The China Power of NBA

Chapter 36 Bai Xiaofei VS Daben

Big Ben is the best interior defensive expert in the league, nicknamed "Big Ben". Even Bai Xiaofei knows this well. Although he is 36 years old this year, no one dares to underestimate his defense, but Bai Xiaofei decided to have a head-to-head confrontation!

Bai Xiaofei asked for the ball from the free throw line on the left rib, Paul passed the ball, and Da Ben, who was defending behind Bai Xiaofei, said,
"Come on, boy, show your housekeeping skills! I won't let you!"

Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth, took a breath in his heart, pouted his buttocks, and arched his back vigorously, but Da Ben standing behind him was like a wall, motionless. Da Ben's bench press at his peak could reach more than [-] kilograms !Even the "big shark" can't beat himself, his arms are as thick as ordinary people's calves!The power that Bai Xiaofei exerted on Da Ben was nothing at all!
"Put on! Young man! Go on! I can't stand you!"

Da Ben's words stimulated Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei's heart broke, he gritted his steel teeth and raised his shoulders, pushing back with all his strength!In an instant, Da Ben suddenly withdrew his strength and took a step back. Bai Xiaofei, who was attacking with all his strength and defenseless, lost weight in an instant, his soles slipped, and he fell to the ground with a "bang" sound!


"Walking violation!"

Daben’s move is also learned, and it’s nicknamed "withdrawing the chair". This trick will only be used on rookies who have just entered the league and are not proficient in using their bodies.Veterans, especially inside veterans with good skills, are very good at controlling their bodies, and they usually don't fall into this kind of trap.

Bai Xiaofei fell a big somersault by himself, and the fans in the Palace of Auburn Hills roared with laughter. West walked over, helped Bai Xiaofei up, and patted Bai Xiaofei's butt.

In the offensive part of the Pistons, Stuckey dribbled the ball to the frontcourt. At this time, the Hornets replaced Iverson and Ponster, mainly to defend Hamilton. Hamilton had a small problem when he first entered the league. The nickname is "perpetual motion machine", which means that he runs at all costs and never stops. There is no shortcut to prevent him, but to follow Hamilton without stopping, without letting him have any gaps.

Just after Stuckey dribbled the ball in the front court, Hamilton suddenly started and went straight to the basket. Pondexter clung to Hamilton tightly, but unexpectedly bumped into Mark Hill, who was already standing firmly, and Hamilton circled back to the free throw. On the left side of the line, there was a big gap. This was a very good opportunity, and it was Hamilton's point, but Stucky didn't give it to him. He didn't even look at it. Hill, West, and Ponte were all three, and there was no room for a breakthrough at all. Stuckey had no choice but to distribute the ball to Hamilton, but at this time, there was no space in front of Hamilton. Paul's defense was in place, Hamilton made a fake shot, Paul didn't hesitate, Hamilton had to give up and gave the ball to Prince.

In fact, from this goal, it can be seen that the players of the Pistons are divided. Stucky, nicknamed "Prince Key", is the next leader appointed by the president of Pistons Operations Dumars. Stuckey is young and frivolous. I don’t know if there is, but there must be arrogance. This year’s average of 18+5 per game makes him ignore anyone. He went to Dumars’ office many times and asked to trade Hamilton. , Prince and other veterans in exchange for a few young players with immediate combat power. This kind of behavior made the newly joined Tracy McGrady a little unhappy. Mars mediated in the middle out of the image of a good guy. They did not forcefully extinguish the spread of this momentum. In the end, the conflict intensified. Prince Will Cox and other veterans jointly went on strike and training, and the incident became irreversible. In the end, this farce ended with the retirement of the big season, Hamilton left the Bulls, and Tracy McGrady signed with the Eagles.After the mutiny, "Prince Foundation" did not have the ability and courage of an emperor and general after all. The more he fought, the more frustrated he was. After two seasons, he was sold to the Pacers, and his worth was only a basic salary of 122 million US dollars a year. And press no.

There was no time to attack, so Prince had to forcefully shoot a three-pointer, which naturally got a "dang" strike.

The rebound bounced to the left, Bai Xiaofei ran over to grab the rebound, but Daben was already stuck on the backboard. It was so good that Bai Xiaofei couldn't reach the rebound even if he jumped up.

Big Ben easily rebounded and passed it to Ben Gordon. Gordon then passed it to Stuckey. The latter went all the way to the basket and faced Ariza's defense.
West served to Paul. Paul dribbled the ball to the front court and passed it to Ariza who was outside the three-point line on the left. Ariza made a feint and rushed in towards the inside. A good player, but the negative effect brought by the long arm is that the effect of holding the ball is not good. Mark Hill, who guards the inside of the Pistons, may not look tall, but he is thick enough and has a particularly good defensive awareness. See Ariza went inside with the ball, Max Hill stood outside the small circle in advance, Ariza was going to hit him, it was definitely an offensive foul, Ariza hurriedly used a throw that he was not good at, but the point He didn't get it right, the basketball hit the backboard with a bang, it didn't even touch the frame, the backboard bounced high, Bai Xiaofei hurried to the other side of the backboard, his speed and agility were impeccable, basically Got to the rebounding spot in the first time, but...but...

That strong figure has been standing there waiting for a long time!Bai Xiaofei was pushed behind by Da Ben, Bai Xiaofei couldn't push it, couldn't push it, couldn't squeeze it away, so he could only watch as Da Ben easily accepted the defensive rebound.

Da Ben turned around, took a look at Bai Xiaofei, smiled slightly, and then passed the ball to Prince. Prince advanced with the ball, Hamilton ran without the ball to the basket, and Pondexet yelled. Not good, hurry up and keep up with Hamilton, who knows that Hamilton suddenly brakes suddenly, Pondexter arches his head to the basket unprepared, Prince's pass is accurately passed to Hamilton's hands, mid-range is Hamilton's killer, he naturally Won't miss this opportunity at your fingertips, get on the horse, draw the bow, and make a mid-range shot. Who knows that Ariza rushes to the horse, and the super long arm interferes with Hamilton's shooting!
At this time, Hamilton had no chance to pass the ball, so he had to make a hard shot. The basketball crossed an arc, hit the side eaves, and bounced to the left. Bai Xiaofei rushed over to grab the rebound, but Da Ben arrived earlier than Bai Xiaofei In two seconds, Bai Xiaofei was stuck behind him again, grabbed the offensive rebound, and passed it to Prince, who was open outside, and Prince hit a three-pointer!

"Rebound! Rebound!" Williams stood up from the bench anxiously, and yelled at Bai Xiaofei, "Rebound! The big guy grabs the rebound!"

It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to grab a rebound, but that every time he grabs a rebound, Da Ben can always find the rebound spot accurately, and then block Bai Xiaofei with his strong body like a city wall. Although Bai Xiaofei is nearly 16 years younger than Da Ben, He can jump higher than Ben and run faster than Ben, but he just can't grab rebounds. It seems that Ben has such a sense of rebounding. As long as a player misses a shot, basketball will definitely miss him. Flick in the direction of standing, just like there is a magnet on the big itself to attract the basketball.

Ben Wallace took off rebounds on Bai Xiaofei's head in a row. In the 5 minutes that Ben played, Bai Xiaofei didn't grab a single rebound.With the guarantee of Daben's strong rebounds, the Pistons got a lot of second-attack opportunities. Ben Gordon's shooting was like a godsend, hitting consecutive three-pointers, and even staring at Ariza's defense. -Led by Wallace and Ben Gordon, the Pistons led the Hornets by 38 points at 28:10 at the end of the first quarter.

"Guys! Let's play more dynamic!" Williams gathered the players together, holding a tactical board in his hand, and said, "We are all young people, and they are all veterans. In the second half, they will definitely Physical strength can't keep up, we must control the rhythm on our side! In the second quarter, Pondexter replaced Iverson and mainly defended Ben-Gordon, you have to entangle him! Bai Xiaofei, where is your rebound? How do you allow a veteran who is nearly 40 years old to pick off so many rebounds on your head! You are younger than him, more energetic than him, you jump higher than him, run faster than him, how do you get caught? He restrained...!"

Bai Xiaofei blushed at what Williams said, and quietly glanced at the Pistons' bench. Kuis called the players together to explain tactics, while Da Ben sat on the bench and drank leisurely like a normal person. Gatorade.

At the beginning of the second quarter, both teams sent substitute players at the same place. The strength of the two sides is equal, you come and go, and the point difference is always maintained at about 5 points. There are 46 minutes left in the second quarter, and the official timeout. The two sides started playing, and the score at this time was the Pistons 37:[-] Hornets.

Ben Gordon missed a three-pointer, and Big Ben grabbed the rebound again and passed it back to Prince. Prince broke through and caused West's foul. James shouted anxiously,

"Rebound, Bai Xiaofei! Rebound! Don't worry about anything, just grab the rebound!"

Prince made the first free throw and missed the second free throw. The basketball bounced off the front eaves of the basket. Bai Xiaofei quickly stood up to the defender and was about to grab a rebound. Who knew that Daben had already fixed the position of the rebound in advance!Bai Xiaofei was stuck behind him again, but in the crowd, West jumped high and competed with Da Ben for a rebound in the air. West was also a veteran, and he didn't jump very high. He learned the technique of rebounding, that is, pointing the ball from the crowd to his comfortable position, snatching the ball, and then glanced out of the corner of his eye, and found Gordon standing outside the three-point line. Big Ben immediately passed the ball Out, there is no one in front of Ben Gordon after receiving the ball, and he shoots!Three points hit!
This is Big Ben's tenth rebound, and his playing time is only 10 minutes.

"Rebound! Rebound!"

Williams stamped his feet anxiously!
Matching up against Big Ben is not an easy task. The nickname of "Big Ben" is really well-deserved. When he is standing under the basket, he is really like a bell. No matter how Bai Xiaofei pushes or squeezes , Daben just didn't move at all, but in the end, Bai Xiaofei was so tired that he was out of breath.

Seeing Williams go berserk on the sidelines, Bai Xiaofei also felt that his face was shameless, so he activated his thick-skinned skills and asked Da Ben for advice.

Bai Xiaofei stood behind Da Ben and patted Da Ben on the shoulder, lowered his head, and said,

"Brother (brother), how do you grab your rebounds? Do you have any secrets to tell me? Look at the man with the big white teeth standing on the sidelines of our team, grinning at me. My contract It's a short contract of ten days, if I don't fight well this time, I may be laid off, if I starve to death without food, there will be one more dead soul in the world..."

"Brother?" Da Ben turned his head and frowned, feeling angry.

Bai Xiaofei also felt that it was impolite to call Da Ben, who was born 16 years earlier than him, "Brother", so he changed the name.
"Sorry, my English is not very good, I mean, Ben uncle (Uncle Ben)..."

"Ben uncle?" Da Ben didn't understand what Bai Xiaofei was talking about in his mixed English and Chinese grammar.

"Not right?" Bai Xiaofei was heartbroken, and decided to use a new word that he just learned a few days ago.
"Ancient people..."

When Da Ben heard Bai Xiaofei's name, he not only grinned, Da Ben looked muscular and had a fleshy face, but his temper was not as bad as people imagined. As long as no one provoked him, he would Still a nice person to get along with.

The honorific Bai Xiaofei was going to say was "senior," and "Ancient people" meant ancient people, no wonder Da Ben laughed and said that he was overjoyed.

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