football era

Chapter 940 Liu Shibo's Battle

"We are actually concentrating on every game, so I am not worried about everyone's performance at all."

There are still ten minutes before the start of the afternoon game, Zheng Qi said to all his teammates with a smile in the locker room.

He didn't mean to comfort his teammates by saying this, but he really thought so in his heart.

If there was a constant lack of concentration during last season's extraordinary game, it has practically disappeared this season.

They are very focused every game, because from the beginning, they have a big dream in their hearts.

This big dream is five crowns.

No team has ever achieved a goal. If you want to win, then of course you need to constantly concentrate your attention. Every game, you have to show a performance that is enough to defeat your opponent.

Of course it is very tiring to do so, but when you have a big goal and a big dream in your heart, you will not feel tired, but have a kind of happy feeling for this tiredness.

Now is the time to harvest.

Since this season, they have achieved countless outstanding results. They have won four championships, remained unbeaten throughout the season, and achieved the longest winning streak in the history of the league... These things add up to enough for their This season has become the greatest season in history.

Of course, the results they have achieved now have made this season enough to be a great season, but if they want to become the greatest season in history, they are still short of one thing.

The last champion in the five crowns, the World Cup champion.

Under such circumstances, it is even more impossible for them to relax in the game.

Even if a mere three days of rest does not make them really feel energetic, they will still concentrate their full attention.

"We have done enough training before... The Knicks are a strong team. They have many excellent players, but from a tactical point of view, they are nothing special. They are likely to confront us head-on. They want to use the whole to suppress us. Although we are unlikely to be suppressed by the opponent's whole, after all, we have less rest than them, and we are at a disadvantage in energy. They have racked their brains to create such a scene. The advantages brought by the scene are fully brought into play."

Speaking of this, Xu Shan laughed: "So we have to be patient and entangle with them patiently, and don't think that we are really at a disadvantage in energy... They will think so, but we don't have to think so. Even if only Three days of rest, we use the rotation normally, and it also allows us to play our due level at all times."

Extraordinary players nodded. Of course, they also knew that if the energy was not as good as the opponent, it meant that the opponent would always be able to overdraw more, such as allowing the main players to play more time, but this was only a part of the advantage.

If the advantage wants to be transformed into a victory, it needs to pay more.

And for most extraordinary players, it doesn't really matter whether they are full of energy or not.

No matter how tired they are, they will not be unable to contribute their strength on the field, because what they usually have to do in the game is really not complicated at all.

"If they want to fight, we will fight with them. Keep calm at all times. Victory belongs to us. Do you understand?" Xu Shan asked.

"Understood!" The extraordinary players answered loudly at the same time, then they got up, led by Zheng Qi, walked out of the locker room and walked to the court.

They may be the youngest team to enter the World Cup.

After all, it took them less than four years from their establishment to the semi-finals of the World Cup.

Even in the early days of the World Cup, the teams that can participate in the World Cup are often teams that have been established for a long time. Otherwise, how could they stand out in the domestic competition.

After the stratum of the top league gradually solidified, it became more and more difficult for newly established teams to achieve good results-even in the past classical professional football, it was a very long time for a team to spend money to achieve results. In the process, if you have a certain background before, you can quickly get results by spending money. If you have a poor background before, you will have to spend many years of money...

In the current football era, good results cannot be achieved immediately by spending money. In the Chinese league, Hongyuan is a good example. The consortium behind them surpasses most of the super leagues in terms of financial resources. The team, however, still can only increase the strength of the team step by step, because the top players are not moved by money at all, they themselves are a huge money printing machine, and only honor and status can move them.

Fei Fei was able to do this, and he had already performed extremely well.

When Fei Fei came on stage, cheers like a landslide and tsunami came from the stands.

This is, in reality, loud enough to form a huge avalanche.

Although the shouts could not be heard in the arena, the lights above the arena, which belonged to extraordinary colors, began to become extremely brilliant, suppressing the color of the lights representing the Knicks.

This means that in the stands, the extraordinary fans support the overwhelming majority.

But the Knicks players were not moved.

They have also experienced a lot of battles, and they have played against Chinese teams in the World Cup. You must know that in the World Cup, the support of the Chinese team will always be the first. Everyone is already used to this. ...

"They are very popular, so we don't need to have any other ideas... just use all our fighting spirit and beat them! Think about how we defeated Changfeng last year!"

During the final mobilization, Hotson said loudly.

The Knicks players responded one after another.

They are in excellent form now, and they are strong and fierce. In this state, they can show their best level.

The opponent is a tired team, and they have extremely strong confidence in this game.

Extraordinary players are much more peaceful.

"Remember, play steadily and entangle with them. In terms of endurance, we are not inferior to anyone, and no team can exploit loopholes better than us." Zheng Qi said to the extraordinary players.

The extraordinary players nodded their heads one after another.

Then Zheng Qi patted Liu Shibo on the shoulder.

"Your performance in this game is very important, understand?"

Liu Shibo nodded heavily.

Of course he understands this, so he also believes that this will be the most important battle in his career.

Both players are about to start their own game.

In the game, it was the Knicks who took the lead in attacking.

It may not be a good thing to kick off first, but it can also be a head start.

"Stable attack, take the ball first!"

When preparing to kick off, Hortson shouted loudly.

With Wilson by his side, and Miller, Williams and other main players on the court, the first goal will be very important.

A map emerges in front of everyone.

The battle of Chibi, the map is unobstructed.

After seeing this map, the Knicks fans couldn't help shouting, on such a map, strength and positive performance are often the most important. Even in the second half of the game, when the terrain began to change, the frontal confrontation And the most important.

And after the second half of the game, in order to avoid the changes in the terrain, more energy is needed, which is obviously more disadvantageous for Fei Fei, who has less energy.

But the extraordinary fans also shouted hello almost at the same time.

In their view, Feifan's overall strength can be better displayed on such an unobstructed field. In the face-to-face confrontation, Feifan has never lost this year!

Both sides are very confident, and the teams they support are equally confident.

But after the map appeared, Nix was a little dazed immediately when he went up and down.

The reason is simple. When the map appeared, they also saw the opponent's lineup.

Zheng Qi did not play, Shen Ruofei did not play, and Bin Shiqiang did not play.

Among the extraordinary four cores, only Liu Shibo played, and he appeared on the field with an extraordinary defensive lineup,

This kind of tactical deployment is actually considered normal. Fanfan often allows more cores to appear in the offensive lineup during the game, but Liu Shibo is only allowed to play alone at the beginning of the game. This is undoubtedly a huge change.

"They want to rest their core better... come on, break through their defense quickly, score goals, and keep them from resting!"

Hortson yelled in the team channel, and he reacted almost immediately - Fei Fei's tactical intentions are actually very obvious. If Liu Shibo can hold back the opponent more, then Fan Fei's energy The weakness will be made up bit by bit.

In the final analysis, the game is like this. In addition to the details of the confrontation, there is also a gradual change in the general trend.

The general trend is a very illusory thing, and it will not be immediately reflected in the process of the game, but it can be modified and made up for bit by bit through hard work.

Extraordinary wants to make such an effort now, and the Knicks need to let their such efforts fail.

The Knicks launched a fierce attack, and their overall formation began to move forward quickly, forcing Fan Fei to speed up his pace so that he could intercept the Knicks in the midfield.

The formations of the two sides began to move rapidly, and the next moment, a fierce confrontation was launched in the midfield.

Without the cover of the terrain, what the two sides are fighting for is nothing more than a frontal confrontation ability.

The advantage of the offensive side is that they can take the initiative to attack. For the defensive side, they need to pay more attention to be able to counter the attack that the opponent may launch at any time.

This is Liu Shibo's battle.

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