football era

Chapter 927 is different

Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang died depressed.

Agata did have enough players to protect her, and she was already at the back, so Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang had penetrated into the enemy line...

Going deep into the enemy's line and failing to achieve the original effect, of course the only way is to hang up.

Although their counterattack also took away two opponents' players, but using their two cores to replace the opponent's ordinary players, Fei Fan's attack of course suffered a lot, and it was hard to say.

"Depressed, how did this happen? Could it be that they thought of our attack method and dug such a hole on purpose?" Bin Shiqiang said depressingly.

With his rich experience, of course, he will not have mental fluctuations because of this, but this issue needs to be clarified.

"Maybe she wasn't protecting the football in the first place, because she is an alternative supporting core. In addition to supporting, she often rushes forward. Such a player would not be able to control the ball. We just didn't expect this." Zheng After thinking about it, I said.

"That makes sense. Next, we have to find out who usually controls the ball." Bin Shiqiang nodded.

Generally, a team will have players with fixed ball possession, and such players are basically played by the auxiliary core - there is a reason for this - other players must continue to participate in the front line, only the auxiliary will always In the back and relatively safe place, it is the best choice to let the auxiliary core control the ball.

However, since Agata is such an alternative support, it is not suitable for her to handle the ball. It is especially necessary to find the opponent's player who handles the ball, so that they can be better prepared for offense and defense.

"If they are like this, then they will take advantage of it." Bin Shiqiang said after thinking about it.

Zheng Qi nodded. That's true. The team facing Zenit for the first time will definitely suffer in this respect. Feifan is already a team that is very adaptable, so it still suffers such a disadvantage.

At this time, Extraordinary on the field has already begun to lose the upper hand.

The defensive side is always at a disadvantage, not to mention that Fei Fan suffered a big loss when he came up. The two cores only replaced the opponent's two ordinary players. After occupying such an advantage, Zenit immediately launched a fierce attack .

Shen Ruofei was entangled by Petronovich, while the other Zenit players started to attack.

Fei Fei resisted hard under Liu Shibo's command. They wanted to survive the ten seconds and wait until Zheng Qi and Bin Shiqiang returned to the court before launching a counterattack.

However, such a good opportunity, Zenit will not let it go easily.

When Liu Shibo was directing, Agata suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then Agata strikes.

One-on-one ability, Liu Shibo is actually very strong, even Shen Ruofei, he can resist for a while.

However, Agata's shot was quite weird.

Just after Liu Shibo finished commanding and had a fight with Sergey at the same time, Agata appeared.

The timing was extremely precise.

The next moment, Liu Shibo fell into a rigid state.

Agata's confinement skills gave Liu Shibo almost no time to dodge.

Liu Shibo had no choice but to suffer a wave of fire on the spot.

While Agata imprisoned Liu Shibo, other Zenit players started to focus on Liu Shibo's output at the same time. Even if Liu Shibo could handle it, he couldn't handle such an output.

So Liu Shibo became the third Extraordinary player to be sent out, and also the third Extraordinary core to be sent out.

The extraordinary fans watched this scene and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

They all know that the most powerful of Fanfan are undoubtedly these four cores. The number of times they die in each game can be counted on the fingers of the fingers, let alone when four people play at the same time. It's something that never happened!

And now it happened.

This made them feel involuntarily that this game was different from the past.

"As expected of a strong team in the World Cup, all four of our core players played, but three of us died..."

Many extraordinary fans have such worries in their hearts.

"It's no different. It's similar to other games. We just suffered a small loss because we were not familiar with each other's characteristics."

Zheng Qi said in the team channel: "They are different from the general team. Their auxiliary core does not control the ball and often participates in the offense... The timing can be grasped, that's all, we play well, Get a ball first."

The extraordinary players nodded their heads one after another.

After the three core players left the field just now, they finally failed to withstand Zenit's onslaught and were suppressed all the way to their own goal. It's not very useful. When the activity space is compressed, even if the overall performance is better than the other party, it is useless.

And now, it's time for Extraordinary to fight back.

"Should you all play again and recover the goal?" Su Jing suggested.

"No, it's just an ordinary game, so there's no need for such a hassle... Boss Bin, you and Brother Fei can play together." Zheng Qi said with a smile.

Extraordinary players nodded one after another. It had to be said that Zheng Qi was still their backbone. At this moment, the more relaxed Zheng Qi seemed, the more confident they were.

Playing in a normal rotation can still kill the opponent.

This is the confidence that Chinese champions have!

The next extraordinary lineup naturally began to rotate.

Shen Ruofei, Bin Shiqiang took the lead, and brought several players, such as Su Jing, Li Guorui, Niu Lihua, Jiang Xiaohan, on the stage. This is their offensive lineup.

However, at this time, the extraordinary players in the stands became even more worried.

The reason is simple, when the extraordinary rotation, Zenit did not rotate.

Their main lineup still all appeared on the field.

Obviously, this is to rely on the advantages of the lineup to block Fan Fei's attack first, even if it costs the main force more, it's fine.

This is obviously a bit unfair, because for Zenit, even if they overdraw in this game, there is no problem, but extraordinary must think a little further.

However, this is actually not unfair. If you want to win the five crowns, you have to endure such unfairness.

The extraordinary players have long been mentally prepared for this.

Didn't they all experience such scenes in domestic leagues and cups?

In the league, people from all walks of life are chasing and intercepting, and in the cup competition, people from all walks of life are still chasing and intercepting.

Changfeng and Tianhe, two super strong teams, one is chasing after them in the league, and the other is blocking them in the cup.

Under such circumstances, they still performed quite well, resisting Tianhe's fierce pursuit and Changfeng's frontal interception.

None of the four championships they have won so far this season was easy, and they were all very difficult. It can even be said that there was no championship before that was as difficult as they won.

Teams that fight out in such an environment are fearless.

Of course, after the game restarted, they didn't realize this. After all, if they didn't see each other, they wouldn't know what lineup the opponent had.

It wasn't until the two sides were about to get close that the extraordinary players realized that the opponent didn't rotate, but used all the main players.

"Be careful, they are still the main force." Bin Shiqiang immediately said in the team channel.

Shen Ruofei greeted him silently.

Under such circumstances, he can't have any fear.

After all, the opponent's attackers are also very good. Once you feel fearful, you really can't fight.

If you can gain the upper hand in the frontal confrontation, then you still have to fight, and at the same time, you can cause an extremely huge blow to the opponent!
As an offensive player, this is the method he can use.

Seeing that Shen Ruofei continued to rush ahead, Petronovich went forward unconvinced.

"Beat him, Yuvan!" Agata said in the team channel.

From her point of view, of course, it can be seen that under such circumstances, the only chance for Fei Fan to win is to gain an advantage in point-to-point confrontation, so that he can still score goals when all the main players of Zenit are on the field.

If they really achieve this tactical idea, then the pressure on Zenit will be great.

So you must not lose your momentum.

It was Agata's tactical arrangement to use Petronovich to resist Shen Ruofei, who had the strongest impact on the opponent, and then concentrate his forces to deal with Bin Shiqiang.

Petronovich rushed forward bravely.

Shen Ruofei greeted him even more bravely.

The two sides collided again, and after being frozen for a second, Petronovich flew back.

However, Shen Ruofei did not retreat this time, but continued to move forward bravely, and started chasing Peternovich.

"Damn, you're really stupid and bold!"

Peternovich was taken aback. He believed that Shen Ruofei's physical strength should have dropped a lot, which was about the same as his own. He had already started to retreat, but Shen Ruofei caught up. Why is he so confident?
The next moment, Su Jing's precise recovery skills fell on Shen Ruofei's head.

This is the source of Shen Ruofei's confidence.

The physical fitness of the two parties has dropped about the same, Shen Ruofei may have dropped a little less, but now, Su Jing's recovery skills have allowed him to recover at least [-]% of his combat effectiveness.

For a player like Shen Ruofei, as long as his stamina does not allow him to be killed by his opponent in a very short period of time, then he has nothing to fear.

"Damn it, why don't you restore it to me?"

Peternovich and Shen Ruofei, who bravely went forward, continued to be entangled. Shen Ruofei ignored the decline in physical fitness and began to output crazily. Peternovich barely resisted with his own reaction and operation. The operation level and attributes of the two were similar. Shen Ruofei may only be a little taller, which is not enough to form an advantage to suppress.

But now that his stamina was so much higher, it was enough to suppress him.

Agata's recovery skills did not come.

When Petronovich was suppressed, Agata instead retreated instead of advancing.

"I have found their auxiliary core position, please support me!" Agata said to Petronovich in the team channel.

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