football era

Chapter 953 The Confidence of Extraordinary Fans

Shen Ruofei really wanted to be such a candidate.

Actually his style is pretty close too.

His style is somewhat in line with Lu Xiaotian's. Lu Xiaotian often likes to do this kind of thing. When the two sides are in a stalemate, he relies on his strong operational ability to rush into the opponent's formation, although he will be beaten by the opponent. However, it can attract most of the opponent's attention. The teammates took the opportunity to output wildly and defeat the opponent's defense.

It's just that his characteristics are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone knows that in such a situation, if he wants to open a gap, Fei Fan must let Shen Ruofei play such a role to gain an advantage.

Against ordinary teams, even if the opponent clearly knows that Feifan will adopt such a tactic, they can't stop them. After all, with Shen Ruofei's impact ability and Feifan's other players' ability to respond, it is not easy to say, at least it is easy to achieve good results. It's easier.

But now facing a team like the Knicks, Shen Ruofei's performance will certainly not be useless, but if Shen Ruofei is allowed to attack when he knows that the opponent will pay attention, it is easy to fall into the opponent's trap.

There is not enough time left, and if you want to open the situation, it seems that you can only rely on Shen Ruofei to attack?

This seems to be in a dilemma.

However, Fan Fei quickly resolved this dilemma.

They have never been short of problem solvers.

Shen Ruofei began to prepare for the impact.

His impact attracted most of the Knicks' attention.

You must know that even if you know that Shen Ruofei will attack, you need to put in a lot of energy to block his attack, put him in, and then double-team, resisting the follow-up of other extraordinary players... All these require a lot of effort energy.

Of course, Hortson and Wilson can't shoot at will. What they played on the court was at the critical moment, frontal defense, or handed over to Anderson who returned to the court.

Seeing Shen Ruofei approaching him again, Anderson felt a little thumping in his heart, but he still went forward - although he already felt that with Shen Ruofei's level, he had indeed surpassed Petronovich, which made him feel very comfortable defending It was strenuous, but he was able to continue to persevere. Even if he supported for a second, he could lay a better foundation for the next game.

He is not the core of the Knicks, but he is a very important part of the Knicks' defense, not only because of his excellent operational level and defensive ability, but also because of his perseverance.

So he met Shen Ruofei without fear.

However, Shen Ruofei only rushed halfway, and then stopped. Zheng Qi took over, with a fierce frontal impact!

This exchange was actually a very simple tactical change, but the tacit cooperation between Zheng Qi and Shen Ruofei made this exchange unobtrusive, as if it was Zheng Qi who initiated the attack from the beginning.

Even the Knicks players couldn't react.

It wasn't a big deal to change someone's impact, but Anderson was used to bearing Shen Ruofei's impact before. Although Zheng Qi's impact ability was similar to Shen Ruofei's, the two were still different, no matter how There are obvious differences in details or in the angle of impact.

What Anderson was going to bear was Shen Ruofei's shock, but it was Zheng Qi who came, the difference was a bit too big.

So in the following time, before he had time to react, he was repelled by Zheng Qi's series of attacks - he also had to retreat, if he didn't retreat, he would die...

As soon as he retreated, Zheng Qi quickly followed up, and at the same time, Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang took the initiative to meet Hutson and Wilson, who came to support him. He and Wilson planned to wait for Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang to come and intercept Shen Ruofei, but now Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang took the initiative to entangle him...

Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan followed closely to meet Zheng Qi.

The operation level of the two of them is not as good as Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang, but their speed is equally fast, like two sharp knives, they cut deeply into the Knicks formation, forming a powerful offensive arrow with Zheng Qi!

The two core players were absent, and the Knicks players quickly made the strongest response. They rolled over from the defense, trying to rely on the advantage of numbers to surround Zheng Qi, Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan in the middle, and then set fire take away.

It's a pity that when they just rolled over, Niu Lihua and Zhang Shu's overlay skills had already overwhelmingly arrived.

Under the command of Zhang Hai and Su Jing, Niu Lihua and Zhang Shu's skill kills have achieved the maximum output. In the continuous output, the physical value of the Knicks players is declining rapidly. At the same time, Zheng Qi, Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan The level of operation completely exploded.

The Knicks players whose stamina had dropped a lot, kept leaving the field with Zheng Qi's full output and the assistance of Li Guorui and Huang Yuanfan.

Every time a ray of light flashed, a Knicks player left the field.

Hortson and Wilson were helpless, but they had nothing to do. They couldn't avoid the entanglement between Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang. Output spike.

After all, in the face of such an opponent of the same level, if you don't concentrate, it is really a normal thing to be killed in seconds.

They could only watch helplessly as Fei Fan quickly cleared out most of the Knicks players, then pressed to their goal, and then scored a goal under the protection of Zheng Qi.

Six to five, Fei Fei once again took the lead.

In the first half of the game, there was only a little over 1 minute left.

This time is not enough to score goals.

It's just that even with the offensive strength of a team like Feifan and Changfeng, it is very difficult to score goals in such a short period of time, and it is possible to do it only by luck.

The Knicks have such confidence, but under such circumstances, their fighting spirit has been frustrated a lot. They wanted to resist the opponent's onslaught, but they still couldn't resist. It seemed that they did not What is behind, but the goals they want to achieve have not been achieved, and there is always no optimal option-this makes them feel extremely uncomfortable even though they have not reached the point of no return. Wonderful mood.

Under such circumstances, although they still have fighting spirit, their performance has undoubtedly been greatly affected.

I paid everything and did everything, but the goal I wanted to achieve was not achieved. This is of course a big blow.

Even the Knicks players need some adjustments at this moment to be able to recover.

What's more, after the re-kick-off, they immediately discovered that Fei Fan had also dispatched all the main players to defend this time. It was clear that they wanted to maintain the lead until the end of the first half.

Seeing the opponent's posture, the Knicks gave up the idea of ​​​​tying the score in the first half, but their offense did not relax. Also led by Hortson and Wilson, they launched a fierce attack. attack!

Even if you don't expect to score goals, at least you have to hold back the extraordinary main players and let them continue to consume more energy in the first half of the game.

This goal, they have achieved.

Although in the following time, they only attacked in front of the extraordinary goal, but failed to score, but in the following time, they let the extraordinary cores be on the field and spent the last minute time.

It is always good to let them consume an extra minute. Even if the opponent has calculated the time and is not outputting at full strength on the field, even such a calculation will consume energy.

In the final analysis, the Knicks have succeeded at least in terms of the strategic goal of the war of attrition.

This made the Knicks players look serious when they left the court, but in their hearts, they still seemed a little relaxed.

Although in the stands, their fans were not in such a relaxed mood. In the first half, they kicked off and were still one goal behind. Now in the second half, wouldn't they be two goals behind?At that time, the pressure must be very huge...

Fan Fan's fans were extremely happy. Although they felt a little unsatisfied with being only one goal ahead, Fei Fan did not have any problems in the first half of the performance, but continued to make achievements through his own performance. Such a stable performance can often give people more confidence.

You must know that in the last round of the group stage, they still suffered a lot. Zenit took the lead by two goals as soon as they came up. In this way, they also gradually equalized the score after the second half. After the baptism of this pressure After that, they will definitely perform better in this game.

And now that they took the lead in the first half, can't they still keep this advantage in the second half?Impossible, Fanfan basically never lost the game under favorable circumstances, they are very good at playing with the wind.

Some of the games they lost were often because they were at a disadvantage or behind in the first half of the game, and they couldn't get back in the second half and lost the game. Such a top team, they have never lost a game.

And the games they lost before, the most recent ones, were all last season. They have been undefeated so far this season.

At the same time, the winning rate is still very high, exceeding 90.00%.

Such a result is the confidence and confidence of extraordinary fans in winning this game.

"We are still a game and a half away from winning the five championships. By then, our team will be the greatest team in the history of the football era!"

An extraordinary fan shouted in the stands, and his shout was the heartfelt voice of the extraordinary fans at the moment!

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