The China Power of NBA

Chapter 34 Yao Ming's Teacher

In the dead of night, Lao Fu was lying on the bed alone, looking at the twinkling stars outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, thinking in his heart that at the other end of this country, would people there also see the same stars and the same moon.

Old Fu couldn't sleep. The Hornets lost again by a big score in tonight's game. The opponent who defeated them was the Detroit Pistons, which was weak and infighting this season. The first person responsible for losing the game was undoubtedly Bai Xiaofei. Although Old Fu deliberately wanted to excuse him, he did have a direct relationship with Bai Xiaofei.

In terms of statistics, Bai Xiaofei played 31 minutes and scored 6 points on 36 of 24 shots. The most outrageous thing is that Bai Xiaofei only grabbed one rebound!And his opponent, the 10-year-old "senior" Ben Wallace, grabbed [-] rebounds, including a full [-] offensive rebounds!His ability to control the inside line dwarfs the fledgling Bai Xiaofei.

As the general manager of the team, Lao Fu is under tremendous pressure. After three games, Bai Xiaofei, as the main center, averaged 28 minutes per game, only 4.3 points and 3 rebounds, and his shooting percentage is very poor. 35.7%, while Bai Xiaofei’s opponents averaged 21 points, 21.3 rebounds and 4.7 blocks per game. The outside world’s criticism of Bai Xiaofei flooded like a tsunami, even though everyone can see that the old man intends to train Bai Xiaofei , but Bai Xiaofei's unbearable performance also made Lao Fu have to consider the direction of fans and public opinion.

Is it my fault, or is everyone in the world wrong? Bai Xiaofei, is he the person he is looking for?
"Ring ring ring." The phone rang.Old Fu reached out and took the phone from the side of the closet.

It's Yao Ming's call.


"Old Fu, I guess you must not be able to sleep these few nights, so I called you to chat and let you relieve your loneliness."

The deep voice on the other end of the phone was joking with Old Fu, but Old Fu was in such a mood and said,

"I'm not in the mood for a joke right now."

"I know what you're thinking."

"I would be surprised if you didn't know," Old Fu said with a chuckle,
"To be honest, I know that as a rookie who has never played in a professional league, it will be very difficult to quickly adapt to the NBA. I did not expect it to be so difficult. Now the pressure on my side is huge. If Bai Xiaofei continues to act like this Poor performance, the orientation of media and outside public opinion made it possible for me to announce my abandonment of Bai Xiaofei, I cannot let the team get off track, after all, the goal of the team is to win."

"I understand, I understand," Yao Ming said in a low voice,

"Old Fu, I have an idea."

"You said."

"These days, my teacher is coming back from Jordan, and I might stay briefly in Houston for a week or so, New Orleans is not too far from Houston, it's only a three-hour drive, I mean, let's Bai Xiaofei came to Houston and asked my teacher to guide him one-on-one. Although the training time is not long, I think it will allow Bai Xiaofei to gain great wealth and experience."

"Great. I'm considering introducing an assistant to Bai Xiaofei recently. The candidate currently locked in is Mutombo, but now, your teacher, this...will he do this? You must know that his training camp does not charge much. Fei, it is said that a special training session costs US$[-] a week. This is not the most important thing. The key is to look at the player's qualifications. A player with poor talent will not give him much money for special training..."

"You can rest assured about this. The teacher will never refuse my request, but whether Bai Xiaofei can make rapid progress in a short period of time depends on Bai Xiaofei himself. No one can help him."

"Well," Lao Fu nodded lightly, then straightened the pillows, leaned his back comfortably against the head of the bed, and said,
"Yao Ming, it seems that you are very optimistic about Bai Xiaofei."

"Actually, you understand better than I do," Yao Ming said in a deep voice, "The biggest barrier to the development of Chinese and even Asians in the NBA is physical fitness. Most American players have better and more delicate skills, but the lack of physical fitness makes us unable to stand on the floor of the NBA. When I first entered the league, I weighed only 120 kilograms, and I couldn’t stand up to the opponent on the court. From Da Zhi, to me, to Yi Jianlian, Sun Yue is like this, but Bai Xiaofei is different from all of us."

Yao Ming paused for a few seconds, as if he was thinking about something, and then said, "Bai Xiaofei has amazing physical conditions that domestic players do not have. Judging from his current performance, Bai Xiaofei is very unconfident now, but his This lack of self-confidence is based on imperfect skills and poor performance on the court. If Bai Xiaofei has good skills, then his self-confidence will naturally be built up."

"I've been thinking about one thing for the past few days, are we a bit overwhelmed now?"

"It's not a bad thing to push a seedling to encourage growth. Bai Xiaofei is only 19 years old this year, and he has a huge room for growth. Letting him get in touch with professional basketball earlier will also allow him to adapt to the atmosphere in this circle as soon as possible. I hope Bai Xiaofei can play in this circle The NBA played out, and then replaced me, known as the banner bearer of the new generation of Chinese basketball."

"Replace you?" Lao Fu heard that there seemed to be something wrong in Yao Ming's words, and hurriedly asked, "What does replace you mean?"

"Old Fu, I feel that I can play for at most two years."

"Two years at most!" Old Fu was shocked when he heard this sentence.

"Don't be too surprised. I know my own body very well, especially the injury to my left foot that was discovered in 2009. I still have lingering fears." Yao Ming paused, and then continued, "Now come I can’t say that my feet are good or bad, but after this season, there will be the Stankovic Cup and the World Championships. These competitions require me. Afraid……"

Old Fu is silent, he can't persuade Yao Ming, because Yao Ming is the pillar of Chinese basketball now. With Yao Ming, the Chinese national basketball team will be a team in the top eight of the Olympic Games, but without Yao Ming, it will be a third-rate team in the world. , Yao Ming's role in the team is self-evident, no one can do without Yao Ming.

"I've been playing professional basketball since I was 16, and I'm 30 now, and it's been 14 years, and in those 14 years, I've been thinking about doing my part for the country every single moment. , so as long as the national team is called, I am obliged, because in my heart, I always put the word "country" first in my heart, but," Yao Ming changed the subject, and said, "But, after retiring In this matter, I want to be selfish. I have thought about the country all my life. When I leave, I want to think about myself, because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. It's too cruel."

"You should have your own choice, Yao Ming," Lao Fu said quietly, "Actually, in the final analysis, the burden on you is too heavy, so we must train more outstanding basketball players to steer the course of Chinese basketball. You don't have to think about things so pessimistically, maybe, when Bai Xiaofei rises up, you will become the most steadfast mentor behind him!"

After the call with Yao Ming ended, Lao Fu felt extremely heavy. After all, Yao Ming had already discussed the matter to the level of retirement. From the current point of view, after Yao Ming, the new generation of leaders in Chinese basketball will fall to the present. On Yi Jianlian who is playing in the NBA, but whether Yi Jianlian can shoulder this important task is still a big question mark. Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei, when will you grow up, will you become a star, or is it a bubble...

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