The China Power of NBA

Chapter 43 Business Alliance

Old Fu's office.

"Bai Xiaofei, come to me this early in the morning, what's the matter?"

Wearing a white waistcoat, Bai Xiaofei lowered his head, but his eyes slanted to the old man, rubbed his hands and said,

"I said, Uncle Fu, tomorrow is the last day of this ten-day short contract. Is there anything else you forgot?"

"What did you forget?" Lao Fu lowered his head and pondered for a while, then said, "It's nothing, let's talk about forgetting... Oh! By the way, I'm looking for a professional free throw coach for you recently. Busy, this matter will be delayed, I will almost forget it if you don't mention it..."

"No, no, no!" Bai Xiaofei waved his hands quickly, shaking his head like a rattle, "Uncle Fu, you got it wrong, that's not what I said."

"Then what else..."

"That contract..."

"What's wrong with the contract? Isn't it all signed?"

"If you have a contract, you have money..." Bai Xiaofei lowered his head again, with a half-smile on the corner of his mouth, "Look at the salary... Is it time to pay..."

"What do you want money for?" Fu Ming glanced at Bai Xiaofei and continued to look at the information in his hand.

"No, Uncle, it's a matter of nature to pay for part-time work. You don't want to dedicate my salary to the cause of the country..."

"Don't worry," Fu Ming said with some amusement, "The total amount of your contract is 2.5 U.S. dollars. I already called your parents the second day after you signed the contract, so as to save you from messing around." Spend money, if you want to live with me, you can live there, you can eat if you want, what do you need money for?"

"You are here for basic living security, we have to improve the quality of life, isn't it..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense, go to practice quickly, get ready tomorrow, and play the 76ers away. You must perform better. This is your last chance to win the next contract."

Fu Ming switched the topic from money to basketball, but Bai Xiaofei switched the topic from basketball to money.

"Uncle, I have been working hard, and I feel that I have improved in the past few games, but a person has the motivation to move forward. Look at the salary..."

Old Fu shook his head helplessly and said,

"What do you want money for?"

"I would like to invite you, Zhao Qiang and Wang Jing, to dinner tonight. After this contract is over, I may not continue to bring you in New Orleans, and maybe I will go back to China..."

"How do you know, maybe the team gave you a second contract."

"Don't tease me, Uncle, I know in my heart whether my own performance is good or bad."

"Then the day after tomorrow, finish the 76ers game."

"No, just tonight, I'm afraid that if I don't receive your call after the game tomorrow, I will be very unhappy, so I won't be in the mood to eat."

"Then you can't fight hard and fight for breath."

Bai Xiaofei lowered his head and said nothing.

Old Fu raised his head, looked at Bai Xiaofei, put down the information in his hand, and said,

"Okay, let's go to the Hans Hotel upstairs, and I will take the blame, personally."

"Is that a little embarrassing?" Bai Xiaofei said with a sly smile on his lips, "Then I'm sorry, uncle."

After speaking, Bai Xiaofei opened the door and left Old Fu's office.

"This kid," Lao Fu looked at Bai Xiaofei's leaving back and thought to himself, "Bai Xiaofei's physical fitness has reached the NBA level, and his technical defects can be made up for through future training. The biggest factor hindering Bai Xiaofei's growth is actually It's his mind, and if he wants to be in the NBA, he has to mature and be able to shoulder more responsibility."


Just as Bai Xiaofei left, the office door opened again.

It's head coach Monty Williams.

"What's the matter, Monty?"

Williams showed his big healthy porcelain teeth and said, "I'll report something to you."

"Sit down." Old Fu glanced at the sofa and said, "Tell me what you want."

Williams sat on the sofa, took out the prepared paper, and said,

"The team has suffered a series of defeats recently. I hope I can find out where the team lost, and correct him, and rebuild and correct the direction of the team."

"Then you start talking."

Old Fu put down the materials in his hands, meshed his hands together, and looked at Williams, as if he was listening carefully.

"First of all, it's about Iverson. Since Iverson joined the team, the team has won less and lost more. Among them, Iverson's style of play has been unable to integrate into the team's overall style of play, mainly due to individual heroes. There are many doctrines, and Iverson has never participated in team training, which is not a good example for the young players of the team."

"Then what do you think?" Old Fu asked.

Williams didn't pick up the old man's words, and continued, "Blykins has the ability and potential, but he didn't do a good job in terms of his relationship with his teammates. If there is a suitable deal, he can consider trading Brykins." Kings, in addition, and Peja's contract, the final year's full guarantee of 1534 million US dollars, this is a huge temptation for teams that want to release salary pressure next season."

"Then I guess, you must have done your work." Old Fu said softly.

Williams chuckled, turned to the second page, and said, "I sent three players, Iverson, Brackins and Peja, to the other 29 managers and sent emails, and there were still some good deals. For example, the Bobcats can be traded for Gerald Wallace, the Clippers are willing to pay Chris Kaman, and the Grizzlies are willing to exchange Zai Randolph, of which Randolph is $1733 million in the last year. , It will not affect our player introduction for next season at all. The Rockets are willing to pay Kevin Martin and Shane Battier, the Trail Blazers are willing to take out Aldridge, and the Warriors are willing to take out David Lee and Biedrins However, the Wizards are willing to use Arenas and Brac as bargaining chips in the deal, and the fact proves that this deal is quite popular.”

Old Fu turned his eyes to the bustling city outside the window, looked at the busy street under his feet, and said quietly, "The temptation is indeed great, but it can't be done."


Williams was taken aback.

"When I went to recruit Iverson, I promised him personally that I would bring him a championship. I can't break my promise. Iverson can't be traded. Peja is a veteran of the team. He gave the last glorious career Five years dedicated here, at the end of his career, he should be respected by others, not displaced, so he can't be traded, you'd better think about other options."

"It's not that there are no other plans, but we have not achieved as many results as the first one. If Iverson cannot be traded, then Thornton will be traded. The two players have similar styles of play, and they are almost incompatible on the court. I have expressed my dissatisfaction with Iverson many times in public, because Iverson's arrival has affected Thornton's playing time. He is a contract year this year, and he wants a big contract, so we will hardly be able to stay after this season. Live in Thornton, why not take this opportunity to trade out."

Old Fu nodded lightly and said, "Yes."

"This is the plan B I sent to other managers. Briggins' two-year contract of $2 million, plus Thornton's one-year contract of $271, plus Sangueira's one-year contract of $0.762 million, these three Individuals can be traded to Gallinari, Jermaine O'Neal, Jamal Crawford, Shannon Brown, Barbosa, Tchaedewski, etc., but there is one trade that I think our interests will be The biggest, that's the Warriors, they've been trying to clear out David Lee's 482-year, $6 million mega-contract, I've spoken to the Warriors' management on the phone, as long as we pay these three players, plus Max, we Get David Lee."

"Get rid of David Lee?"

"Yes, the Warriors are now rebuilding with Stephen Curry and Monta Ellis, both of them are speed guards, and the slow David Lee's traditional position play doesn't suit them, so the Warriors have been Trying to trade David Lee, David Lee is still capable, he can score 20+10 in any team, if we take over David Lee, the first problem is that we have to trade The positions overlapped with West. In general, David Lee’s ability is higher than West’s, but West has played in New Orleans for eight seasons. From an emotional point of view, it’s a bit…”

"Then don't think about it."

Old Fu said lightly.

Williams' complexion changed suddenly, he stood up, looked at Old Fu and said,

"Manager Fu, in fact, I shouldn't point fingers at your opinion, but I want to remind you that this is in the NBA, which is a business league. When it comes to business, you can't involve too much emotion. In China, "loyalty" may be advocated. Both", but in the NBA, in this league dominated by commerce and dollars, as long as it is beneficial to the team, we should pursue it. After all, the goal of the team is to win. This sentence It was you who said it to me personally, too much emotional talk will inevitably affect your judgment, I hope you can understand."

After listening to Williams' words, Old Fu nodded slightly.

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