football era

Chapter 945 Standing still

"The current rhythm is really fast, which is not what we are good at, but in terms of consumption, we still have some advantages. Our overall energy should be better. If we attack and defend quickly, they will be unknowingly overwhelmed by us." Wear down! Fast offense and defense are what they are good at, and it is easier for them to enter this rhythm. We must stick to it until the moment when they collapse!"

Hortson said to all the Knicks players when he was on the court. The Knicks players nodded one after another. This was their previous strategy - to use fast-paced offense and defense to let Fei Fei unconsciously enter the game they are most used to. Rhythm, such a rhythm is certainly not a bad thing for Extraordinary, but after playing a nearly overdrawn game just three days ago, can they persist for a long time in this rhythm?

Especially after the second half, Fei Fan also needs to devote more energy to the field. Once the time is overdrawn, Fei Fei will easily fall into a defeat.

What's more, Feifan still relies on the performance of those four core players in the final analysis. In the fast attack and defense, the energy of these four core players is also quite huge. will be greatly affected.

Once their performance is worse than before, the extraordinary performance of the entire team will drop a notch.

In the final analysis, this is also a kind of war of attrition. The Knicks are very clear about what their advantages are. It's nothing else, but their energy is more abundant than extraordinary.

For example, based on the current energy of both sides, the Knicks can run 120 kilometers, and the extraordinary can only run [-] kilometers.

However, the intensity of the entire race is only [-] kilometers. In this respect, Fan Fei lacks energy, so there will be no problems, because they have enough support to reach the finish line.

So what the Knicks have to do now is to change the intensity of the race from 120 kilometers to [-] kilometers, so that the extraordinary will be dragged down in the last [-] kilometers.

How can the intensity of the competition become higher?Then the only way to speed up the pace of offense and defense is to make each offense and defense cost more than usual, so that the Knicks' advantage can become even greater.

It has to be said that this is also a very good method.

Moreover, the posture they have always put on is just the rhythm of the game that Fei Fan is used to, and it is easier for Fei Fei to enter this game rhythm.

After entering such a rhythm, the consumption will of course be even greater. The Knicks don't have to worry about the opponent's performance at all, let alone they are still leading now, even if they are behind, as long as they can make Fei Fei consume a lot, then their In the end there will still be an advantage.

This is the overall strategic arrangement of the Knicks.

It has to be said that such an arrangement can be said to be very concealed, and it is in line with the characteristics and needs of both sides. At least Hortson and Wilson feel that by the time Fei Fei realizes it, at least it will be the second half of the game.

No matter how fast the opponent's offensive rhythm is now, they are not afraid, not to mention that they have not lost their offensive initiative now.

"Offensive, tear their defense." Hortson said in the team channel.

The Knicks players responded that in the face of extraordinary defense, they must do better on offense.

"Be patient, don't be in a hurry, we don't have to fight with them, we just need to make them feel that we are in a hurry." Wilson emphasized.

In the confrontation between top teams, it is actually very difficult to deceive each other strategically. Everyone knows what level they are. Although the Knicks have hidden part of their strength before, they are extraordinary. Shen Ruofei also hid part of his progress in the previous competition, but such concealment was not enough to have more influence on the result of the entire competition.

But now the Knicks have such a good opportunity to be able to rely on the characteristics of the opponent to carry out strategic deception. Such an opportunity is very rare.

Since it is rare, then we must do our best.

This is the unanimous thought of the Knicks.

They have also been preparing for this game for a long time. They have been preparing for this game since the day they were grouped, including deliberately losing to Liverpool in the last round of the group stage, and meeting extraordinary in advance... This is all in their The things in the plan, and now, is the time for them to prepare the things and take them out one by one.

The Knicks launched a fierce attack.

It can be seen from their forward momentum that their attack is inevitable!

"Extraordinary needs to pay more attention to defense this time, and be careful about their offense... Before extraordinary, they have already shown their own level in offense. Under such circumstances, they need to perform better. For Extraordinary Said that they quickly tore apart the Knicks' defense on offense before, and if the Knicks easily scored goals in the defense, then the next victory or defeat is really hard to say, and the entanglement will continue. The situation is obviously unfavorable to Fei Fei, and they will appear to be less energetic."

Yuan Fei analyzed the current situation. He knew this, and there must be many fans who don't like to hear it, but as a commentator, he must say what he should say.

Many Chinese fans are indeed dissatisfied after hearing such commentary, but more fans are a little worried. They know Yuan Fei's level, and they also know that Yuan Fei is not one of those commentators who will pretend to be amazing to attract attention , since he said that, the next situation of Fei Fei is indeed a bit grim.

"Follow my command... I won't make the same mistakes as before."

When Liu Shibo directed the team to rush out, he said something in a deep voice.

Chen Lin and the others nodded at the same time. In fact, their confidence in Liu Shibo had never wavered. Before Liu Shibo joined, Fan Fei's defense was even worse. Whether it was Lian Fei, Zong Qinghua, or Xu Yi Fu Lei, In fact, the level of defense is not very good. They can only rely on the advantages of attributes to fight against others. The series of achievements that Fei Fei has achieved before are more related to their offensive ability than theirs. How good is the defensive ability.

But this year, after Liu Shibo joined, the extraordinary number of conceded goals has been significantly reduced, especially after Liu Shibo has completely integrated into the entire team. When they are defending, they have truly become a whole, even if they still lose goals. , It is often able to complete the established tactical goals. For a line of defense, being able to do this is already considered an extremely good thing.

The most direct display is that their performance in the game has also attracted the favor of many teams, even if they are just a screw in a defensive line, there is no exception.

Because their level is enough to prove that even as an individual, they can perform extremely well.

All of this was brought about by Liu Shibo.

Liu Shibo was not only able to command them very well during the competition, but also taught them all the operating skills he knew in the usual training without any concealment.

Although it is impossible for them to become real top players due to their talents, compared with before, their strength has been really improved-this point is undoubtedly brought about by Liu Shibo.

Although Zheng Qi and the others have always shared their experience generously during training, they are more offensive players after all, and they don't have so much experience in defense. From this perspective, Liu Shibo can be said to be alone. It improves the extraordinary overall defensive ability.

For such a teammate, who would criticize him?Extraordinary defenders will only surround Liu Shibo better and help him achieve better results.

It's also for themselves.

In this defense, Fan Fei showed a very high level.

Liu Shibo boldly adopted a new tactic. They didn't rush to the middle circle to launch a blocking attack, and then constantly exchanged space for time. Instead, they were in a relatively backward position from the very beginning. The interception was launched!
And when the two sides started to contact each other on the court, Liu Shibo did not let his teammates hold back an inch.

After resisting one or two attacks from the opponent, Liu Shibo directed his teammates to retreat continuously. While retreating, their formation was not chaotic, but retreated while resisting, and kept most of the players. on the field.

After retreating to a position that could not be affected by the opponent's sneak attack, Liu Shibo commanded the extraordinary guards to stop, and launched a tenacious defense in this area.

Liu Shibo continued to command. After avoiding the possible danger caused by the opponent's sneak attack, his attention began to concentrate completely, and he brought his command and judgment abilities into full play.

And under this mentality, Fan Fei's other guards are also very focused. They continue to intercept the Knicks players, while staying in their positions, not retreating a step.

Even if he was killed by the opponent, someone would fill it in quickly. In this rear position, the extraordinary line of defense was like a dam blocking the flood. Even though the flood was raging, it still stood still!
There is nothing wrong with the Knicks' offense. Under the leadership of Hortson and Wilson, they continue to attack from various positions, but no matter where you start the attack, extraordinary players can always tenaciously withstand it. their offense.

The extraordinary line of defense is like a dam. Although it is constantly being thinned, and the speed of thinning is much faster than their filling speed, but with their tenacity, they can persist for a long time!
The Knicks' offense became more and more fierce, but the extraordinary line of defense continued to stand still!
Watching this scene, the shouts of extraordinary fans in the stands became more and more intense.

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