football era

Chapter 943 The Change of Knicks

When Shen Ruofei hit the ball into the Knicks gate, the extraordinary fans cheered proudly.

Feifan had resisted for about four and a half minutes before, but this time, Feifan scored a goal in less than 3 minutes.

"The three core players are a bit tired to resist."

Wilson couldn't help sighing.

"Take a good rest." Hotson nodded, and then patted Wilson on the shoulder.

"You should also pay attention, their defense is not bad." Wilson reminded.

"We have an advantage on offense, but not necessarily on defense. This time it's up to you." Zheng Qi patted Liu Shibo on the shoulder and said to him.

Liu Shibo nodded and didn't say much.

Just now, he only lasted for four and a half minutes, and did not last for at least 5 minutes as he planned, which made Liu Shibo a little upset.

Now the opponent should only have one core on the field, and he should be able to defend for a while.

For Liu Shibo, he must show a very high level at this time, so that Extraordinary can resist for a longer time, so that even if he consumes a lot on the field, he can still use his performance to win Extraordinary. Lay the best foundation possible!

He is a defensive player, so he has to give his all in defense.

"Just now we were at a disadvantage in the frontal confrontation. This is not our fault, but we need to better make up for the shortcomings of the defense line. Listen to my command. When it is time to go up, we must go up firmly. I understand. ?"

When moving forward, Liu Shibo emphasized a sentence in the team channel.

The extraordinary players nodded one after another. They were very convinced of Liu Shibo's command, because although Liu Shibo would lose the ball, his tactical command rarely made mistakes.

A core that rarely makes mistakes is of course more trustworthy.

The two sides meet in the middle circle.

Four extraordinary players began to stand and output, while others were ready to accept Liu Shibo's command at any time.

Now only Hortson is the core offensive player on the court. For Fei Fei, they should have more confidence in defense.

Last time the defense lasted for four and a half minutes, Liu Shibo plans to resist for at least five to six minutes this time.

The longer the time spent on defense, the longer the break time for the extraordinary players who are mainly attacking.

"Fan Fei's current defense is quite solid... I have to say that Liu Shibo's ability to command the defense is really second to none. There are not many players like him, but each one is enough to raise a team's defense to a higher level. .”

Yuan Fei lamented Liu Shibo's ability in this wave of defense. The Knicks' offense has not been weakened much. Although one core is missing, most of the time, the Knicks' offense is only based on one core. Initiated under the leadership, the loss caused by one less core can be said to be very small, and the impact on their overall offense can be completely ignored.

However, under such an impact, Liu Shibo has deployed his extraordinary defensive power quite well. The weaker players don't need to expend too much energy, they can just stand up and output, while other players with relatively high operation skills It was under his command to constantly check for leaks and make up for vacancies, forcibly carried the opponent's offense, and constantly resisted the Knicks' offense like a tide.

"It's been 2 minutes, and Feifan's defense line has not wavered at all. If this continues, even if the Knicks want to launch an offense, it will be very difficult. Liu Shibo's performance is too wonderful. Feifan now has not only a large number of cores, but also The standard is also very high, no wonder they can achieve such outstanding results this year..."

The American narrator was a little surprised and said that his words obviously raised his extraordinary prestige and destroyed his ambition, but seeing the Knicks' onslaught have no effect at all, it is inevitable that he will be a little anxious.

But soon, he let out a cheer.

The onslaught of the Knicks during this period is not that they cannot suppress the extraordinary defense, but that Hortson is waiting for an opportunity.

The continuous attack drew Liu Shibo's attention, and he had to focus most of his energy on coping with the Knicks' onslaught.

Just as Wilson ignored Zheng Qi before, under such pressure, Liu Shibo also ignored some things.

Faced with the frontal confrontation, Fanfan resisted the fierce attack of the opponent. However, in this kind of resistance, their attention was all placed on the fierce attack of the opponent, but they ignored the attention to the football.

The biggest advantage of the offensive side is nothing but the initiative.

Although the Chibi field can be seen at a glance, but that is before the two sides fight, when the two sides start to fight, especially when the offense and defense are extremely fierce, the skills of the two sides collide and focus on each other to show various light and shadow effects, But enough to cover up some movements.

In such a situation, the defensive side must be careful about its own gate. This is a basic common sense.

However, under such a fierce attack, Liu Shibo's attention was all on the frontal confrontation.

When he was happy that the team did not retreat a step for 2 minutes, he ignored the possible sneak attack of the opponent...

It wasn't until the goalkeeper Bai Sen saw Hortsen and the football suddenly appeared in front of him, and at the same time fed back the news to Liu Shibo, that Liu Shibo realized that he had made a very low-level mistake.

However, even if he wanted to make up for such a mistake, it would be too late.


When he returned to the bench, Liu Shibo couldn't help letting out a long sigh.

"It's okay, it's only been less than 3 minutes. Let's see if we can recover the gap." Zheng Qi patted Liu Shibo on the shoulder and said with a big smile.

Because the opponent took advantage of the loopholes, Liu Shibo led the extraordinary defense this time, and only defended two points for less than 3 minutes. The performance below the average line made Liu Shibo feel very ashamed.

What's even more embarrassing is that he made a very low-level mistake.

However, everyone naturally forgave him.

Under such pressure and confrontation, it is actually a very normal thing for the mind to get into a dead end. For Fei Fan, their players have made such mistakes many times before, and Fan Fei's opponents, in their It is not uncommon to make low-level mistakes under pressure.

In the final analysis, there are too many things to consider in the game of the football era, and mistakes and omissions are really inevitable.

No matter how top players are, they sometimes make low-level mistakes.

"We can't expect Fei Fei to make such a mistake again, this method, once is enough." Hortson said to Wilson when he was offline.

"Well, I will be more serious about defending next." Wilson nodded.

"No, I mean, don't get involved in the defense, join me and strengthen the offense." Hortson shook his head, and then said.

Wilson was taken aback for a moment, and then he quickly understood.

It may be a good choice to concentrate the two cores, strengthen the pressure in the offense, and let the extraordinary players have more problems.

After all, if the two of them play at the same time, even if it is a frontal attack, there is a high probability that they can solve the problem within 4 minutes. In this way, at least the advantage in offense can be maintained, and at the same time, they can take the initiative in the offense If so, you can also control your time well.

You must know that when there is not much difference in offense and defense, the control and mastery of time is also a very important time. Use the control of time to prevent the opponent from having enough time for the last attack. Even if the opponent cannot lose a chance to attack, he can still gain a substantial lead.

The Knicks took the lead in this game, which allowed them to fight for an extraordinary offensive opportunity that was doomed from the beginning before the end of the first half.

Wilson was very familiar with Hortson, so he immediately understood what Hortson meant, he nodded immediately, and stopped his steps to play.

He needs to rest on the court for a while.

"Extraordinary main players have played, the Knicks...the Knicks actually let Wilson continue to rest! Facing the pressure of the three extraordinary core players, the Knicks did not put any core on the field. They have such a strong defense against themselves. confidence?"

After seeing the Knicks playing, Yuan Fei couldn't help being stunned. In his opinion, in the previous confrontation, the Knicks might have suffered a little disadvantage, but they didn't actually lose too much, especially in such a situation. In the confrontation, the standards of both sides are very good, and the extraordinary disadvantages will not be made up so easily.

However, now they take the initiative to keep a core player out of the field in the defense that they are better at. This is obviously to strengthen the offense. In this case, the problem arises. The Knicks have such self-confidence. Offensively, are you constantly making breakthroughs?

This is really a problem...

In fact, when the extraordinary players saw this scene, they couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Both Hortson and Wilson didn't play. Although the Knicks' defensive lineup still has five or six quasi-god-level players, there are also many other players with outstanding strength, but in Zheng Qi's view, with their offensive ability , It will be easier for them to break through such a line of defense.

In the past, I had to pay attention to Wilson's filling and performance. Although he is not a full-time defensive player, his operation and filling ability are superb. It takes a lot of effort just to deal with him. Now he is not on the court. , Although the Knicks still have many top players, they still can't resist the impact of them in the game.

Of course, when Wilson was here, he couldn't take care of Fei Fei's three cores, but Fei Fei's current offense was much simpler after all.

"Looking at it this way, Boss Liu is a bit miserable. It depends on whether he can withstand the onslaught of the opponent." Zheng Qi said when he came out.

Bin Shiqiang and Shen Ruofei nodded at the same time, deeply agreeing.

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