what you did in the NBA! Only 3 points per game! With your height of 210 cm, the average is only 20 points per game! Are you worse than Stoudemire! Are you worse than Duncan! Are you better than Ben Are you worse! Are you worse than Aldridge! Not bad! Not bad at all! Bai Xiaofei! You are in better shape than Aldridge, and you are nearly 42 years younger than Ben and Duncan! Even compared with Stoudemire, It is by no means the difference between two points and [-] points! After each game, you only know that you are not playing well, but you have never thought about which point you are not playing well! How to improve in the future! I put so much thought and time into introducing you to the NBA, and it’s over just because you say I can’t fight! If this is the case, Bai Xiaofei! Then you are a coward through and through!”

Old Fu's chest rose and fell due to excitement, Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to raise his head or speak, but just buried his head deeper!Seeing Bai Xiaofei's reaction, Lao Fu shook his head secretly. Bai Xiaofei has the physical fitness to become a top NBA star, but he does not have the mature mentality of a top NBA star. His weak ability to resist setbacks is restricting Bai Xiaofei , if Bai Xiaofei really returns to China, with his excellent physical fitness, he will be successful in the NBDL and even the CBA professional league, but he will never be able to play in the NBA for the rest of his life!

Because the NBA is not just a league, but a society!A society full of human feelings and intrigues!

Time seemed to be frozen, Old Fu panted heavily and looked at Bai Xiaofei, who had buried his head in his crotch, really "hate that iron can't make steel"!
After a full 3 minutes passed, Old Fu took a deep breath, then let it out heavily, and resumed his usual deep and slow tone, saying,
"Bai Xiaofei, you really, really disappointed me..."


When Bai Xiaofei heard the old Fu's helpless sigh, his spirit was stimulated, and he suddenly jumped up from his chair!He clenched his fists, blushed and said,
"Director Fu! I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled to returning to China like this! I'm not reconciled to fleeing back to China as a loser like this! I believe that I can gain a foothold in the NBA! I hope you can think about it! Give me another chance! I promise you that in the next ten days, I will definitely play better than every previous game!"

Bai Xiaofei leaned forward, clenched his fists, looked at Old Fu with eyes wide open, and bit his upper and lower lips tightly together!
Old Fu still had no expression on his face, but his heart was already full of joy.

"You're telling the truth."

"Yes, Director Fu! I really hope you can give me another chance!"

Old Fu lowered his head, stood up, walked slowly in front of Bai Xiaofei, stretched out his hand, patted Bai Xiaofei's shoulder and said softly,

"Bai Xiaofei, I understand your mood at this moment, but..."

Hearing Old Fu say "but", Bai Xiaofei already understood what Old Fu was going to say, his feet softened, and he slumped on the sofa.

"However, even as the general manager, I have no right to change the proposals that have been passed by the board of directors and senior management. Therefore, even if you have great determination, I still cannot give you a second contract."

Bai Xiaofei did not bow his head this time, but looked into Old Fu's eyes with hope.

Old Fu looked at Bai Xiaofei's eager eyes, then walked to the desk with his back turned, and said, "Although I can't give you a contract, I have an opportunity to train with other people here. I don't know if you are interested."

"Training with someone else? Who?"

"Yao Ming."

"Yao Ming!"

Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth wide, with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Yes, although I cannot give you a contract, you will not return to China. For the next month or so, you will be brought to Houston to train with Yao Ming. I hope he can teach you a lot, and you will also Can learn a lot.”

"A month in Houston!"

"Yes, Bai Xiaofei, I have to say that you have caught up with a good time, because Yao Ming's teacher returned to the United States from Jordan, but he will only stay in the United States for 20 days to a month, so you have to catch this Opportunity, work hard to learn everything useful from him, if your talent is high enough, you will jump from a marginal player to a top star in the league! This kind of opportunity will only come once in your life! , Yao Ming, Amare Stoudemire, Dwight Howard, LeBron James, even Kobe Bryant have all been coached by him!"

"Who is he..."

Bai Xiaofei opened his eyes wide, looking at the calm old Fu.

Old Fu glanced at Bai Xiaofei's forehead, then turned his gaze to the bustling traffic outside the window, and slowly spit out a few words from the corner of his mouth——

"Hakeem Olajuwon."

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