football era

Chapter 949 was pitted

Regarding Yuan Fei's words, extraordinary fans still agree.

In the following defense, their extraordinary performance also made them cheer continuously.

It has to be said that the extraordinary continuous rotation before also put a lot of pressure on the Knicks' offense.

Fan Fei’s defensive formation on the field is indeed always lacking, because there will always be players who take the initiative to take damage for their teammates and leave the field due to too much physical decline. Under such circumstances, they will return to the field after ten seconds , it may be an extraordinary defender, or it may be one of Zheng Qi, Shen Ruofei and Bin Shiqiang...

Such a possibility, in itself, can bring enormous pressure. While making the Knicks' offense a little difficult, it also makes the extraordinary defense appear more comfortable.

Under such circumstances, the Knicks' offense was a little bit bitter. While they were oppressing Fei Fan's defense step by step, they also had to pay attention to Zheng Qi and others who might appear at any time. This allowed Fan Fei to get a certain amount of respite when defending. Better consume more time.

It took a full 6 minutes for the Knicks to finally break through Feifan's defense. During this process, Feifan didn't let the other three core players play, but even so, they were constantly creating pressure.

"This time, we need to defend more steadily." Hortson said when he was about to leave the court. Since Fanfan can play deterrence, of course the Knicks can also play.

Now Extraordinary has achieved a sufficient lead. Such a lead is achieved by relying on their overall advantages, but it also consumes a lot of money for them. Now the Knicks look very embarrassed, but in fact, their situation On the contrary, it is not bad.

As long as they are not too far behind, it is possible to recover in the second half.

You must know that even if the Knicks cannot win within 10 minutes, even if it is only a draw, their advantage will become even greater in overtime!
So don't panic.

The temporary unfavorable situation and the lagging score are all within their expectations. As long as they show their true strength every time, and at the same time use their performance to constantly involve extraordinary players, let them also compete in the game. If they expend a lot of energy, their ultimate advantages will definitely accumulate.

You must know that extraordinary has played all the way to the present. They have played the most games this season in the world, and they have to put in enough energy in each game. With all their strength, their overdraft is definitely not a lot.

As long as the involvement continues, their fatigue will always erupt. What the Knicks have to do now is to let their fatigue erupt in the second half of the game.

As long as this is done, then there will be no problem in winning.

With such emotions, the Knicks launched defense.

"They used to rotate constantly when attacking, just to save energy, and doing so is also a good opportunity for us to seize the opportunity of their rotation, you and I make a move, a wave of counterattacks, and stop their attack!"

Hortson spoke to Wilson from the bench as the Knicks began to defend.

Wilson nodded. This is also what he thought. After all, it may not be effective every time to destroy the opponent's offense through temporary substitutions. Let this side be able to better accumulate advantages.

"The timing is right," Wilson said.

"Well, we'll be careful, but if we do it and they're prepared and able to defend it, we're not at a loss," Hotson said.

Wilson was taken aback for a moment, and understood what Hortson meant—under such circumstances, if the extraordinary cores can react immediately, then they must have been guarding against extraordinary attacks, and their energy consumption is also Quite a few, the Knicks' advantages can be better maintained.

"Try it and you'll know. If they keep on guard against us, then we won't lose money. If they don't keep on guard, then we can get back what we lost before." Wilson nodded and said loudly .

What he said was actually meant for the other Knicks players. Now that the score is a little behind, the morale of the team is also very important.

And the next offense, no matter whether it can be successful or not, can find a positive side for the Knicks, although if it is not successful, they will fall behind again...

But obviously, it's still worth trying.

They began to carefully observe the situation on the field, and observed whether the opponent had just adopted a substitution tactic-as the core, they would not die easily on the field. In this way, there would be a certain time difference when going on and off the field. At that time, it is often the time when the other party is weakest, and it is also the time when they can take advantage of it.

And when such a time appears, it is up to them to judge.

After two substitutions, Hortson and Wilson quietly entered the field. After entering the field, they did not immediately make a move, but kept observing the trend of the extraordinary attack.

Soon, they realized that Zheng Qi had never appeared again after making a shot. Shen Ruofei was the only one left to make an impact on the frontline. Playing is a place that can be used...

"Tangle Shen Ruofei, let's attack their auxiliary core directly!"

Of course, this kind of attack cannot be hesitated, so Hotson made up his mind immediately. After commanding a sentence in the team channel, he immediately launched an attack with Wilson from both sides.

They want to tear apart Fei Fei's defense line, and then attack Fei Fei's auxiliary core Su Jing, so that Fei Fei's offensive will be disintegrated from the very beginning!

They rushed in smoothly.

It is obvious that Shen Ruofei was attacking Anderson's defense head-on just now, and it is quite normal to force an attack during the substitution to gain time. At this time, most of Fan Fan's attention is on supporting Shen Ruofei Hortson and Wilson seized the opportunity to sprint, and they were rushed into their formation immediately!

However, after rushing in, Wilson and Hortson were not at all happy.

Rushing into the opponent's defensive formation is not the purpose. Killing the opponent's auxiliary core, at least to refresh the football, is the purpose of such a surprise attack.

They rushed in, but after rushing in, what they saw was not a panicked auxiliary core, but a calm Su Jing, plus Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang guarding her.

"You guys are actually staying here..."

Hortson and Wilson both had the urge to curse.

"We are rotating, but we can rotate on the field. By the way, I will dig a hole for you. Who knew you would jump in so stupidly..."

Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang were thinking in their hearts while making a move.

If this is the case, it can be said that they are cheap and good-looking. If Hortson and Wilson heard what they said, they would probably spit out old blood.

However, Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang were quite kind, and they didn't really say this.

They just entangled Hotson and Wilson, and with the support of Su Jing's recovery skills, they kept consuming each other's physical energy.

Then take it away.

The two cores left the field. Although the Knicks still had a lot of players on the field, their defense collapsed immediately in front of Fei Fei's sudden violent attack.

After defeating the Knicks' defense, Fei Fan's entire team drove straight in, and directly captured the Knicks' gate, rewriting the score to [-]-[-].

Extraordinary takes the lead again.

"They actually rotate on the field... But yes, since it takes ten seconds to lose one player on the field, why not just rotate on the field? This can at least ensure more security... Fei Fan really considers the details Very thoughtful. But they didn't take into account that now 38 minutes have passed in the first half, we have to spend enough time in the next attack, so that they have no chance to take the lead again, so that we can still recover Do you understand our previous mistake?"

Hortson said loudly on the team channel that it is normal to be cheated in the game, and it is abnormal not to be cheated. Under such circumstances, one must perform better in the game than before to be able to Make up for the loss of being cheated.

There are 7 minutes left in the first half. If the Knicks can delay enough time in the next attack, then there will be no time for Fan Fei to attack, at least they can maintain the tie until the beginning of the second half.

In this way, their disadvantages actually cease to exist.

It is also a very good choice to have such a result.

Of course, both Hortson and Wilson know in their hearts that it is actually very difficult to do this and requires a great ability to withstand pressure. After all, the opponent is not a fool, and you can score goals whenever you want. goal?It is possible to attack with all your strength and try to score goals in the shortest time. If you want to control the time, launch an attack at the last moment and score goals, the game in the football era is not playing basketball...

Although the current football era games are much more controllable than classical football games, even if the strength can suppress the opponent, it is very difficult to score goals in the time period you want things.

What's more, the strength of the Knicks will not overwhelm the opponent.

"Break through their defense first and suppress the offense to their goal. It will be much easier then." Hortson said on the team channel.

The Knicks players nodded one after another. It is more reasonable to do so, and it is more likely to be successful.

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