football era

Chapter 957

For Hortson and Wilson, they didn't notice at this moment, in their hearts, they had actually started to feel a little anxious because of the pressure at this moment.

No matter how you know that your grand strategy is still being implemented, no matter how clearly you hold back the opponent, it is tantamount to holding back the victory. The reality that 10 minutes has easily passed in the past, their hearts, without their own awareness, began to feel anxious.

And Liu Shibo resisted so strongly, which also made them a little anxious. Although they knew that if they were more stable and could score goals, it would be a very easy thing, but they still began to feel anxious involuntarily.

Of course, with their level, even if they are a little anxious, it is not difficult to score again. No matter how tenacious the extraordinary defense is, they lack the counterattack power, and they may only retreat step by step.

The Knicks continued to attack, and Fan Fei launched a deadly defense.

In this kind of confrontation, it is normal for someone on both sides to leave the field, but the probability of the Knicks player who has the offensive advantage to die is much smaller than that of the opponent. After all, the defensive side often cannot retreat, even if they can If you die, you must persist until the end, so that the offensive side can play more flexibly.

Seeing the extraordinary defensive line with people leaving the field, the Knicks players settled down a little. The goal is in front of them, and the score will be brought back by one point. Only one point is in front of them.

However, at this moment, three nightmare-like figures appeared in front of their eyes.

Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang quietly appeared in front of Knicks at the joint point where they had just breathed a sigh of relief!

This is undoubtedly an adventure, but it is a successful tactical deception!

Hortson and Wilson had fallen into an extraordinary defensive formation and were desperately entangled by extraordinary players. At this time, the extraordinary three cores came out and killed the Knicks lineup. past.

Their goal, of course, is to assist the core Rogers.

There were two missing cores to make up for them, and the others didn't react immediately. The result was that they were blown away by Shen Ruofei before they could resist the impact of the extraordinary three cores!

It is not an easy task to kill the opponent, but it is not difficult if it is just knocked into the air.

At least under such circumstances, Shen Ruofei was able to achieve the best effect in the shortest time.

The two Knicks players blocking the way were sent flying, and Rogers, the Knicks' auxiliary core, was immediately exposed in front of Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang, and the football he controlled appeared at the same time.

Football is generally controlled by the auxiliary core, and the Knicks are no exception this time.

Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang shot at the same time.

They won't have any time for each other.

Rogers was controlled by Zheng Qi, and Bin Shiqiang snatched the football immediately.

The next moment, Rogers had no choice but to leave the field in front of Zheng Qi's crazy output.

Extraordinary launched a counterattack, and the Knicks could only be defeated all the way.

Without the auxiliary core and the possession of the ball, it is impossible not to retreat.

Hortson and Wilson also wanted to retreat together, but Fan Fei didn't care about other players, but tried to keep their two cores.

With the help of other Knicks players, Hotson retreated, but Wilson was chased by Shen Ruofei and successfully killed.

At the same time, most of the Knicks players were also killed and left the field in this wave of confrontation-the lack of auxiliary cores is so miserable.

Fei Fei began to push forward with all his strength, and pushed to the Knicks' gate in one breath, only to be stopped by the hastily formed defense line of the Knicks.

However, the shouts of extraordinary fans in the stands were already earth-shattering.

They blocked the Knicks' offense again!If they score a goal this time, they will extend their lead to three goals!

Even if there is more than half an hour before the end of the game, the advantage of three goals is already scary enough!

The current situation is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to Fei Fei.

Extraordinary began to suppress the attack continuously, they patiently looked for opportunities, at this time, they maintained enough patience.

Although the three cores are all on the court, they can continue to control the ball without the core being overdrawn.

The current situation of the game allows them to waste time with ease, anyway, they are ahead.

The Knicks are really in a dilemma now.

They just realized now that maybe they have the upper hand in the general situation, but the reality is that they are behind, Fei Fei can take advantage of this, and use various means to maintain the lead until the end!
Don't look at them as if they are overdrawn now, but they can gain enough advantages. In front of such advantages, everything else is secondary.

Even if the Extraordinary core rests for a while, as long as the rest of them keep delaying, it will be more than enough.

Thinking of this, Hortson and Wilson felt a little regretful.

But it's useless to regret, in these few attacks and defenses, they didn't make any mistakes, it's just that Fei Fan played better than them!

Playing better was able to occupy such a big advantage in the score. Although there were also reasons for capturing their psychology, just being able to do this was enough to make them feel terrible.

Extraordinary standard, indeed so outstanding.

After thinking this way, the Knicks were even less able to concentrate on defense.

They concentrate on defense, extraordinary can kill time slowly, they distract extraordinary and give extraordinary opportunities, but it will make it easier for extraordinary to attack...

Mastering the real leading edge, you have mastered the real general trend.

This is something that the Knicks didn't consider before, and it is also the key to Feifan's absolute advantage now!
After a burst of onslaught, Fei Fan scored a goal.

This is their eighth goal of the game, and it also puts them ahead of the Knicks by a full three goals!

This is a real, huge advantage!
Although there is a meme in classical football in the past, that is, the side leading by three goals will definitely be overthrown, but that is just a meme after all. In more than 90.00% of the cases, leading by three goals means that the game is certain. will win.

But in the football era game, the advantage of three goals is not as great as in the past classical games, but it is still a huge advantage!
Zheng Qi raised his hands high. The strategy for this game was jointly determined by Meng Fan and Xu Shan, but Zheng Qi needed to master the specifics of how to do it and how to grasp the first-hand situation on the court.

This is also a lot of pressure, but fortunately, Zheng Qi has completed such a task perfectly so far. His several on-the-spot changes and commands allowed Fan Fei to take a three-goal lead!
"Our core can take a good rest, a three-goal lead." Some extraordinary fans said happily.

"At this time, I can't rest assured." The friend around me looked at his watch and said deeply: "Now the second half has passed exactly 15 minutes, and there is still half an hour. Now the Knicks have not yet reached the point of despair. , They will definitely launch a fierce attack."

"It's enough to let others consume first. The advantage of three balls, how can you not play?"

"That's right."

There was a lot of discussion in the stands, but no matter how much they discussed, Fan Fei fans were already very optimistic at this moment, including Yuan Fei, who had been a little worried before, also began to look extremely optimistic.

"Although the worry I have been worrying about before has not been eliminated, I can also see that Feifan adopts the tactic of establishing a sufficient advantage first... I have to say that this is a very correct way of thinking. Being at a disadvantage strategically is not a good idea. It’s not the end, gaining enough tactical advantage is also a way to take the victory into your own hands! The game is undoubtedly a kind of confrontation, and the confrontation is completed within 10 minutes. Both strategy and tactics are for this Developed with one goal...especially in such an important game. Fanfan's thinking has always been clear, and their several changes have achieved good enough results, which also gave them enough advantages, although they cannot yet It is said that they will be able to win, but compared with before, their advantage is indeed very large, it depends on whether they can maintain it well in the future."

Yuan Fei lamented from his commentary position, the advantage established by Fei Fei now can be said to have slapped him in the face very well, making his worries just now seem like a joke, but at this time Yuan Fei can only I feel really happy from the bottom of my heart!

Leading eight to five, although there is still half an hour before the end of the game, it cannot be said that the victory is certain, but it is also a great advantage. If this game can pass the Knicks, then in the next finals , the possibility of extraordinary victory can be said to be more than [-]%, and it is just around the corner to win the five crowns!
As a senior commentator, as a former professional player, as a Chinese, Yuan Fei undoubtedly has a great desire for five championships!
As a god-level player back then, he also hoped that he could lead his team to win five championships. Unfortunately, at that time, his team's overall strength was weak, and he only had one chance to participate in the World Cup, and he didn't win the World Cup that time. Champion, after retiring, he had expectations for many teams, and there were also many teams that gave him hope. Meng Feifan's Nanguo, Lu Xiaotian's Changfeng... It's a pity that these teams fell short in the end.

And Extraordinary is a new team that gives him hope, and it is also the team that is most likely to win the five championships!
Now this hope is in front of him, how could he not make Yuan Fei feel sincerely happy!

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