The China Power of NBA

Chapter 30 Hiring Teaching Assistants

Bai Xiaofei locked himself in the door all day, ignoring anyone who asked to open the door, and refusing to answer the phone, just throwing a child's temper again, so Bai Xiaofei missed the old Fu's meeting.

Fu called everyone on the team, including the management, the coaching staff and all the players, to have a meeting to try to solve the team's current predicament. The absence of Stern, Gray, and Okafor is an excuse to cover up, and the return date of the latter two is undetermined, and the game has only played more than a dozen games, and there are more than 60 games waiting for them. If they can't find a With the correct way of playing, the road ahead will be extremely difficult.

"Everyone knows," Fu said, wearing a brown baseball cap and a high nose bridge under his small eyes, "in the seventeen games we've played, we've only won Next eight wins, that's too little, it doesn't reflect our true strength at all, but unfortunately, I'm not a player, I can't put on a jersey and compete with them, but I don't want to sit around all day In the swivel chair in the office, I read those useless data every day. Now, I feel like I know where the current problem of the team is. We found it and worked hard to correct it. Everyone can speak freely!"

People in the management, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to speak, which is not surprising, as I have said before, in the NBA, the management, including the head coach, belong to the NBA management league. The person in charge can say that they are laid off, but the players are different. The players belong to the players union. Although they can also be laid off, the salary will not be less, so only the players will have the courage to have such a meeting. Say something unpleasant.

There is also an order in which the players speak. Usually, the boss of the team speaks first, then the veterans of the team, and finally the other players. But there is one person on the team who can't hold back anymore. What kind of politeness does he care about? Honorable and inferior, I have already suffocated my fire and have no place to put it. As soon as the old Fu finished speaking, he stood up.

"I think that the current team will cause such a situation because some players hold the ball and play too many singles. The team is about the whole team. One-on-five can never play team basketball. The biggest dilemma ever encountered."

The speaker was Marcus Thornton.

Others were shocked when they heard Thornton's words. The meaning of his words was obvious. To put it bluntly, he accused Iverson of playing too alone and not knowing how to share the ball. But the veterans also understood that Thornton's words seemed to be What I'm talking about is awe-inspiring, and it's all for the sake of the team. In fact, it's for my own consideration for the next year.

Thornton's words made the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly tense. Briggins and Pondexter looked in Iverson's direction intentionally or unintentionally.
"You don't have to blame me," Iverson said without even looking at Thornton. His legs were resting on the conference table, and he was lying comfortably on the swivel chair, playing a video game in his hand, as if he was taking care of himself. Said, "I have played like this since I first entered the league in 1996, and now 14 years have passed, and I will still play like this. Passed the finals, but what did you do? Just stand here and spit?!"

Iverson's refutation left Thornton speechless. Although he didn't seem to care, he fought back with the strongest words, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"One-on-five, too many singles with the ball, isn't this your style of play!" Paul smiled lightly, trying to ease the atmosphere, and said, "Shorton, you are blaming yourself!"

Thornton lowered his head, did not speak, and sat down on the chair, sulking with himself.

West stroked the mustache on his chin and said, "The current situation the team is facing has nothing to do with anyone else. Thornton, Belinelli, Ponderset, Briggins , Ariza and other young players are playing well, with very strong ability and impact, Peja, Sanguela, and Marx have also played the value that veterans should have. Paul, as the leader of the team, has always controlled the ball. The direction of the team, the reason for the team's successive losses is still in the final analysis, I did not come out with a tough defense, let the inside players of the Knicks and Spurs do whatever they want, this is all my own fault..."

"No," Briggins said, interrupting West, "it's nothing to do with you, it's mainly about that little Teddy... If I were his height and weight, I would be many times better than him! "

"I'm at your age," Sangueira said back against Briggins, "at your age, I'm playing better than you don't know how many times!"

Briggins was choked speechless.

"Okay," Lao Fu glanced at Thornton and then turned his gaze to Briggins and said, "Since everyone knows that the current problem of the team lies in the defense of the inside, then I decided to introduce an assistant coach to focus on the inside. Advise on defense, let’s see if there is a suitable candidate, I hope that this person should have the experience of an NBA player and have certain attainments in defense, everyone talks, what kind of suitable candidate is there.”

"Speaking of which, I have a very good candidate," said Manson, who stood up and said, "Jamal Magloire! 2004 All-Star, who played for the Hornets for five years During this period of time, Magloire averaged more than ten points and grabbed more than a dozen rebounds per game. He is an All-Star inside player. Signing him will play a role in cultivating our inside players Great, my recommendation is him."

"Magloire?" The name came out of Fu's mouth. He had an impression of this player. It was in the 2004 All-Star Game. Magloire averaged 14 points per game this year. He was selected as an All-Star with 10 rebounds and is known as the worst All-Star in history. Magloire originally signed a contract with the Miami Heat this season, but was waived during the season and is now resting in his hometown in Toronto. If Magloire is an assistant coach, the advantage is that he will be away from the game soon and can adapt to the current NBA game. The disadvantage is that his ability is really lacking, and he has not made much achievements on the court.

Old Fu shook his head lightly.

"How about PJ-Brown?" It was the beautiful Carmela who was speaking. Carmela was wearing a tight jumpsuit today. The tight fabric outlined her graceful figure, and Briggins and Pontes couldn't help but He looked at Carmela a few more times.

Pj-Brown is also a star of the Hornets. From 2000 to 2006, he played for the Hornets for six full years, averaging close to double-doubles per game. In the 1997-1999 season, he also won the championship ring with the Boston Celtics. In terms of style and function, PJ-Brown is really the best candidate for the team's defensive assistant.

"PJ-Brown?" Old Fu murmured.

"Brown is very happy to be a mentor for the team. Brown spent his last season with the Celtics, where he fulfilled the responsibility of a mentor very well, and trained Kendrick -Perkins is already the team's starting center and inside gate." Carmela obviously came prepared, looked at the information in his hand and said, "Brown has represented five teams in the playoffs. The owner has a lot of experience, and Brown off the court is approachable and has no airs of a retired star."

Old Fu nodded, then shook his head lightly, and said,
"As a team player, Brown is very competent, but it seems that he has less things of his own. I hope to have an inside player with slightly greater personal ability to guide our young players. Since we are looking for it, then Find the best one!"

"I have a candidate who can meet all your requirements," said Terry Kafler, the manager of the team's medical department. He has served the Hornets for more than 20 years and is well-connected in the NBA. wide.

"Who?" Everyone said in unison.

"Alonzo Mourning!"

Many people know that most of Mourning's honors were obtained in the Heat, but there is something that many people don't know. Mourning's career started with the Hornets. In 1992, the Hornets used the first round Mourning was selected with the second pick. In the first three seasons of the Hornets, Mourning averaged 2 points and 21 rebounds per game. He was the core of the team. However, in the third year of the rookie, Because he competed with "Aunt" Larry Johnson for the boss position, the two sides turned against each other. In the end, Mourning left the Hornets. On the court, Mourning was not only the team's offensive arrow, but also the team's defensive core. What is praised is his strong will and strong spiritual power, which have surpassed his body!
In 2000, the 30-year-old Mourning was diagnosed with severe kidney disease, which was a very big threat to his career. Mourning had to stay away from the game to start treatment, so he missed the remaining 69 games of the season After the game, Mourning came back with full blood in the following season, but God's test for Mourning was not over. After the season, Mourning was found to have kidney disease and had to undergo a kidney transplant. Mourning had to announce his retirement again. After the operation, the doctor announced that Mourning's career was over, but Mourning miraculously returned to the game with strong willpower. Although he averaged less than 2005 games per game in the following three seasons, Mourning is still respected by everyone. In the 2006-65 season, Mourning played 77 games and played like a god in the finals of that year, helping the Heat win the first championship in team history. This season, Mourning played [-] games. Although he was only a substitute, he still completed the task excellently.

"I know Mourning!" Old Fu said, "He was selected to the All-Star seven times and was selected to the best team four times. Unfortunately, he was not selected to the best defensive team once. Mourning has super strong scoring ability and strong mentality, but Compared with his defensive end, the gap between him and his offensive end is relatively large. I hope that the player I hired has absolute defensive ability and can rely on defense to change the trend of the game."

No one spoke in the huge conference room. The old Fu didn't agree with the name on the left and the name on the right. They have already talked about Alonzo Mourning, who might be selected into the Hall of Fame. This is not enough!

Carmela said, "Manager Fu, is there really the super defensive player you mentioned in the NBA?"

Old Fu ignored Carmela, but looked at Iverson who was playing games and seemed indifferent to the content of the meeting, and said,

"Aaron, you have played in the NBA for 15 years, and you are the person with the most game experience on the team. I think you know the players I'm talking about. Tell me what you think."

Allen Iverson put away the game console, then moved his feet from the table to under the table, looked at Lao Fu, and said,
"Yes, I do know the kind of player you mentioned, and I am a good friend who can talk to me about everything. Whenever I need him, he will appear in front of me immediately. If you want to talk about his resume, he has eight years. Selected to the All-Star for the first time, selected to the Defensive Team of the Year eight times, four of which were a first team, won the NBA's best defensive player four times and the NBA rebounding champion twice!"

Everyone took a deep breath.

"His career block data ranks second in NBA history." Iverson said quietly.

"Could it be..." Someone has whispered the name Iverson is about to export!
"he is the one……"

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