The China Power of NBA

Chapter 12 NBA Player Trials (2)

It is said that Lao Fu's NBA player selection competition is in full swing. After a quarter of the game, the most popular player on the field is undoubtedly "Flicker" Ran Feng. His dribbling and breakthrough are as fast as the wind and thunder. Nothing, under the leadership of Ran Feng, Lao Lei's red team slightly exceeded the score, but although Ran Feng's performance was good enough, the coach Lao Lei's face was not very satisfied.

Ran Feng dribbled the basketball from the backcourt to the frontcourt. Facing point guard Xu Tao who was defending him, a sudden breakthrough pierced the defense and rushed to the basket. A light and fancy pass behind the back was sent out, center Xu Jin received the ball, and no one was guarding within one meter, he dunked and scored directly!

There was joy in the field, and Ran Feng, who passed the strike, stretched his arms, flying in the sky like a jet plane!Ran Feng, who was celebrating wantonly, was more excited than Xu Jin, who was dunking.

But Lao Lei still had a cold smile on his face.

Old Fu called a timeout.

"That kid is too arrogant, I'll guard against him!" Zhao Qiang volunteered.

Old Fu shook his head and said,
"No, defend the second and third defenses, Xu Tao and Wang Jing guard the left and right fulcrums of the free throw line, Zhao Qiang Luo Hui guards the left rib and the right rib, and the intoxicated defensive position follows Zhao Qiang, cross the left rib or the right rib, be careful not to take three seconds, When defending, pay attention to follow the person and not the ball, no matter where the opposing point guard breaks through, the defensive players on both sides will immediately pinch the defense, understand."

Several people nodded.

Old Fu turned his head to look at Lao Lei, and saw that Lao Lei was talking to Ran Feng but Ran Feng had a disdainful expression on his face.

The "beep" whistle sounded, and Lao Fu's white team began to defend the zone defense. No matter where Ran Feng broke through, there were always two defenders in front of him blocking Ran Feng's breakthrough position, commonly known as "closing the door". Breakthrough, the effect is not very good.

Ran Feng dribbled the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt, staring at Xu Tao who was also staring closely at Ran Feng, Shen Zui ran to the wrong position and followed Luo Hui by mistake, Luo Hui was an inside player and was originally in a defensive position Just inside, Shen Zui followed Luo Hui and gave up the opponent's power forward Bai Xiaofei. By the time Shen Zui found out, it was too late!

The moment Shen Zui lost his position, Ran Feng flicked his wrist, the basketball flew over Xu Tao's shoulder, rubbed Xu Tao's ear and stuffed the ball straight into Bai Xiaofei's hands. When he got up, Luo Hui hurriedly defended himself!
Luo Hui is 130 meters tall and thin, but his bounce is amazing. He jumped up to block the shot, but no one thought that Bai Xiaofei, who is [-] meters tall and weighs [-] kilograms, could surpass Luo Hui in jumping. The height of the jump is fully higher than Luo Hui's palm!Luo Hui's hand hit Bai Xiaofei's arm with a "snap", and the referee whistled, indicating that the thug was fouled, but for the astonishingly powerful Bai Xiaofei, the strength of Luo Hui's thug did not stop him at all. attack!

Bai Xiaofei dunked Luo Hui and scored!The two fought in the air, but Luo Hui was completely defeated. The powerful impact pushed Luo Hui out of the sideline and fell heavily to the ground!Embarrassed!

There was another burst of applause and applause from the audience around.

Unexpectedly, Ran Feng was scolded by Lao Lei for passing such a good goal.

"No. 55, I've told you a hundred times, don't stick to the ball, don't stick to the ball! Are you fucking deaf? Are you fucking deaf!"

The old thunderstorm is like thunder!The eyeballs are wide open!The hair strands stand up!It was as terrifying as if he wanted to swallow Ran Feng alive!Those who knew knew that Ran Feng made a good pass, but those who didn't know thought that Ran Feng made a mistake...

"I clearly passed a good ball just now, okay?"

Ran Feng was finally overwhelmed with anger, and insisted, but Lao Lei called a timeout immediately.Old Fu turned his head and saw Lao Lei and Ran Feng having a fierce verbal confrontation.

Old Fu gathered several players together and said,

"After the timeout, Ran Feng will definitely not play again. We will give up the zone defense on the defensive end, and we will still be man-to-man. We will play a set of offensive tactics,"

Old Fu held the tactical board and drew on it,

"Play a simple bottom-line tactic, Xu Tao dribbles to the right corner, Zhao Qiang raises the three-point line in the bottom corner to serve Xu Tao as a pick-and-roll, Xu Tao breaks through the basket, Xu Jin blocks the opponent's center, if there is a chance, go straight to the basket , if the opponent comes up to defend Xu Tao, Wang Jing is ready to shoot from outside the three-point line, understand."

Several people nodded.

It is said that Lao Fu is explaining the tactics to the players. Lao Lei took a basketball and threw it to Ran Feng who was sitting on the bench, saying,
"How many times have I told you, don't keep sticking to the ball. What's the use of the ball in your hands if they defend two or three zones! If you love sticking to the ball so much, then I'll give you a basketball and hold it yourself. Damn, hold me! Don't let go all morning!"

Ran Feng was angry and funny, he could only respond with a look of dissatisfaction and resentment.

After the timeout, Ran Feng did not play, and Liu Ye came on as a substitute. Liu Ye is tall and a shooting point guard. Such a player is specially designed to break the second and third defenses.

Bai Xiaofei didn't seem very confident at the free throw line, and his shooting posture was fine, but after he took the shot, there was a crisp sound of iron striking.

Xu Jin took the rebound and passed it to Xu Tao. Xu Tao got the ball and followed the tactics designed by the old man. He dribbled the ball to the bottom corner. Zhao Qiang came up to pick and roll. To be honest, Xu Tao dribbled the ball to the bottom corner, Fan Jin blocked Shen Xing and prevented him from stepping forward to defend, He Jiang really came up to defend Xu Tao, the tactics were completed, Xu Tao didn't even look at it, and directly threw the ball beyond the three-point line. In Jing's hand, at this moment, Wang Jing has all the vacancies, and there is no defender within three meters in front of him!

Wang Jing took off, shot, and his posture was still the same as before!Old Fu's eyes were fixed on the basketball spinning in the air!
Bai Xiaofei's powerful and domineering body is like a huge polar bear!Coupled with his extremely strong physical fitness, Bai Xiaofei completely dominated the inside line on both offensive and defensive ends!
Old Fu's eyes stayed on Bai Xiaofei for a long time. Bai Xiaofei looked like his surname, very and extremely white, as if he had been washed with 84 disinfectant, and he didn't look very old. There are some pimples on the face as white as a zombie.


The basketball hit the front eaves of the basket and popped out. Bai Xiaofei leaned against Luo Hui and grabbed the ball with one hand!A pass was passed to Liu Ye, who was going down quickly, and Wang Jing, who was open and didn't make a shot, was also dejected when he retreated.

After getting the ball, Liu Ye was overjoyed. He rushed to the front with the ball and made a two-step layup in three steps. Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Liu Ye. This person was still two steps away from Liu Ye. It was too late, so he could only forcefully take off to block the shot. Although the ball was not blocked head-on, but with his extraordinary long arms, his fingertips lightly touched the basketball. Although the strength was not great, it was enough to change the flight trajectory of the basketball. !Let the basketball not go into the frame smoothly!Who else could a person with such a strong physical quality be Zhao Qiang!

Under the interference of Zhaoqiang, the basketball rubbed against the eaves of the backboard, landed on the rim, and bounced down. Both Liu Ye and Zhaoqiang rushed forward with great strength. Both of them had already rushed out of the bottom line. Standing under the basket, seeing the rebound was about to fall into Luo Hui's arms, Luo Hui's fingers had already touched the basketball!

Don't take anything on the basketball court for granted!Luo Hui's fingers touched the basketball, and a little further down, the basketball was about to be taken down by Luo Hui. How could he know that behind Luo Hui, at this moment of lightning, a tall and thick figure jumped up, Pull out the basketball that was about to fall into Luo Hui's arms abruptly!Direct tip-up in the air!Dunk with both hands!

The powerful impact pushed Luo Hui out of the bottom line again!
Bai Xiaofei!

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