The China Power of NBA

Chapter 15 The door to the NBA is opening!

"Old Fu, the competition is over, how many people do you plan to take to America?"

Sui Jiayuan sat on the large sofa, holding a piece of paper in his hand, and read it intently. This is the data report of Lao Fu's NBA player selection match yesterday.

Old Fu put the thermos cup in his hand, picked it up, took a sip of tea, and said,

"Two and a half."

"Two and a half?"

Sui Jiayuan wondered,

"What is two and a half people?"

"The first person is Bai Xiaofei."


Sui Jiayuan nodded in agreement and said,
"It looks okay, but it's almost a free throw."

Old Fu said,

"Bai Xiaofei is a tall player with a tonnage, outstanding physical fitness, and the courage to fight inside. This is the basis for becoming a top inside killer. Bai Xiaofei is only 19 years old this year. He has a huge room for growth and cannot be punished. It doesn't matter about the ball, the physical fitness is natural, the player's skills are acquired, and you can develop it slowly."

Sui Jiayuan nodded and said, "Then who is the No.2 player?"

"This No.2 player is Zhao Qiang."



"This?" Sui Jiayuan hesitated, and said, "He is indeed very comprehensive, but isn't his offensive stats a bit off? In a game of this level, he made 7 of 2 shots. This stat..."

"Zhaoqiang is a player with height and long arms, and has the potential to become a defensive finisher. His impact on the game cannot be reflected by statistics, but at the same time, because his arms are too long, his ability to attack with the ball Relatively weak, the shooting ability has not been developed, so there will be such data, this is an inevitable result."

Sui Jiayuan nodded again, expressing his agreement with Old Fu's point of view, and Old Fu continued,

"Of course, if these two players come to the United States, judging from the current level, they still can't reach the level of the NBA. They may go to the NBDL to train first. Let's see how fast these two people grow. The NBA is not so easy to advance. .”

"Old Fu, you started talking about two and a half people. I want to know who this half-human is referring to?"

Sui Jiayuan asked puzzledly,

"Why half a man?"

"The semi-human I'm referring to is Wang Jing."

Old Fu said calmly.

"Wang Jing?"

Sui Jiayuan looked carefully at the technical statistics. The technical statistics are arranged in order of the number of points scored. As a result, Sui Jiayuan only saw Wang Jing's name in the last column.

Wang Jing, played 29 minutes, made 10 of 0 three-pointers, no free throws, no points in the game, only contributed 3 assists, 3 backcourt rebounds, and nothing else.

"Old Fu, are you kidding? With such a performance, you want to take him to the United States? To play in the NBA? Isn't that shameful..."

Sui Jiayuan dismissed the statistical report aside and said,

"Is there no one in China, just like this..."

"Yesterday's ball game can already explain the problem to others, but it can't explain anything to Wang Jing,"

Old Fu said,

"He has a strong psychological quality to become a superstar. Do you know what a sad soldier must win? He is a sad soldier now. He has completely despaired of basketball and the field, but as long as you give him a little hope, With a little space and a little light, he will burst out with powerful energy, of course, this is my own guess."

Old Fu swallowed a sip of tea and continued,

"I have met people of all kinds and styles on the basketball court in my life, just like there are stars in the sky, but this is really the first time I have met someone like Wang Jing, who has a huge family and a deep heart. The pressure, I can still persist until now, at present, I can predict what kind of players Bai Xiaofei and Zhaoqiang will grow into, but only Wang Jing, I can't guess."

Sui Jiayuan lit a cigarette, pressed it to his lips, and said,
"Old Fu, it's still the same sentence. Since you have your own considerations, I will support you too. Then what do you mean by half?"

"Wang Jing's left knee had an old meniscus tear injury, which was not fully healed at the time, and this has been affecting Wang Jing. Judging from China's current medical level, it is relatively difficult to treat and recover in China, so I plan to bring him to the United States to receive the most advanced treatment. Of course, the cost may need to be borne by us here. I contacted my friend in the American hospital. It depends on the tear level and the level of treatment at that time. Well, After a rough estimate, the full set of surgery plus rehabilitation is about 10 U.S. dollars."

Sui Jiayuan leaned halfway behind the chair, smoking a cigarette, and when he heard the number given by Old Fu, he agreed without blinking his eyes. He had great trust in Old Fu. He took a puff of cigarette, looked at Old Fu, and said ,
"Money is not a problem, as long as you look good, that's fine, but I want to remind you, old Fu, that Wang Jing is already 26 years old. At this age, it means that the player's skills are completely finalized. No How much room for improvement."

"Of course I know that Wang Jing, a player, is a risk and a gamble to me. To be honest, I have never done such a risky thing in my life. If I win the bet, Wang Jing's growth will be huge." Contrary to my expectations, if you lose, you will be nothing."

"Old Fu, it's good that you understand."

"However, I know one thing. From me, Ma Tao, to Battelle Wang Zhizhi, to Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, and Sun Yue, everyone came here in this way. Everyone has been under such pressure. In a word, if you fail, you will Chengren."

Sui Jiayuan nodded lightly, took a puff of cigarette and brought the statistics in front of his eyes, looked carefully, and said,

"He Jiang is currently the most dominant player in CUBA in terms of scoring, and he played well in this game. You don't even like such a player?"


Old Fu smiled lightly and said,

"Does the NBA lack scoring masters? How many players can score 30 points per game in the CBA, but only a few points in the NBA. Are there still few such examples? The NBA does not lack scoring masters, but what is lacking is players with special skills. Only players like that can stand up."

When the old Fu spoke, he was smiling and talking.

After Sui Jiayuan dialed a little bit from the old Fu, after thinking about it, what the old Fu said was very reasonable, so he said again,

"This player named Ran Feng also played well."

In terms of statistics, Ran Feng played 20 minutes, made 7 of 6 shots including a three-pointer, scored 3 points on 3 of 16 free throws, grabbed 4 rebounds, sent 8 assists, and had 2 steals and 2 free throws. mistakes.

"I know the player Ran Feng, he was recruited by me,"

Old Fu smiled lightly and said,

"Ran Feng used to play streetball, so Ran Feng has all the problems of streetball players, and the player Ran Feng is more stubborn, stronger, difficult to train, he will not listen to other people's opinions easily, compared to In terms of football skills, the defect in character is the biggest reason why I don't like him."

"Ran Feng?"

Seeing the name, Sui Jiayuan seemed to think of something suddenly, and asked,

"Is it that Ran Feng who is very good at streetball?"

"it's him."

"I've heard people say that this young man defeated several top players in China at a young age. You don't like such a player?"

"It's not like you don't know that streetball and professional basketball are basically two systems. Even the most powerful superstars in the NBA, such as Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, will still be teased on the street court. ,"

Old Fu said,

"Similarly, if you play streetball well, you may not be able to play in a professional league. Catching is played by one person, while professional basketball is played by five people. This is a different thing. Do you know that there is a player in the NBA called Ralph Alston."

Sui Jiayuan shook his head lightly, and said with a light smile,

"I've been busy making money these past few years, how can you be so leisurely and leisurely like you, watching football every day."

"Alston is the king of streetball in New York, nicknamed the beating soul. One of the important reasons for his transfer to the NBA is because he is already strong enough to be defeated alone on the street court. No one can beat him on the street court. He, but in the professional league, he averaged [-] points and [-] assists per game, so he can only be regarded as a qualified role player, even if he is so strong, let alone Ran Feng."

"Okay, that's it,"

Sui Jiayuan threw the paper in his hand again, stood up, walked slowly to the window, and said,
"You always have your own reasons, and you never listen to other people's words. This is no different from Ran Feng."

Old Fu smiled lightly, showing a high-spirited outlook.

"Old Fu, it's settled like this. You pack up and prepare to take over the team tomorrow. This time you go to the United States and bring Bai Xiaofei, Zhao Qiang and Wang Jing. The primary purpose of our team is to train outstanding young players, but You can't make the team's record too bad. I won't talk about the hats on your head. You have to think about your own reputation. China has never lacked spectators since ancient times. How many people squat In the dark, waiting to see our joke."

"I understand. Don't worry."

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