football era

925 Genius

Chinese fans certainly have such confidence.

Since the establishment of the World Cup more than 80 years ago, the Chinese team has won nearly half of the championships, especially in the last six years, they have won five championships. From a league level, this has reached its peak, and it can even be said that it has surpassed other teams. The league put aside a considerable distance.

Although many times it will flourish and decline, for example, when Meng Feifei was invincible, the Chinese league was also in a prosperous age, and soon as Meng Feifei faded out, the Chinese league also fell into a trough for a long time, five or six years It was only after that that they won the World Cup once again, but before the trough came, the power of the current Chinese league still seemed extremely strong.

In particular, the difference from the previous prosperity was that the prosperity of the Chinese league was the only one in the southern country.

But this time the prosperous world is Changfeng, Tianhe, Feifan. These three strong teams will come on the stage after you sing, and they will come to the World Cup one by one to show their muscles, making the World Cup strong.

If they hadn't blocked Chang Feng last year, they would have lost even more face.

And this year, Extraordinary will once again hit the five crowns, which makes those strong teams feel even more depressed.

You guys, either don’t come, or keep coming. Last year, you were tired of blocking Changfeng once. This year, you will come again?Is it too much?
Zenit, of course, also has such a depressed mind.

However, no matter how depressed they are, they can only bite the bullet.

You must know that even a domestic giant like Zenit rarely has the opportunity to win five championships. For example, they continued to win the league this year. This is their seventh consecutive league championship. , but in the domestic cup competition, they lost to their opponents-it is not that there are no teams in Russia that can stop them. In the league, perhaps because the overall situation is worse, they cannot stop Zenit from advancing, but in the cup competition, they can often overshadow them. There are also three or four teams in the first place, and if they are a little careless, they will lose the cup.

And the qualifiers in Eastern Europe are not so easy to play, they have to put in a lot of energy.

Zenit had many chances to win the five championships in previous years, but in those few years, they lost to Changfeng twice and Tianhe twice, and they almost lost confidence in the losses.

Facing Fei Fei this time, they didn't have no self-confidence, but they thought that they must fight Fei Fei well.

If they can win extraordinary, they will have a chance to win the World Cup championship that they have lost for nearly ten years. For the Russian overlord Zenit, they are also very depressed that they are so many years away from the World Cup championship.

The last time they won the World Cup was exactly ten years ago. In the nine years since then, the Chinese team won five times, among which Changfeng won three times and Tianhe twice, the Knicks and Lakers from the United States won once each, Europe and South America He also won the championship once, so this situation made Zenit even more embarrassed.

Their domestic opponents have escalated from ridiculing their civil war insiders and outsiders to accusing them of monopoly, which has hindered the development of Russia's overall level...

So they are actually under a lot of pressure.

Facing the extraordinary, they need to perform better and beat them as much as possible, so as to build confidence in winning the World Cup.

Even if they lose, they must show the strength and performance that no other domestic team can show, to prove to everyone that Russia's conscience lies in Zenit, and they are not the main culprit that hinders Russia's overall level. But the other teams are too useless...

All countries have infighting, not to mention the teams that are eligible to participate in the intercontinental knockout rounds and the World Cup. There is only one country in a year.

If you get good grades, of course you will be blackmailed.

Not black means you are not popular - that's the reason.

In such anticipation, players from both sides played.

There are also quite a lot of fans from both sides in the stands. Of course, Chinese fans have an absolute advantage, but Russia is also a well-deserved big country. They also have a large number of fanatical fans in their country. At this time, they will also be unanimous to the outside world.

Although the number of fans who support Extraordinary is nearly three times more than the number of fans who support Zenit, but under such a terrifying order of magnitude, such a gap is nothing. After all, even if Chinese fans come to the scene There are tens of millions of Russian fans here, and there is not much difference between them.

When the two sides shouted, although they could not be evenly matched, it was impossible for the Russian fans to be completely suppressed by the other side.

It was in this atmosphere that players from both sides played.

When they played, they were all looking at each other. Of course, the top players have more feelings for the top players. Whether it is Zenit's big three or the extraordinary four cores, they are all observing each other, wanting to observe from the outside. Get to know each other better.

Peternovich was looking at Shen Ruofei, Sergey was looking at Liu Shibo, Agata was watching Zheng Qi, and of course they would not ignore the seemingly harmless Bin Shiqiang.

There are a few extraordinary people who are the core but don't focus on them. They all look at each other and see each other's members from beginning to end.

Although they can't see anything, they won't let them give up this seemingly meaningless practice. After all, they can lose anything, but they can't lose their momentum.

Of course, we can't just focus on these key players. After all, the main players of both sides are very good, and Fan Fei's substitute seems to be a bit weaker. But in the last game, Xu Yi and others have already demonstrated their level.

They are not here to mess around, they also have their own role and play.

"As soon as the confrontation begins, we can weigh the strength of the opponent." Xu Shan sat down on the coach's bench, and then said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan nodded. This is of course. At the beginning, both sides sent out all their main forces, which just showed how good the opponent's high-end strength is.

After understanding it, the tactical layout will be more targeted.

"Three lines, three cores, it seems a bit stiff, but it should not be that simple." Xu Shan said.

"Yeah, watching their videos, the little girl Agata is really a different kind of support. She can continue to support the opponent while rushing to the front line. It is not easy to do this, although I think Li Chengze can also do it. .” Meng Fan laughed.

"Well, the key is that she is still young, maybe she can really carry forward this tactic and create a new genre." Xu Shan nodded in agreement.

This is not an ordinary thing. If a new school is really created, no matter whether Agata has won outstanding honors or not, she can be called a great master who started a new school.

After all, from the era of football to the present, there are only a few tactical schools that can be spread and proven to be effective. Although as the level of players increases, the tactical schools are constantly introducing new ones, but at the core, they are actually Nothing has changed.

The orthodox frontal advance compresses the opponent's space for movement; relying on a strong personal frontal breakthrough, gradually reduces the opponent's effective strength after tearing apart the opponent's defense line.

To put it bluntly, all tactics can be classified into these two categories, but if Agata's tactics can have a truly effective effect, then there is no doubt that it is the third genre.

"Does the core take the lead, feel the opponent's flaws as soon as possible, and then launch an attack according to the situation? This genre has actually existed for a long time. If I really want to say, Zheng Qi can also be regarded as this genre, but this style of play is very harmful to the core. The requirements are too high, and Zheng Qi only adopts this kind of offensive tactic occasionally, after all, it consumes too much." Meng Fan replied with a smile.

Xu Shan thought about it, and found that this is really the case. Apart from the whole and the individual, the so-called third genre is nothing more than putting the core at a higher position. The position at the front not only plays a tactical role, but also Playing a strategic role—Meng Feifei had such a rudiment before, and later Li Chengze also used this kind of tactics occasionally. Lu Xiaotian was too lazy to think about that kind of tactics. He is more direct, so it is not considered this kind of genre. Zheng Qi There are many times when going forward to attack, it is also a similar genre.

This is the so-called third genre besides the overall stream and the individual stream—it can also be called the genius stream...

"In this case, wouldn't we have to face a genius?" Xu Shan couldn't help but say something after thinking about it.

"Then don't be afraid, don't we also have a genius? And there are more than one." Meng Fan laughed dumbly.

The players on the bench also laughed one after another. They are very relaxed at this time. After all, with an extraordinary level, even if they face Zenit, the possibility of victory is very high.

They are relaxed, but the players on the field can't act so relaxed.

No matter what game, when you play, you have to go all out.

"They attacked first," Zheng Qi said.

"Well, let's see the effect of their attack on this kind of terrain." Shen Ruofei replied.

The map of this game has also appeared in front of them.


The terrain is not complicated. It can be said that it is the same as Chibi. It is a very simple terrain with a wide field of vision. This kind of map is suitable for reckless fighting. It will not be until the second half that the Chu army's cavalry will rush out to make trouble, making both sides attack and defend. have been greatly affected.

Such a map is also very suitable for head-on confrontation and temptation, because in such a confrontation, both sides can be said to be able to display their overall level very well.

In this kind of map confrontation, unless the strength is much higher than the opponent, then you must do your best to be able to fight the opponent better.

Otherwise, if you want to stay strong, but the other party takes the lead, it will be a bit of a disadvantage.

This point, on the contrary, is more beneficial to the first attacking side.

"Exactly, let's see what kind of offense Zenit, which swept Eastern Europe, is capable of! I think they should be better at offense." Shen Ruofei said confidently.

His fighting spirit immediately ignited the passion of all extraordinary players!

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